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It's OK to be a tiny bit afraid of Cara Delevingne eyebrows, but they're worth it

So we know that thick, furry caterpillar-style eyebrows are a thing. They were thickening up around 2009 but then in 2012 model Cara Delevingne and her unabashedly bushy brows burst onto the scene – the Burberry fashion show to be precise – and changed everyone's lives. 

I said she changed lives! And the reason for such hyperbole is down to the fact that every time an article like this one is written, it's usually accompanied by a quote from an eyebrow maven who will tell us what we've known since Brooke Shields was a baby – eyebrows define your face like no other feature. It's here that I usually wonder "Then why even worry about hair?" and I imagine this eyebrow maven barking back at me, "Because brows frame the FACCCE!"

So, let's go with that. As with many beauty trends, there's a right way and a "I'm-still-finding-myself" way of executing the look. The easiest road to eyebrow parity and excellence is of course to pop into your local beautician – excuse me – brow bar. 

However, if it's feathering you're after, that costs a bomb, (and up to three visits). If it's a regular wax, thread, pluck and or tint, you're usually in safe hands. But brow mavens have to apply a great amount of tint to last the distance between six-week appointments so, there's usually that part where they hold up the mirror, say "Don't worry they fade sooo quickly" and then look at you trying to come to peace with the fact that for the next four to five days you will look like Gargamel. 

But there is an alternative. There is now a slew – a grand old slew – of product around to enable you to mimic what you've only seen on Karl Lagerfeld muses.


Your first tool is a brow pencil. Hold on, that's not true. Your first tool is patience. You're going to grow out your eyebrows. This does not mean you go back to a pre-plucked look, I mean, you're not a hermit, you're a functioning member of society, right?

So, you're going to retain the basic shape while growing out what you can and filling it in with pencil. You may want to see your brow maven so she can deliver that shape and you can work from there.

Brow pencils now resemble sophisticated painting pens and they're much more flattering these days with enough oil to ensure a good application. You'll want to mimic the hair by drawing on little feather strokes holding the pen so the entire point is connecting with your eyebrow . Then you gently and subtly line both the top and the bottom of the brow with the tip of the pencil. Note: if you already have thick brows there is no need to do this, or you'll risk looking like the sort of person who comments under Kim Kardashian's Instagram "I love you so much! Please check out my blog!"

These eyebrow pencils usually include a mascara wand at the other end, and you should use this to comb your eyebrows up. That's right, you're going for grizzly status. Benefit does a wonderful one, so does Billion Dollar Brows.

However, eyebrow mascara or gel will also do the trick. The mascara wand contains tint to darken and fill out your brows and a waterproof gel to hold in place. 1000 hour Instant Brows is budget friendly at $9.99. There's also Napoleon Perdis, and Too Faced, which boasts of fibres. 

If you want to treat yourself, you can brush on a little bit of concealer and highlighter, (or a product that contains both) under the brow to emphasise your brow bone and highlight the arch of your (now incredibly bushy) eyebrows. Then of course, follow with mascara, or whatever you fancy. There are kits available that contain all of these tools but they tend to be a bit exxy so I'm not including them. But I'm not here to judge so if you like 'em, get 'em.

Not to sound like a brow maven, but at first, you might be shocked by how dark or bold or bushy they are. I mean, especially if you've been stuck in a late 1990s rut like I was for too many embarrassing years.

However, if you experience any of the following: rise in blood pressure, dizziness, increased heart rate, go straight to your nearest online device and google "Cara Delevingne eyebrows". Study the images. Breathe. You're right on trend.