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I thought I'd never date younger men

It was the kind of intense, instant connection that I'd only seen in awful rom-coms, where I was transfixed with every word that came out of his mouth and thought he was made of magic. He was well-read and thoughtful, considerate and eloquent. The conversations we had during our brief fling tore open the confines of my mind like so few had before.

He was four years younger than me – still young enough to be considered "early twenties", as I trudged towards the end of mine. I felt I'd found someone with whom I connected in the most perfect way, but so many of my friends fixated on his age: how could I possibly find any of that in someone so young?

For a long time, I thought the same thing. When I was growing up, my sisters and I all agreed that we would never – NEVER! – like a boy who was younger than us. Once, my older sister reported that she found out a boy in her class was a whole month younger, and it was unanimously decided that that ruled him out entirely. When one of our aunts remarried a man a decade younger, a tizzy broke out between the three of us – what was she doing?

I didn't know why then, but when I look back I can see that it was all about keeping with what we'd been taught was the status quo. We'd been raised to think that a man should be the head of the household, the main breadwinner, someone we girls had to look up to and respect. Wouldn't it make sense, then, that he'd be older, too – richer in life experience, to guide us through our lives? 

Scientists have suggested that this inbuilt proclivity for older men is evolutionary – that women are drawn to the "alpha male" who is wiser, older, more experienced and powerful. It's a clear parallel with the idea that the male partner should be taller than the woman – which, as Tracey Spicer wrote last week, is a result of unconscious bias that subtly reinforces gender stereotypes and expectations. 

There was always talk, too, of the idea that men mature at a slower rate than women. This is especially pronounced during formative teenage years, but once we get into our twenties, does it really matter?


Some of my most disastrous romantic affairs have been with men five years older who still behave like emotionally stunted children. I struggle, too, to prescribe to this idea when it's profoundly steeped in archaic gender essentialism.

When women date younger men, it can raise eyebrows, but when men date younger women, no one blinks. It's almost perceived as a fetish – the older woman, always on the prowl, preying on the innocent young man... or the young man with the deviant attraction to older women).

Indeed, the frequency with which these relationships are characterised as sexual deviance is tiresome, insulting and objectifying. These terms, and this mindset, take agency away from both parties, turning a consenting adult relationship into a caricature.

Even the fact that the younger man/older woman pairing is seen as subversive proves that we are socially still mired in antiquated patriarchal expectations, which today shouldn't mean much at all.

You can see it in the way that media talks about these pairings, too – celebrities like Kylie Minogue, Jennifer Lopez, Sam Taylor-Johnson and Demi Moore have all copped the "cougar" label, with their partners referred to as "toy boys" and "young hunks", but there's no such fuss when older men pair up with much younger women (dare I bring Donald and Melania into this?). Female celebrities have spoken up about this double standard, with Minogue calling the "toyboy" label "derogatory to both of us", and Taylor-Johnson branding it pure sexism. 

I've also read articles proclaiming the benefits of dating younger men, from increased energy to better sex to less emotional baggage. Though these pieces strip away the cultural taboo that still seems to underscore the idea of older women with younger men, the prescription of such sweeping generalisations to something so deeply individual also seems unproductive – we fall in love with people, not concepts.

Perhaps it seems silly for me to write about "younger men", given that the age difference in my situation was not so significant – but if I received the backlash I did, then I can't even imagine the flack women much older than me, dating men much younger than them, are hit with, when all they want is to find someone with whom things feel right.  

I'd never been open to dating younger men - at all - until I met this person. When I look back, I remember the electrifying feeling of being jolted awake from a sleep I never knew I'd been in. It was an experience that hugely shaped me, and one that never would have happened if I'd written him off based on his age.