
Floats & IPOs

Code Company Name Expected Float Date Issue Expected Close Date
CTI Visioneering Technologies, Inc. 27/03/2017 0.42 16 Mar 2017
GMV G Medical Innovations Holdings Limited 31/03/2017 0.20 09 Mar 2017
MAG Magmatic Resources Limited 24/03/2017 0.20 10 Mar 2017
MEC Morphic Ethical Equities Fund Limited 03/05/2017 1.10 19 Apr 2017
MOB Mobilicom Limited 05/05/2017 0.20 14 Apr 2017
RTE Retech Technology., Co Limited 20/04/2017 0.50 27 Feb 2017
SCT Scout Security Limited 21/04/2017 0.20 31 Mar 2017

Stock Watch

Investors observe stock market at an exchange hall on March 5, 2016 in Nanjing.

Go defensive to ride out a China slowdown

The peaking of China's nominal growth cycle should lead Australian investors to favour defensive, locally-focused sectors, according to Bank of America Merrill Lynch.