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School's uniform policies: Hairstyles don't affect students' education

"Miss Temple, Miss Temple, what – what is that girl with curled hair? Red hair ma'am, curled – curled all over?" 

So spoke Mr Brocklehurst, governor of Lowood School in Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre. The braids worn by Bentleigh Secondary College students – twins, Grace and Tahbisa – are  neat, attractive, well looked-after and a suitable (and traditional) style for African hair.  The school ordered them to remove their braids as they breached its uniform policy (The Age, 31/3) but it has since backed down on this. If any expert can prove that their hair is affecting their education, please do so. Otherwise, let us move on. This is not the 1840s.

Linda Bowen and Peter Mitchell, Hampton

When a hairstyle is part of your culture

Grace and Tahbisa, you are beautiful, and your hairstyle is part of your culture. By ordering you to wear your hair otherwise, your school showed a lack of understanding and was discriminatory.

Jeanette Thompson, Shepparton

Celebrating the diversity of our students

How could Bentleigh Secondary College's principal have compared the braids of Bali holiday-makers with the braids of South Sudanese girls? Instead of celebrating the wonderful diversity of her students, she was reinforcing an intolerant and outmoded sense of uniformity. I would have supported their complaint to the Human Rights Commission.


Carolyn Berger, Kooyong

A harsh and unfair attack on the school

I supported Bentleigh Secondary College for insisting that two of its students follow its uniform policy. They were being treated the same way as other students there. The use of language such as "discrimination" and "attacking an African culture" wa an unacceptable attack on the school.

Sigbert Muysers, East Ballarat

We should recognise physical diversity

 It is time the Education Department took physical diversity into account in how people present themselves, rather than allowing such shaming. There is plenty of policy guidance from places such as South Africa.

Larry Stillman, Elwood

Learning to fit in with a disciplined society

Hairstyle together with the dress code is part of a school's enforcement of discipline. A school's function is not only to teach the three Rs, but also to shape young people to fit in with a disciplined society they move into when leaving school. The girls' school should have been supported for enforcing appropriate discipline, for the ultimate good of the students.

Bill Mathew, Parkville

Only dresses and skirts for girls? It's old hat.

I wonder what type of schools Mary Barry is referring to when she writes about them insisting that girls only wear skirts or dresses (Comment, 29/3). Certainly in the 1960s girls could not wear long pants but every school I have been associated with in the past 30 years has had a pants option for them. Is she referring to the expensive private schools? Another reason to go public.

Jennifer Skewes, Ventnor

Uniforms for all genders and all weather

A change in school uniforms for girls is old news at Glen Eira College. Students can choose the uniform items they like on the day – pants or skirts. It is easier for any gender and Melbourne's four seasons in one day.

Catherine McNaughton, Glen Huntly


Fair's fair, Mr Turnbull

Well might there be low-paid workers in high-income households, Malcolm Turnbull, but there are many low-paid working families who live from week to week. Perhaps when the Remuneration Tribunal looks at increasing MPs' salaries, you could apply the same principle you are urging the Fair Work Commission to take with regard to the minimum wage – that of a a cautious approach.

Anne Fitzpatrick, Abbotsford

Take note, Treasurer

I note that the Treasurer has argued the case against increasing the cost of the minimum wage. Could he perhaps consider arguing a case for not allowing any politician to access their parliamentary pensions until they reach the same statuary requirements for everyday Australians  to receive the age pension.

Frank Stipic, Mentone

Many dedicated carers

Di Donigi's generalisations about the accommodation and caring of the disabled (Letters, 31/3) are an affront to the many devoted staff. My sister-in-law acquired a brain injury at birth, when her skull was crushed in a botched forceps delivery. Her parents were told her life expectancy was about seven years. She died just over a week ago, aged 65, after living 38-plus years in a group home with dedicated carers who enriched her life.

The residents were a family in the true sense of the word. Her carers encouraged independence, where possible. Most years, they took the residents on a holiday and created photo albums so they could reflect back on those special moments. Heather's carers have supported my family over the years and are grieving her death. Caring for the disabled can be extremely challenging and confronting work. The staff need to be supported, not denigrated.

Erica Maxwell, Norwood, Tas

Behind closed doors

I was dismayed and angered by the abuse of people with disabilities (Four Corners, 27/3), but disappointed that it made no mention of the role of volunteer, independent community visitors like myself. Every year we report dozens of cases of suspected abuse and neglect to service providers and the department responsible for the funding of services. These matters are reported to parliament annually.

In the majority of cases, staff and management work with residents, carers and government to resolve problems. When we are not satisfied with a response, we try to escalate a matter until it is addressed. The Community Visitor program functions on a shoestring budget. Unfortunately, incidents of abuse may increase under the National Disability Insurance Scheme, with the tendering out of state-run services and inclusion of for-profit providers in the market. We need more resources to ensure people are safe. I hope the publicity surrounding this program leads to greater awareness of the issues faced by some vulnerable people living in shared accommodation. I also hope there is a commitment to eradicate the violence and abuse that community visitors learn, too often, occurs behind closed doors. 

Sue Rewell, Ivanhoe

No, the hardest word

You can just say no when China asks us to extradite its critics, says Foreign Minister Julie Bishop (The Age, 31/3). Did our government say no to Indonesia over East Timor? Did John Howard say no to George Bush over Iraq? Have we said no to Indonesia over the destruction of West Papua? The government caved in when the Indonesians saw a West Papuan flag on Australian soil. When it comes to trade versus people, the government seems incapable of saying no. I do not trust it, and I congratulate the senators who said no to an extradition treaty with China.

