On Story
The Secret To This Romance Author's Success? Breaking All The Rules.
I can safely say that every time I’ve been asked to speak to aspiring writers, afterward, I’ve had not one, but several come up to me and say, “I can’t believe you did what you said you did. I was... Read now
Inside Audible
Of Nudists And Bonobos: "Wedlock" Takes Relationship Comedy To Some Wild Places
In a new Audible comedy series, married hosts Kurt Braunohler and Lauren Cook explore the lighter side of couplehood. Read now
5 Books That Make Us Love This Planet Even More
Learning all about our wonderful, fascinating world is a walk in the park -- literally, if you take one of these listens outdoors with you. Read now
On Story
Enduring Dystopias
We have always been drawn to the worst-case scenario in fiction, as evidenced by the resurgence of "The Handmaid's Tale" and others. But why? Research sheds some light. Read now
Listens For (Almost) Every Financial Situation
Tax season is always a stark reminder of where we need to improve our money matters. But rejoice! You're about to get the lowdown on listens to help turn things around, courtesy of the host of financial podcast Motley Fool Answers. Read now
A Novel Approach To Spring Cleaning
We had this theory that maybe you'd hate cleaning a little less if you did it while listening to something distractingly suspenseful. Or was it better to go with inspiring and supportive? Let's see how it all worked out. Read now