Adani’s Abbot Point #coal contamination of Caley Valley #wetlands reports @takvera

Adani’s coal export terminal at Abbot Point was in the direct path of Category 4 Cyclone Debbie. There was reason to expect a large storm surge, but this did not occurr, but the destructive winds and torrential rain caused Adani to release a large amount of contaminated water into the adjacent wetlands and ocean. On […]

Greens dare criticize coal and climate policies during #CycloneDebbie reports @takvera

Those uppity Greens are daring to speak about climate change while severe Tropical Cyclone Debbie beat the shit out of the Whitsunday Islands (Read this report of Hamilton Island), Proserpine and Bowen, and now threatens extensive flooding from torrential rainfall for central and SE coastal Queensland. The accusatory tone from Malcolm Turnbull and other Liberal […]

Coral, coal, climate change and storm surges with #CycloneDebbie – @takvera

Tropical Cyclone Debbie is forecast to cross Central Queensland coast on Tuesday morning as a Category 4 Severe tropical cyclone. It will bring destructive winds greater than 200km per hour plus a storm surge with a king tide innundating low lying coastal properties, and torrential rain causing flooding. It is also cooling sections of the […]

Aurizon Brisbane HQ occupied by #stopAdani climate protestors reports @takvera

Rail freight company Aurizon Headquarters in Brisbane was occupied by Adani protestors today. Aurizon have put in a funding application to the Northern Australian Infrastructure Fund (NAIF) to build the coal freight railway line from the Galilee basin to the coast at Abbot Point. Yesterday in Canberra 13 community organisations launched a major campaign that […]

Victoria pioneering climate #justtransition package for #Hazelwood coal workers reports @takvera

A special $20 million worker transfer package was announced today for workers affected by the closure of Engie’s Hazelwood Power Station. This will allow early retirement for workers at other LaTrobe Power stations creating places for Hazelwood workers that want to continue their careers in power generation. This transfer package is an important component of […]

Fracking, Western Power privatisation issues as Western Australia goes to the polls #WAvotes – @takvera

Fracking is in it’s relative infancy in Western Australia, but is at the stage where it could be substantially expanded to encompass the Kimberley, the grain belt and south-west. Author Tim Winton has made an impassioned plea in the lead up to the Western Australian state election due to be held on 11 March, on […]

Community campaign wins permanent #fracking ban in Victoria reports @takvera

To ensure it’s clean green reputation of it’s agricultural sector, and to guarantee the health of rural farming communities Victoria became the first Australian state officially banning fracking. It was motivated by a strong community lead campaign for a ban on gas exploration from 2011. Legislation was passed in the Victorian Legislative Council, the upper […]

#Solar Feed-in minimum tariff to double for Victorian Solar citizens reports @takvera

The minimum Feed-in tariff for solar PV owners in Victoria will more than double due to changes the Dan Andrews Labor Government has made to the regulation of pricing for solar PV owners. Current minimum feed-in rate is 5 cents per kilowatt hour. Victoria’s independent regulator, the Essential Services Commission (ESC), has determined the new […]

Coral bleaching: #GreatBarrierReef cooking in a marine heatwave while Turnbull dithers on climate – reports @takvera

Record sea surface temperatures in the coral sea are again threatening massive coral bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef for the second year in a row. If sea surface temperatures don’t cool in the next few weeks, this will be the first time there has been back to back bleaching on this massive scale. “In […]

Victorian Liberals declare war on #renewable targets, jobs, investment reports @takvera

The Liberal party in three states – Victoria, South Australia and Queensland – vowed to drop state based renewable energy targets if elected. This follows Federal Liberal Party war on renewables and climate policy conducted since Abbott took power in 2013, continued under Prime Minister Turnbull. While climate action at the Federal level has followed […]