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Fining AFL fans for racist abuse would help drive message home

As the 2017 footy season begins, the game beloved by so many is in the news for all the wrong reasons ... yet again.

There is no room for racism anywhere in our community. We're a country of immigrants (and first Australians); our largely peaceful acceptance and celebration of difference and diversity is one of our great strengths. But a football game, watched and enjoyed at the ground and at home by fans of all ages, is one of the very worst places for this ugly, ignorant abuse.

What do we teach our children when we tolerate screeches of racist insults at the game? What are we saying to the nearly 30 per cent of Victorians born overseas? Or to those dreaming of one day making this country home?

The Age applauds the open letter this week by the AFL Players' Indigenous Advisory Board and we wholeheartedly back its sentiments:

"How long must we put up with this? Racial vilification has been part of our game for too long There's no room in our game for any form of vilification, whether it's based on race, gender, religion or sexual orientation. Anyone who thinks that this is an acceptable way to act is no football fan."

The frustrating, distressing truth is that this shameful behaviour keeps happening. It happened again just last weekend in Adelaide.


It was 22 years ago that Michael Long famously called football out on racism, making an official complaint about a racist sledge by Damian Monkhorst. This case and Nicky Winmar's famous jumper lift two years earlier proved turning points for race relations in football and led to the AFL's groundbreaking racial anti-vilification policy

But two decades on, and despite some impressive work by the AFL to address this issue, the taunts keep coming. It is only two seasons ago that Adam Goodes was racially bullied, and disgracefully forced off the ground.

The AFL has shown that there is a will and a commitment by many to improve its culture, and that genuine change is possible, for example with the introduction of the women's league.

So what is the answer? Education is clearly important, so that racism is not shrugged off as harmless barracking, and children watching at home today know where to draw the line when they come to the stadiums as adults. But the message is clearly not reaching everyone.

The Age supports calls for fines for racist taunts at the footy. We have seen the sting of a financial penalty work in many areas where behaviour change is needed. Think of speeding and red lights.

Some say racist taunts "just happen" on the spur of the moment, making the excuse that passionate footy fans "just get carried away". But if each hateful insult comes at a financial cost, chances are a lot more likely that fans would think twice. Defining taunts and abuse as racism is difficult but we would argue that it is not impossible. The AFL has been educating its players. Certain phrases and words – such as "ape" – are widely agreed to be offensive and yelling them at the football could be proscribed.

As Age sports reporter Greg Baum wrote recently, fines have helped to deal with another blight in sport, ground invasions. "When the penalty for ground invasion at the MCG, for instance, was in a multiple of tens of dollars, it was a bit of a lark, almost a weekly occurrence ... Now that it is in the thousands of dollars, ranging up to nearly $10,000, and fans are repeatedly warned about this, it almost never happens."

The AFL, Indigenous players and many others have for more than two decades worked in good faith at changing attitudes, but more needs to be done.

The Age supports the use of a financial stick to drive this important lesson home. We understand that real change takes time, but surely, enough is enough.