John Pinniger, Fairfield

When silence is golden

Labor's spokesman for employment and workplace relations Brendan O'Connor was annoyed at the failure of journalists to attend one of his press conferences. It seems that the media were following Plato's guidance, "Wise men speak when they have something to say. Fools because they have to say something".

Michael Doyle, Ashburton

Our grand old pubs

It is last drinks in North Melbourne. Over the past decade, we have lost The British, The HomeBush, The Derby, The Redback, The Shakespeare, The Macaullay, The Melrose – and now the Turf Club – hotels to apartments. The Kensington is a closed restaurant. Close by we have famously lost the Mercat Cross, the Corkman Irish and The Stork hotels. Once they are gone it is forever, just like the schools the government sold off and which we are now trying to build again in the inner-city.

Peter Topping, North Melbourne

Democracy in action

Attorney-General George Brandis has described the defeat of his changes to Section 18C as a "sad day". I describe it as democracy and the action of the checks and balances on the powers available to people like him – and thank goodness for them.

Tony Wittman, The Basin

The value of sacrifice

Ross Gittins, writing about the "Bank of Mum and Dad" (Comment, 29/3), complains about high house prices for the generation of entitlement. The younger, first home buyers should go without as we did, learn some DIY skills, lower their expectations, and forget what they think they are entitled to. Those parents who can help their kids now got there for just these reasons. Life is not always fair, but hard work and sacrifice pays off. It is the only way.

Gwen Woodford, Brighton East

The rich get richer

Watching young people struggling to get into the real estate market is depressing. The salt is really rubbed in as wealthy investors manage to write down their taxable income using strategies such as negative gearing. This is often to a point where they are able to access welfare such as the educational maintenance allowance and Austudy etc intended to help the needy.

Stuart James, Leneva

Impossible 'friends'

Thanks, Greg Baum (Sport, 30/3), for taking the words out of the collective mouths of many Australian cricket followers regarding Indian captain Virat Kohil. It would appear he made a conscious decision to mimic the worst macho posturing of the Australians in an attempt to put them off their game.

It could be said that it worked in one of India's victories, but it certainly did not in the other because he was not on the field. So, what I find intriguing (and both ironic and galling) is his sanctimonious comments about now not being able to have a friendship with any Australian cricketer. If he ever indeed did have one I would now ask: With friends like Kohil, who needs enemies?

Ray Liversidge, Coburg

The next 'monster'

The Russian occupation of Afghanistan created al Qaeda and the Taliban, and the American and allies' occupation of Iraq created the murderous Islamic State. What sort of monster will be unleashed as a result of indiscriminate bombing of Mosul (World, 31/3) and the military intervention by the Trump administration?

Charles Becket, Paynesville

Our plastic nightmare

Your editorial ("Change is in the bag, but lawmakers lag on plastic", 29/3) about government failing to tackle the pollutive aspects of plastic is exactly the reason why The O Initiative installed its first O fountain (where people can fill up water bottles) in Alma Park, St Kilda, last week. The initiative, which aims to reduce plastic pollution associated with bottled water through attractive public art is truly inspiring. If it helps to reduce the many millions of plastic bottles which are discarded every year in Australia, then it deserves our support.

Barry Toll, South Melbourne

His master's voice

It is no surprise that Australia's ambassador to the United States, Joe Hockey, is an apologist for the Trump administration. He describes it as "practical" and "credible", and calls for a halt to the "constant" criticism (The Age, 31/3). His current gravy train depends on it.

Vivienne Bond, Warburton

Words from the heart?

Joe Hockey warns that "repeated failure does have a cost" and "the goodwill and tolerance of your voter base can be patient for only so long". Was he referring to American president Donald Trump or his own time as our federal treasurer?

Les Anderson, Woodend




Climate change sceptic Trump says "we're going to have clean coal". An oxymoron proclaimed by a...

Anne Dynon, Brighton

Hockey says that Trump's cabinet is "credible". In what alternative universe?

Joan Kerr, Geelong

Maybe Trump is a descendant of Otzi the Iceman (30/3). Small hands, little sign of hard use. A nice orange hue as well.

Graham Fetherstonhaugh, Carlton North

As if China would admit it planned to torture and kill people. Time for that when they're back in China.

Marie Nash, Balwyn

Julie Bishop trusts our legislative and judicial systems. Does she have the same trust in China's?

Tony Lenten, Glen Waverley


It's April and not one refugee has been resettled in the US. How long will Turnbull and Co persist with this farce?

Reg Murray, Glen Iris

Turnbull says low-paid workers are often found in high-income households. His timing was lousy. April Fools Day is today.

Carol Reed, Newport

One hundred per cent of Scott or 100per cent of nothing. Pretty much a dead heat.

Bill Davis, Ballarat


Are the people of the La Trobe Valley breathing more easily?

Hans Paas, Castlemaine

Duck shooting appears to be the only "sport" where participants have their faces blurred on television.

Suzanne Palmer-Holton, Seaford

Shame on Bentleigh Secondary College for its outdated and biased uniform policy.

Mary Fenelon, Doncaster East

It's lucky Collingwood got rid of Cloke because he couldn't kick straight. Now they have accurate goal kickers in their forward line.

David Ginsbourg, Bentleigh East