Abbott’s attack on ABC proves politicians are free press chameleons – @journlaw reports

[clear] By Mark Pearson  @journlaw 5th February 2014 Politicians are free expression chameleons. Regardless of their political colours, they are inevitably staunch advocates of a free media and the free flow of information while in opposition. When they win government they tend to shut down criticism and negative press by implementing policies and passing laws to limit […]

Let’s deepen MSM-citizen collaboration to ask government for data we can mine, by @Info_Aus

By Rosie Williams, 10 January, 2014 Source: In this report called Life in the Clickstream: The Future of Journalism, Australia’s Media Alliance discusses the ways in which new technologies and economic events in recent years have put the future of an entire industry under threat. The internet brought with it a cultural expectation that content be […]

Time for citizen action on MP travel scams: @budget_aus has a go

[clear] By Rosie Williams 20 October 2013 I have been working to improve Australia’s budget transparency for a year now. I built the first ever implementation of the entire federal budget as an online searchable database at BudgetAus. The database allows you to search across every agency and portfolio, providing a total of spending (with all forward years […]

It’s time, Finance and AFP: Randall’s Cairns claim must be investigated

[clear] By Margo Kingston 20 October, 2013 OK, we’re starting to get to the pointy end of the political travel rorts scandal. My understanding of the Don Randall matter is this. In November 2012 the Perth MP and a family member flew to Cairns for an overnight stay. . He claimed the $5259 trip was “electorate […]

How will Media, Finance and AFP handle the evidence that the PM is a cheat?

By Margo Kingston, 8 October, 2013 It looks like the Prime Minister is a serial cheat. It’s hard to imagine a bigger test of the integrity and fairness of our democratic institutions than that. Will the press gallery get forensic and press for answers from the PM and action from the authorities? Will the AFP investigate? […]

Abbott’s #Battlerort lines collapse under @bkjabour questioning

By Margo Kingston 9 July, 2013 Today’s original Abbott #BATTLERORT transcript was kindly transcribed by Dr Lachlan Hinds – @Doclach, and Brock Turner – @Turlow1. There are errors and lies throughout – have a go at finding them by reading the letters in EXCLUSIVE: Abbott forced to repay $9,400 he charged taxpayers to promote his book. […]

Federal Press Gallery list revealed

  MARGO: Everyone know journos can’t keep a secret, but they’ve somehow managed to keep the list of Federal Press Gallery members secret from the general public. Until now. We’ve published two pieces on the PG triggered by its refusal to allow @callumdav to join as a reporter for @independentaus; Your guide to the Press […]

Mr Abbott, where the bloody hell are you?

  [gigya src=”” flashvars=”TimeZone=GMT1100&From=2010,8,16,21,30,59&Title=ON THE RUN” width=”320″ height=”20″ wmode=”transparent” ]   By Luke Mansillo March 23, 2013 Source: @mansillo I have decided to submit a video question to Q&A. It’s quite rare for me to take such drastic steps such as engaging with actual pollies but this is something I felt I needed to get to […]