We could all use a bit of this "grandma magic".

Paul Sweeney's photo.
Paul Sweeney

My hero is Mum. When I got my own police station she knitted me a teddy bear. I was hoping for a coffee mug.
I said “Mum I’m too old for a teddy bear.”
She said... “Firstly, you’re not. No one is. Secondly, it’s not for you. It’s a trauma bear, for any kid you think needs it.”
Three months later I’m asking a little boy to do a big job. There was a scared bear in my police truck that needed looking after. And, while his world dissolved in sirens and lights that boy kept that bear safe and took him home.
Mum has made hundreds of things since. Trauma bears for victims of crime, quilts to warm rehabilitating drug addicts during the chill of withdrawal, booties and mittens for premature babies. There’s something in the stitching, a kind of grandma magic I suppose.
The photo is me dropping of some more bears and quilts. Mum’s my hero and, since she’s not on Facebook, if you message me I’ll pass it on.

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More than 40 years after he invented the Heimlich manoeuvre, Dr Henry Heimlich has used it to save someone's life.

The 96-year-old was having a meal when he noticed the woman next to him was choking and jumped up to help.

"God put me in this seat right next to you, Dr. Heimlich, so you could save my life."
theoptimist.com.au|By Peter Holley

Alyssa, 19, has become the youngest Australian to climb Mount Everest.

She reached the summit on her third try, after being stopped in previous years by an avalanche and an earthquake.

After two previous attempts, it was third time lucky.
theoptimist.com.au|By Toby Crockford

Candace Payne, the mum who caught the world's attention by trying on a Chewbacca mask while she sat in her car, has met the director of Star Wars.

And he put the mask on too.

And they wear the masks together.

A former NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration engineer plans to use drones to plant up to 36,000 trees a day to tackle deforestation.

"The only way we're going to take on these age-old problems is with techniques that weren't available to us before."

Facebook has introduced its most important update yet: one that brings us puppies 24 hours a day.

Finally, the internet brings us something useful.
theverge.com|By Nick Statt

After Craig saved two Middle Eastern people during the Cronulla riots, he developed PTSD, left his job and lost his house and marriage.

Now, the Muslim community has come together to raise more than $8000 to help him get back on his feet.

"Seeing that the public appreciate what I did, that's worth more than anything to me."
theoptimist.com.au|By Rachel Olding, Georgina Mitchell

Grandma Livia's contouring transformations have taken the internet by storm.

For this octogenarian, falsies means lashes, not teeth.
theoptimist.com.au|By Kathleen Lee-Joe

When Thelma Healy couldn't afford to travel to Korea to visit her son's grave, a Korean woman stepped up to take her place.

Two mothers separated by language, culture and 15,000km become united by the grief of a missing son and husband.

"I learned about the depths of sadness and the brutality of loss. But I also learned that when life sucks you under, you can kick against the bottom, break the surface and breathe again." -- Sheryl Sandberg


The oldest living person in the world is a raw-egg-eating, brandy-drinking Italian woman who credits her long life to her daily eggs, her early bedtime and being single.

“My word, I’m as old as the hills.”
theoptimist.com.au|By Colby Itkowitz

Mathematicians at UNSW (The University of New South Wales) have discovered a way to cut a cake so each person ends up with a fair share.

The method, called Fair Allocation, should work for even a huge and rowdy group of kids at a birthday party.

Posted by The Optimist

An Indian woman in her 70s is still celebrating nearly a month after she became a mother for the first time.

Daljinder Kaur Gill said she is not worried about parenting at her age, because her happiness will give her strength.

"As long as you have breath in your body, keep trying to fulfil your dreams."

Magnolia started modelling after she was discovered in a shopping centre in Darwin last year.

Now, the 19-year-old will be the first Aboriginal woman to represent the Northern Territory in Miss World Australia.

"Anything is possible if you continue to do it and you work hard."
theoptimist.com.au|By Jenny Noyes

A pilot has flown 40 pets back to their owners after they were evacuated from a fire zone in Canada.

Cats, dogs, rabbits, chinchillas and a hedgehog were allowed to ride in the plane's cabin, which is usually against the rules, for the short journey to be reunited.

