Abbott Government back in International Criminal Court hot seat over #refugees: @jansant reports

The International Criminal Court (@IntlCrimCourt) in The Hague (ICC) is analysing additional information it has recieved, adding to information previously received, to determine if members of the Australian Government have a case to answer for alleged crimes against humanity. Confirmation was received by lawyer and migration agent Tracie Aylmer (@taylmer), in a letter (below) yesterday, […]

When has the suspension of the rule of law ever been a win for humanity? asks Fr Rod Bower @FrBower

A version of this piece first appeared on Anglican Parish of Gosford Facebook page. There is a great evil being perpetrated in the name of the Australian people and up until this point in time, with the compliance of the majority. That popular amenability must now quickly become a minority if Australia is not to […]

Tony Abbott’s Royal Commission blunders: @madwixxy comments on #TURC

As we enter the final days of the public hearings of the Trade Union Royal Commission I find myself in the peculiar position of agreeing with John Howard. John Howard told Janet Albrechtsen in an interview of his unease with the way Tony Abbott and George Brandis used the Royal Commission process as a means to achieve […]

Cigar wielding wealthy motorist entitlements: the @sarah_capper column

Sitting on the train, surrounded by other poor people, sans cars, it’s hard not to wonder whether the Abbott Government is becoming increasingly out of touch with its constituents. Sure, there are a lot of discrepancies on public transport – for example, on the not-so-rough Sandringham line, taking in Melbourne’s bayside suburbs, I’m guessing some […]

Hockey’s lie – one month’s work to pay for welfare: @e2mq173 comments

Treasurer Joe Hockey made another impassioned speech last week to justify his government’s savage cuts to welfare and social services. His key message was that the “average working Australian, be they a cleaner, a plumber or a teacher” in this country must work more than one month a year to pay for someone on welfare.  […]

School chaplains – God knows why: @e2mq173 comments

  The school chaplaincy program is wasteful and indefensible government policy. Not only is the basis fundamentally flawed, it is one of the few areas of the budget that has consistently increased in cost with no discernible outcome. Prime Minister Howard announced a $90 million school chaplaincy scheme in 2006. Between 2007 and 2010 funding for […]

Selling the Budget, @YaThinkN is here to help #Auspol

Normally when the Federal Budget comes out we punters get rather amused at the excitement we see in the media. We giggle at seeing Kochie from Sunrise get his jollies about being in lock up, but unless there is some blatantly nasty stuff in the budget that will hit our hip pockets, we really don’t […]

Corporate Australia – is that the best you can do? @e2mq173 comments

In an interview on ABC TV’s The World, BHP Billiton CEO Andrew Mackenzie defended the Abbott/Hockey budget, saying the change in the national conversation about economic contribution would prevent a decline in Australia’s standard of living. In other words, you’re either an economic contributor – or you’re not. Mr Mackenzie’s comments reflect an underlying worldview […]

Abbott’s Green Army a Trojan horse? @e2mq173 comments

There are many reasons for criticising PM Tony Abbott and Treasurer Joe Hockey’s first budget – it is brutal, short-sighted and mean-spirited. One of the few budget themes commentators have not discussed widely is the impact on Australia’s environment. Landcare was established in the 1980s in regional Victoria and is regarded as a successful model […]

Restoring integrity in politics: @Sally_Owl on what citizens can do

Integrity, Decency, Transparency and Accountability Four words that mean the difference between goodies and baddies, to put it into terms our Prime Minister will understand. So what do these four words that motivated 100,000 people to March in March really mean? Integrity is the adherence to moral and ethical principles.  It is demonstrating a sound […]