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Drunk soldiers blamed for Manus rampage

Provincial police commander David Yapu has slammed the "unethical and unacceptable behaviour of the drunken soldiers" who went on a violent rampage at the Manus Island detention centre on Good Friday.

Inspector Yapu said the soldiers assaulted refugees, his policemen, PNG immigration officers and service providers and caused extensive damage to property and vehicles.

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Manus detainee videos during alleged gunfight

A detainee has told of his fears as a gunfire rings out at the Manus Island detention centre on Friday evening.

More than 100 detainees have signed a formal complaint, accusing Australian Border Force and Wilson Security of failing to protect those injured during the rampage.

Inspector Yapu said the soldiers were retaliating after one of their colleagues was allegedly assaulted during an altercation between Navy personnel and refugees who were playing soccer in the Navy base that surrounds the detention centre.

Their account is rejected by Sudanese refugee Hass Hassaballa, who has filed a written complaint accusing a "drunk Navy man" of abusing and then assaulting him with others as he was leaving the soccer pitch to return to the centre.

Another asylum seeker has requested further medical treatment after being hit by stones during the rampage, saying he is still bleeding from a head injury.


"I am not feeling safe here," he says.

Human rights and church groups have renewed calls for about 900 asylum seekers on Manus Island to be brought to Australia while applications for resettlement in the United States are processed.

While police say shots were fired into the air during the violence, refugees and one other source insist shots were fired into two compounds and have released pictures of damage.

A witness who asked not to be named said a Naval member approached the centre with an automatic weapon and began firing randomly at the staff and into the centre.

"Chaos immediately broke out as all centre staff desperately tried to run from the gunman and were ordered to take refuge inside the central area of the centre and lock themselves inside," he said.

"It appeared that at least one more gunman arrived with what sounded like a shotgun and both proceeded to walk along the perimeter fence and fire rounds randomly into the centre for approximately five minutes, firing well over 100 rounds."

Inspector Yapu described the situation at the centre as "quiet but tense" on Sunday, and said intervention by the Commanding officer of the Naval Base, Begsy Karaki, had stopped the incident from getting out of hand.

A senior PNG immigration officer and an asylum seeker had been treated at the centre's medical service and discharged, he said. Asylum seekers say three other detainees were hurt.

"Only a day ago the PNG Defence Force Chief of Staff Colonel Numa addressed the commanders' parade and made some good comments to the solders to maintain high level of discipline, professionalism and leadership," Inspector Yapu said.

"However, this message had gone to deaf ears and the soldiers showed disrespect to the international and local community at the centre."

Inspector Yapu has set up a team to investigate the incident, and vowed to "leave no stones unturned" in dealing with the perpetrators. "Someone will answer," he said.