
“We’re sorry for the delay.
Is everybody ready?”

We finally settled and got the keys TODAY for the new Cherry Bar.


It’s less than 400 metres from AC/DC Lane (our former home).

Where exactly? You guessed the old Pony now Boney Bar, 68 Little Collins Street, City. Perfect.

230 capacity and 7-day 24-hour Licence. Look out Melbourne!

We will be closed for 3 weeks doing a “Cherry refit” at our exciting new digs.

So see you in early December Cherry Massive.

Looking forward to writing the next chapters with you Cherry Bar Melbourne lives on, rocks on and rides on!

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Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, shoes and outdoor

Not only are TOOL coming.

But for a change, Melbourne gets the Saturday night show! 22 Feb 2020.

I expect we’ll get 2 shows too...

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