Many residents were barred from entering Fort McMurray to get their animals after a wildfire spread quickly.

Two police officers will be recognised after they saved a man's life when he had a heart attack while he was driving.

The officers, helped by a neighbour, pulled the man from his car and gave him CPR, which was "critical in saving his life".

"They pulled him out and brought him back to life."
theoptimist.com.au|By Georgina Mitchell

So lovely. The moment a man was reunited with his dog, Chaos, two years after he was stolen and presumed to be gone forever.

Winnebago County Animal Services

You will want to read this story!!

Homeward Bound!!
“This is just a miracle!” These words came from the man who thought he would never ...see his dog again, until today!
Roughly 2 years ago Jose of Columbus, Wisconsin fell on hard times. He was going through a divorce, lost his house, became homeless and had no choice but to live in his vehicle. Jose got Chaos as a puppy and according to Jose, “Chaos helped me through so much in my life, I took him everywhere with me!” He is a very large dog with a lot of energy who had earned the name Chaos, so Jose knew that he needed to find a better temporary living situation for his furry best friend. A friend of a friend took Chaos and three months later Jose was back on his feet. Sadly, the friend refused to give the dog back, leaving Jose heartbroken. “I didn’t think I would ever see my dog again,” said Jose.
Oddly enough, this past Wednesday, a Winnebago County Services staff member was at home in South Beloit and found a dog in her driveway. An Animal Services Officer came out and brought the dog back to the shelter. The dog was wearing a collar with a 2014 National Identification Number.
On Thursday, April 28, Jose was going through his emails and he had received a microchip renewal notice. It was time to update his microchip information for Chaos. Jose became upset and disheartened. He began to reminisce on his lost friend wondering what happened to him. He began to scroll through old photos of Chaos. Suddenly, the phone rang!
Thursday afternoon, a shelter staff member called the phone number that was associated with the ID number. Thankfully, Jose had the same contact information. The staff member informed Jose that his dog is at Winnebago County Animal Services. Jose excitedly said, “Choas?!" and he began to cry! “I was speechless and I couldn’t stop smiling. I just couldn’t believe it."
Jose came to pick up Chaos at the shelter this morning! We took a minute to sit down with him to ask him a few questions about how he was feeling and the background story behind Chaos. “I couldn’t get to the shelter fast enough," said Jose. "I couldn’t wait for it to open so I could see Chaos! I left at 8 am today and had an hour and a half drive, so I was very anxious!”
When we asked Jose about the importance of microchipping he said, “I did debate getting the microchip for Chaos because at that time, it was all about affordability. I was living paycheck to paycheck and was worried about food and shelter. But I just had this feeling that it was the best thing to do, and it turned out to be the best thing I ever did! Honestly, without that chip, I know in my heart, that I would’ve never seen him again.”
We recorded the reunion of Jose and Chaos and it is a total tear jerker! Chaos was very scared, nervous, and timid at first…. Watch the video below to see Chao’s reaction!
After Jose was reunited with Chaos he states, “I couldn’t be any happier, I feel amazing!”
Jose did get another dog in the past two years. Therefore, he was a little nervous about how they would get along. We were so happy when Jose called the shelter later this afternoon to check in. He said that his two dogs were getting along great! “As soon as they met, they started playing and running around acting like they have been together since they were puppies!!”
He also mentioned that the drive home was very eventful and heartfelt. Once Chaos finally settled down in the car after trying to get into Jose’s lap while driving, Chaos just put his head on Jose’s shoulder the entire hour and a half ride home. Jose gave Chaos a bath and cleaned his teeth once playtime was over. Jose also decided to surprise his children and that was exactly the reaction once they saw Chaos for the first time in years once they got home from school!
“I haven’t been happier! This has taken a huge weight off of my shoulders and has made my entire week! Thank you so much to all of your staff for all you do. I will always appreciate you!”
Jose’s advice to any animal owners out there, “Pay the microchip fee! That fee versus never seeing your dog again is totally worth it!”

Please do not underestimate the power and importance of microchipping your pets. Jose was so nice and humble and we couldn’t be happier for him and Chaos. Thank you for microchipping and coming to pick up your long lost furry friend! He had been looking for you all along!
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