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The PR industry has a lot to answer for

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The modern world bristles with paradoxes.

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But of all the conundrums created by 21st century life, none is so richly baffling as this: In an age where every second carbon-based life-form works in public relations, why are there still so many large organisations who appear to have put their affairs into the hands of a semi-distracted chimp with unresolved anger issues?

I mean – don't get me wrong. The PR industry serves a number of important purposes. Like providing paying jobs for journalism graduates (the media industry long ago having discreetly divested itself of that particular function).


But over the past couple of weeks, it's felt fair enough to ask what the hell all these people are actually doing.

Take Pepsi, for instance.

This is a soft-drink company with a history of social activism. In the 1940s, Pepsi incurred threats from the Ku Klux Klan for its policy of hiring black advertising reps and running campaigns based around inspiring black leaders. (Coca-Cola, at the time, was loath to hire African Americans; its persistent image as the "white" cola was reinforced as late as the year 2000, when the company paid out $156 million to settle a lawsuit over its systemic underpayment of black employees).

How, exactly, does this company – Pepsi – then come to a decision in 2017 that it will align itself with another indefensible K-heavy movement (the Kardashians) and broadcast a TV advertisement so incredibly cloth-eared that it actually achieves the impossible; uniting the entire internet in loud disapproval?

To imagine that anyone exists who thought that ad was a good idea is captivating enough. To consider the odds that all of them would simultaneously work in PR at Pepsi is truly mind-blowing.

Take another example: United Airlines.

Now, the modern world is relaxed about the fact that all airlines infantilise and humiliate their passengers. How else would you explain those comedy foil-topped milk servings (designed to resist all attempts at perforation then splatter all over the user without warning) or that special, verbless, talking-to-an-idiot patois employed by flight attendants everywhere ("Just your bag under the seat, please". "Just your tray table for me, thanks Sir")?

Treating passengers like sub-human fools is how airlines keep us subdued enough to sit quietly in a reeking aluminium tube for hours on end without staging an ugly uprising. And as an approach, I guess it has some kind of rudimentary horse-sense.

But how you get from there to hauling off and breaking the nose of a passenger who's a doctor (a class of customer on whom airlines commonly rely to provide treatment gratis to colicky babies, pensioners undergoing myocardial infarction, or drug mules whose brilliant internal prophylactic-based heroin transport plan has just gone horribly pear-shaped), I just have no idea.

And when the considered corporate response to the resultant fuss is to put out an internal memo insisting that the employees concerned "followed established procedures" and the injured passenger had been "disruptive and belligerent"… this is the point at which you start wondering why, among the billions of highly trained PR professionals in the world, not a single one seems to have been working at United that day.

On some rare and special occasions, the problem is not the absence of the PR person. It's the PR person who directly strikes the match and applies it to the fuse.

This was the case on Tuesday for Sean Spicer, whose job as President Donald Trump's reality-handler is already a comedically impossible one, like being Nick Kyrgios' life coach or Bob Katter's speechwriter.

A good PR person should be aware of the foundational rule of public argument: If you invoke Hitler, it means you've already lost.

But it didn't stop Spicer, who in his criticism of Syrian despot Bashar al-Assad on Tuesday observed that even Hitler "didn't sink to using chemical weapons" merrily leapfrogged not only this basic tenet of public relations, but another, which is "try at all times to avoid statements whose incorrectness is not only central and profound, but immediately obvious even to the greatest fool in your audience".

Sometimes, the only way out of a PR disaster is to create a diversion. And clearly someone in the Trump camp is on the ball, because within days the American military had dropped something called the Mother of All Bombs on an Islamic State tunnel network in Afghanistan.

The MOAB, which was developed two decades ago, was initially described by one of its designers as essentially a deterrent device, which had "done its job – deterring the enemy – simply because they know about it."

Literally, it is a PR stunt that has now blown up. It's not alone.

Twitter: annabelcrabb