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Australia owes PNG more than charity

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The sorrow of Australia's closest neighbour can be heard in the words of Lucinda Gulluman-Kisip, a 39-year-old woman from Port Moresby, who sees first hand the struggle of modern expectation and cultural tradition in Papua New Guinea. A country richly endowed with enough natural resources to generate enormous wealth has instead stumbled under the burden of corruption and endemic domestic violence. The proportion of PNG national budget spent on health and education is a trickle of what is required.

"There's a lot of change happening," Gulluman-Kisip explains in today's Sunday Age. "It does create – how should I say this – conflict between the new and the old."

The potential in PNG is undoubted and its people deserve hope for the future. The country also needs help from a neighbour, and Australia owes part of its own success to the decades PNG was historically exploited as a colony. But the ongoing challenge is how to assist a neighbour rightly proud of its own independence while still being accountable to the expectations of Australian taxpayers.

PNG has made an extraordinary request of Australia in recent weeks: to effectively transfer the entire $550 million of foreign aid dedicated to the country into Port Moresby's coffers, to prop up funding for schools, hospital and infrastructure. The PNG government has complained that aid money is currently too encumbered with administrative demands and tied to specific projects, often with Australian business involvement.

The irony, however, is that the PNG national budget has been progressively debauched in recent years, with local politicians granted personal slush funds to squander as they see fit in their electorates. The result has proved ruinous for the planning of national priorities. Corruption has so set back PNG that the country languishes on most international measures and has failed to meet agreed United Nations development goals.

The Turnbull government has now made plain it will not provide direct budget support to the PNG government. "Aid is not charity," Minister for International Development, Concetta Fierravanti-Wells, has declared. "We owe it to the taxpayers to ensure that we are spending our aid money in a way that provides a direct benefit to them."


Were it so simple. The word "direct" carries a disturbing implication, for the indirect benefits to Australia of a successful PNG are potentially enormous. Senator Fierravanti-Wells says the government must be mindful of "elements of the political spectrum" who rail against the provision of foreign aid, yet it would be narrow-minded to pander to such jingoism. While we agree aid is not charity, it would be mean-spirited to demand a return akin to a commercial transaction.

A balance must be struck between ensuring aid money is well spent and meeting the needs PNG knows for itself to be most pressing. With an election looming in the coming months, jostling about spending priorities is to be expected and Australia is also likely to be blamed as a scapegoat for local political failings.

Australia must acknowledge a share of blame. The Coalition, as well as its Labor predecessor, has exploited relations with PNG to offload asylum seekers that should rightly have their refugee claims processed in Australia. The pay-off to ensure PNG would host the Manus Island detention camp has needlessly complicated Australia's ties and distorted aid spending. The sooner the order to close the camp is fulfilled, the better.

Aid is costly, but Australia cannot afford let down friends in need.