Last Update 14:40
Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Turkey made historic decision with 25 million 'Yes' votes, Erdogan says

Reuters , AFP , Sunday 16 Apr 2017
Erdogan "Turkey"
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan arrives for a press conference in Istanbul, Turkey, April 16 (Photo:Reuters)
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Turkey has made a historic decision in backing an executive presidential system, President Tayyip Erdogan said, adding that the "Yes" camp had secured 25 million votes in Sunday's referendum, 1.3 million ahead of "No".

Erdogan, speaking from his official residence in Istanbul, said the referendum had closed the door on Turkey's long history of military intervention in government.

"Turkey for the first time in its history has decided with the will of the parliament and its people on such an important change," he said. "For the first time in the history of the Republic, we are changing our ruling system through civil politics. That is why it is very significant."

The Turkish President also said Sunday he could hold a referendum on reinstating the death penalty, after claiming victory in the vote on a new constitution that gives him greater powers.

"If it (a parliament bill) comes in front of me, I will approve it. But if there isn't support (from the opposition in parliament)... then what shall we do? Then we could have another referendum for that," Erdogan said in a televised speech in Istanbu, referring to capital punishment, as supporters chanted for its reintroduction.

Results from the state-run Anadolu news agency showed a narrow 51 percent lead for the "Yes" camp. Nearly all ballots had been opened for counting, Anadolu said, although a lag between opening and counting them could see the lead tighten even further.


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