Resistance and hope in the face of Trump #climatedenial – @takvera

Despite the climate denialism in a Trump administration, it will be difficult to stop the zero carbon transition already underway and driven by economic forces, with action by citizens, businesses and states. As the minutes ticked past midday with Trump’s inauguration on January 20, the website was swept clean of anything climate related. Obama’s […]

The ‘suffering’ of Peter Dutton and Scott Morrison – @Qldaah #auspol

The true victims of the refugee crisis on Nauru and Manus Island revealed.

China, United States ratify #ParisAgreement says @takvera while Australia fumbles in #Auspol

On Saturday China agreed to ratify the Paris Agreement according to the Guardian, with members of China’s National People’s Congress Standing Committee adopting “the proposal to review and ratify the Paris Agreement” on Saturday morning. China is the world’s largest greenhouse gas emitter with about 24 percent of total global emissions. The USA is second […]

Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop evades on #climate change risk to security reports @Takvera

Australia’s Foreign Minister Julie Bishop attended Washington for a series of meetings on security and terrorism. But equating climate change as a security threat was just too much for Julie Bishop, evading a journalist’s probing question and replying with some untruthful spin on the Government’s climate change ‘good story’. This story was originally published in […]