Last Update 16:6
Taha Abdel Alim's Articles
In a sudden reversal of his previously declared stand on not toppling the Syrian regime, US President Donald Trump ordered missile strikes and confounded analysts

Given the importance of a country's image overseas, all countries — including Egypt — seek to improve their image in order to boost their influence and realise their goals

The Egyptian revolution will not succeed until it establishes a new system that eliminates the causes of the revolution, which persist until now

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A project to expand the Suez Canal will draw investment - but Egypt will never realise its potential, economic and social, unless industry is put at the top of the list

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Egypt should manage the Nile water issue through an approach of cooperation and increased mutual gains, rather than conflict, as the Nile Basin produces enough useable water for everyone

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The Muslim Brotherhood is not interested in purging, but rather hijacking Egypt's judiciary

Unity and national strength is in a state of all its citizens; destruction and catastrophe is in division

Does the end really justify the means? Islamic and Egyptian history offers lessons evidently not being learned

The press has a great responsibility in providing a platform for all opinions, which is how it earns the protections of the law on press freedoms

Egypt has remained in a state of relative industrial backwardness until now due to its tendency to adopt anti-industry economic policies imposed by corrupt interests and the edicts of globalisation

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While the revolution appearing to be betrayed by the military and hijacked by the Muslim Brotherhood, it is perpetual as it is not yet completed and the only way forward is organised and ongoing political action

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Until now, no final decision has been made on the use of interest in monetary affairs under Islam, which alone feeds the confusion

The ruling military council should hand the political burden of navigating Egypt's transition to democracy to a broad based national salvation government

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Achieving a state of all of its citizens means securing economic and social justice within the context of the high-paced competitive environment of contemporary globalisation

Egypt should be for all Egyptians, without discrimination, with citizenship and human rights guaranteed for all

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Egyptians throughout history have sacrificed themselves for the unity and welfare of the nation

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Egyptian national identity is not about Islam, but rather about a shared homeland and history

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Making controversy about Islam in a society instilled with shared religious values is a diversion and a waste of energy; Islamists should stop posturing and adopt the principles of co-citizenship, tolerance and diversity

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The missing element of the agendas of consecutive Egyptian governments is industrialisation; the Revolution must not make the same mistake

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The freedom of disclosure and access to information must be set down in law if the country is to move forward intelligently

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