Last Update 22:4
Wednesday, 05 April 2017

Art Alert: Scorsese’s film Silence to screen in Alexandria

The adventure/ drama film is inspired by a Japanese historical era in 17th century

Ahram Online , Wednesday 5 Apr 2017
weekend performances
Views: 231
Views: 231

Directed by Martin Scorsese, Silence (2016) will be screened at Alexandria’s Jesuits Cultural Centre on 11 April.

The movie depicts two Portuguese Jesuit priests Sebastian Rodrigues and Father Francisco Garpue who find their long-missing mentor in Japan during the 17th century.

The film portrays a historical era when Japanese ruler Shogun Tokugawa denounced Christianity and was cleansing the country from Christians to prevent the spread of the religion.

Silence was nominated for an Oscar for Best Achievement in Cinematography. The two-hour film stars Andrew Garfield, Adam Driver, and Liam Neeson among others.


Tuesday 11 April, 7pm
Jesuits Cultural Centre, 298 Port Said St., Alexandria

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