Building Futures

The security and stability of WPI housing creates long lasting effects on the lives of our tenants.  Secure, safe, and affordable housing is the foundation for building positive futures and creating new beginnings.  But the need for this type of housing is great and supply is low.  We need to build more,but we need your help to do it.  Hence the creation of the Building Futures campaign. Every dollar donated to this campaign will directly contribute to our next housing development. Our goal is to raise $200,000 which we estimate will allow us to build another multi-dwelling development housing up to 10 at risk women and children. A permanent solution to a long-term problem.  To learn more about the work of WPI and the impact it has the lives of our tenants, check out the video. To donate to this campaign, please click the donate now button at the top of this page. Thanks for your support!

Latest News

  • Social Enterprise from both sides of the fence

    WPI's social enterprise, Property Initiatives Real Estate (PIRE), featured at Social Traders Generosity Forum 2017 - here WPI/PIRE CEO Jeanette Large and Natalie Elliott from William Buckland Foundation discuss the journey from proposal to funding, and the partnership with philianthropy via non-traditional grant making, to create more sustainable social impact.

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WPI tenants share their stories about how their lives have changed since having a place to call home