Last Update 22:36
Sunday, 16 April 2017
Folk Arts
Egypt's first independent theatre troupe turned 30 this week
Away from its grand statues, the Egyptian Museum holds a fascinating collection of children's toys
Egypt's heritage is a field of rich folk culture, made possible by the life-sustaining Nile
This weekend marks a unique celebration of the country's folk heritage and the women who keep it alive
This week, the Egyptian Ministry of Culture honoured the head of customs and traditions at the Higher Folk Institute Nahla ...
Wamda has been putting on weekly performances of shadow puppets and Egyptian aragouz puppets for over a decade, enthralling a new generation
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Egyptians celebrate the birth of the Prophet Muhammad in a lively march by Sufi sects fromEl-Gaafari mosque to Al-Hussein ...
The Egyptian Archive for Folk Life and Folk Tradition receives the Arab e-Content Award for e-Culture and Tourism 2013
Event will feature rare photos of region's most celebrated mosques, along with rare art dating back to the Umayyad Period
The 70-year history of the San Francisco photography studio, located in the central Cairo district of Boulaq, contains many interesting pieces of Egyptian history
Sufism - the inner, mystical dimension of Islam - under discussion at Cairo University on 26 March
Renowned visual artist Helmi El-Touni's latest exhibition depicts Egypt's ongoing transitional phase in vivid folk colours
The Annual exhibition of pottery and tapestry handicrafts of Garagos Artists is back in town
From the heart of Upper Egypt, authentic handcrafts are now on exhibition in Cairo

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