Commonwealth Ombudsman investigating @AFPmedia’s handling of #Choppergate affair: @Jansant reports

The Commonwealth Ombudsman is investigating the Australian Federal Police (AFP) (@AFPmedia) over their handling of the Bronwyn Bishop MP, #Choppergate affair, after a complaint was lodged by No Fibs co-publisher, Tony Yegles (@geeksrulz). The Ombudsman probe will include: “the AFP’s use of discretion in relation to its application of the Minchin Protocol” “the AFP’s explanation […]

#choppergate ‘investigation’ Fact Check by @margokingston1

The AFP and the Department of Finance are playing pass-the-parcel on investigating the legality of Bronwyn Bishop’s helicopter trip to Geelong for a Liberal Party fundraiser. It’s a complicated game of obfuscation that counts on confusing voters. So here are the facts. 1. Applicability of the Minchin Protocol to the AFP When Labor and several members […]

The fruitless push for a Parliamentarians’ code of conduct

By Rose Iser 16 October 2013 The latest spate of entitlements scandals is unlikely to bring about a code of conduct for federal parliamentarians given that, for the past 40 years, multiple attempts to enact a code have failed. Since 1975, federal leaders and parliamentarians have investigated the possibility of a code of conduct, but reports […]

How will Media, Finance and AFP handle the evidence that the PM is a cheat?

By Margo Kingston, 8 October, 2013 It looks like the Prime Minister is a serial cheat. It’s hard to imagine a bigger test of the integrity and fairness of our democratic institutions than that. Will the press gallery get forensic and press for answers from the PM and action from the authorities? Will the AFP investigate? […]

Is @TonyAbbottMHR really ‘volunteering’?

By Margo Kingston 15 July 2013 For as long as I’ve been on Twitter tweeps have questioned the correctness of Mr Abbott’s claiming travel allowance from taxpayers for his ‘volunteer’ activities. Just yesterday @phonytonyabbott posted a piece detailing his expenses for surfing, fun runs and cycling. I am advised that Mr Abbott can claim these activities […]

#Battlerort: Your guide to how Abbott charged taxpayers for his book tour

By Chris Smith, Citizen Journalist 12 July 2013 The Parliamentary Entitlements rules governing Abbott’s expenses claims There are several types of parliamentary entitlements involved in the #Battlerort story. The initial letter to Tony Abbott outlined three of these entitlements. The first, travel at Government expense, was at the time authorised under clause 2.1 of Remuneration Tribunal […]

Twitter’s #Battlerort questions for @TonyAbbottMHR

Please add any additional questions into the comments sections. ABC Newcastle interviews Margo Kingston on Citizen Journalism   [View the story “#BattleRort The unanswered questions” on Storify] Read More: Fairfax: ‘Ashbygate’ saga pursued by internet-funded activists EXCLUSIVE: Abbott forced to repay $9,400 he charged taxpayers to promote his book Abbott’s #Battlerort lines collapse under @bkjabour questioning – […]

Abbott’s #Battlerort lines collapse under @bkjabour questioning

By Margo Kingston 9 July, 2013 Today’s original Abbott #BATTLERORT transcript was kindly transcribed by Dr Lachlan Hinds – @Doclach, and Brock Turner – @Turlow1. There are errors and lies throughout – have a go at finding them by reading the letters in EXCLUSIVE: Abbott forced to repay $9,400 he charged taxpayers to promote his book. […]

EXCLUSIVE: Abbott forced to repay $9,400 he charged taxpayers to promote his book

By Margo Kingston 6 July, 2013 The Opposition leader, Mr Abbott, was forced to repay taxpayers nearly $9,400 after receiving travel expenses to promote his book Battlelines in 2009. The repayment occurred after Mr Abbott publicly denied the allegation through a spokesman, who stated: “All travel undertaken by Mr Abbott has been within the entitlement. This […]

A familiar AFP smell over Slipper and #Ashby

Update 15 July, 2013 FINANCE STATEMENT ON SLIPPER SUMMONS: Pyne wrong on Lateline In the light of a media report this week which contradicted my report that someone other than the Finance Department referred the 2010 travel claim by Slipper to the AFP which resulted in his prosecution I emailed the Finance Department for clarification.This […]