Aurizon Brisbane HQ occupied by #stopAdani climate protestors reports @takvera

Rail freight company Aurizon Headquarters in Brisbane was occupied by Adani protestors today. Aurizon have put in a funding application to the Northern Australian Infrastructure Fund (NAIF) to build the coal freight railway line from the Galilee basin to the coast at Abbot Point. Yesterday in Canberra 13 community organisations launched a major campaign that […]

#MarriageEquality in 2019: @burgewords says just you wait and see

After you’ve done all the lobbying, it seems what you have to do in Australia to achieve LGBTIQ equality, is wait. MARRIAGE Equality will be legislated in Australia no sooner than 2019. I know many will fly into a rage about that assertion, but let’s get real for a few moments: the current Coalition will never independently instigate […]

Coral bleaching: #GreatBarrierReef cooking in a marine heatwave while Turnbull dithers on climate – reports @takvera

Record sea surface temperatures in the coral sea are again threatening massive coral bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef for the second year in a row. If sea surface temperatures don’t cool in the next few weeks, this will be the first time there has been back to back bleaching on this massive scale. “In […]

Resistance and hope in the face of Trump #climatedenial – @takvera

Despite the climate denialism in a Trump administration, it will be difficult to stop the zero carbon transition already underway and driven by economic forces, with action by citizens, businesses and states. As the minutes ticked past midday with Trump’s inauguration on January 20, the website was swept clean of anything climate related. Obama’s […]

Who do we seek to persuade? Climate change and right-wing populism – @JanB_QLD

“We need to stop doing these things that aren’t working. They’re not just not working; they’re creating a problem now.” The success of Pauline Hanson’s One Nation was the story of the 2016 Federal Election and its implications have occupied commentators, journalists, community and family members, over the past six month. It has been fascinating to observe the […]

Photo Gallery: #ReefNotCoal rally in Melbourne – photos by @takvera

Environmental organisations including the Australian Conservation Foundation, Australian Youth Climate Coalition, Greenpeace and others organised a rally event in Melbourne to ‘shine a light on the reef’ after Monday’s Federal Court judicial review announcement found that Environment minister Greg Hunt’s approval of the Adani Carmichael coal mine followed the legal process. The Coal from the […]

UNESCO report on Heritage sites affected by #climatechange censored in #ReefGate scandal reports @takvera

A UNESCO report identifies World Heritage sites at risk from climate change, but there is no mention of Australian sites in the report. The Australian Government requested that all mentions be deleted, and this was complied with by UNESCO. This censorship of science should raise many questions. Professor Will Steffen’s statement on ReefGate from the […]

Perth HQ of Chevron, BP targeted by #Breakfree2016 climate activists – @takvera

The protest included a march and street sit-in, office occupation, and a sit-in occupation in the foyer of the QV1 building, the Perth Headquarters for BP and Chevron in Western Australia. John Englart reports using social media. Perth is home to the largest concentration of oil and gas companies with more than 300 international companies […]

Refugee activists occupy Immigration offices to #BringThemHere #Melbourne – @takvera

In a snap action refugee activists called a rally on short notice in Melbourne followed by a march and civil disobedient occupation of Commonwealth immigration offices. Online reporting by John Englart. [View the story “Refugee activists occupy Immigation offices to #BringThemHere #Melbourne” on Storify]

#climate protestors close down Newcastle coal port for #Breakfree2016 as #ausvotes called – @takvera

When the politics has failed in taking necessary rapid climate action, more people will step up, to protest, to put their bodies on the line in civil disobedient actions. As part of the Global BreakFree mobilisation Australians blockaded Newcastle coal port on Mothers Day, Sunday 8 May 2016. This article is derived from John Englart’s […]