Blockbuster price for land titles office, but did NSW get it right

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian has sold the land titles office for $2.6 billion.
NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian has sold the land titles office for $2.6 billion. Jessica Hromas

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian was full of reassurances on Wednesday that the sale of the state's land title and registry business for a spectacular $2.6 billion would not harm the integrity of its operations.

But only time will tell whether NSW has put in place adequate safeguards to ensure that the new owners have the necessary technical experience and expertise to avoid the sort of problems flagged by just about every stakeholder in the lead up to the sale.

The NSW Law Society and the Law Council of Australia both opposed the sale. They raised concerns about the risks posed when a well functioning government entity moves into the hands of a private operator.

The NSW Law Society was worried about the adequate protection of sensitive data, the continued implementation of best-practice anti-fraud measures and the potential loss of the expertise of existing staff.

The new owners of Land and Property Information (LPI) is a consortium led by Hastings Funds Management. The $2.6 billion purchase was funded with $1 billion in equity and $1.6 billion in debt supplied by 11 banks.

The actual breakdown of equity was: Utilities Trust of Australia $300 million, The Infrastructure Fund $200 million, Royal Bank of Scotland pension fund $200 million and First State Super $300 million.

Hastings, which manages UTA and TIF and a chunk of assets on behalf of the RBS pension fund, claimed that one of its big competitive advantages was the advice it received from Advara, a land registry consultant owned by the West Australian government.

NSW taxpayers can look forward to increased investment in sporting infrastructure with $1 billion earmarked for upgrading ANZ Stadium and refurbishing Allianz Stadium. The remaining funds will be invested in other infrastructure projects with 30 per cent going to projects in regional NSW.

Berejiklian got the highest price on the table. But did she get the best result in terms of technical expertise?

It has to be said that Advara is relatively new to the land registry business. It was spun out as a separate company last year. Its only contract is with its controlling shareholder, the government-owned Landgate.

Members of other consortiums bidding for LPI had much higher qualifications in terms of depth of experience than Advara.

The consortium led by Canada's Borealis Infrastructure included Teranet, a Canadian property search and registration business overseeing titles across the provinces of Ontario and Manitoba. Computershare was also in this consortium.

The Hastings consortium will now be required to proceed with the state government's commitment to digitise the conveyancing system in NSW. This is part of a national process of developing a single digital conveyancing platform.

NSW created the Office of the Registrar General to oversee LPI as it moves to electronic conveyancing.

The new owners have paid 20 times earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation. In other words, they have treated it as a typical long dated infrastructure asset with predictable cash flows.

The two key conditions of the sale are that prices charged by the land titles office cannot rise more than inflation and there is a four-year freeze on staff redundancies.