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Politics: Pygmies adrift in a maze beyond comprehension

Each passing decade since the middle of the 20th century has seen increasing complexity in society, the economy, the environment and in global relationships. As with most changes over time and on this scale, new industries and professions rise and others fail to evolve and are left behind. The evidence seems clear that politicians are in the latter category: an increasingly less diverse group of career politicians unaware of or incapable of adapting to progress and who lack the skills to identify, communicate and tackle the challenges facing the nation and the world.

Julian Lloyd, Clifton Hill

Marching left, right is a walk to nowhere

Malcolm Turnbull argues that his government should occupy the "sensible centre" in the left-right arm wrestle. While espousing the need for wide-ranging, rational discourse, this comment limits discussion to an area of political debate that is becoming less relevant in the advanced economies of Western societies. The left-right concept leaves out many ideas from other cultures that may be far more relevant to the future.

From Aboriginal culture come the ideas that we must look after each other; take only what we need; find suitable and useful tasks for all members of society; and develop a stronger connection with the natural world. From Tao/Buddhist teaching comes the idea that having goals can be unhelpful in that they can distract you from the present. These and other ways of looking at the world are outside the normal left-right discussions. We need ideas that encompass the ideal of "all being born equal" and meet needs deeper than the acquisition of the most expensive food, shelter, transport, and communications.

Howard Tankey, Box Hill North

Pity the young, weight of world upon them

Page after page, indeed every day of the week, the inefficiencies, injustices and irrationalities of contemporary capitalism are catalogued along with the failures of public policy and governments to come even close to dealing with them.


From price gouging by electricity companies, the wage fraud issues at United Petroleum, Domino's Pizzas, 7-Eleven, Caltex, Pizza Hut, and numerous other companies, widespread banking scandals, Nurofen's misleading marketing, negative gearing and capital gains distortions, the scandal of 82,000 vacant homes in the midst of a housing crisis, to tax avoidance by small, medium and large businesses, the list goes on and on.

It is no surprise Australian students are "feeling the weight of the world", with seven out of 10 rating their mental health as "poor" or "fair". We can only hope they survive, flourish and act to transform the economy, society and culture they are inheriting.

Stewart Sweeney, North Adelaide, SA

Here's tax cut that may make jobs and growth

Let's start making political policy objectives and implementation more transparent. How about companies receive tax cuts every time they increase the number of employees or a tax cut system based on a fair ratio of profit and number of employees?

Jillian Stevenson, Big Hill


Missive attack

Why are you depressed? "Because I read the Letters to the Editor." What's wrong with that? "Because most of the letters are always so critical." What about? "How unfair and harsh is the federal government." Such as? "The way it treats the poor, the disabled, the disadvantaged, penurious students, refugees and the environment." What can you do about it? "Not much, except write a letter."

David Rose, Hamilton, NSW

Failing 'reality test'

Please, no more "pub tests". They are even more meaningless than "political correctness". Which pubs? The Birdsville or the Windsor? Politicians whose natural home is the Windsor wouldn't dream of applying a test there. No, they'd fly to Birdsville at taxpayer expense.

But in just about any suburban pub, the "cash economy" discussion would contain various expletives as to why the government was targeting welfare recipients, small businesses and tradies yet ignoring Chinese property investors spending their billions in cash. You might also hear expletives about money laundering, drug dealers, tax dodgers and a government that gives money away to its rich mates, fights for the right to insult the vulnerable and fails the "reality test" each and every day.

John Laurie, Newport

The pub equation

So this whole business of jobs and growth, based on tax cuts, doesn't need modelling because we can better do our research by listening in pubs. Hmmm. Science is a curious beast. If only science were that easy.

James Wilkinson, Inverloch

An empty vessel

I would much prefer the Treasurer sought the views of economists than those of drinkers at the local bar. The fact that he doesn't suggests that he neither knows nor cares about the extremely limited utility of tax cuts on providing economic stimulus.

Nick Jans, Marysville

Zero sincerity

Amazing how the head office of every company so far caught in systematic underpayment of its workers always maintains it has zero tolerance for this type of exploitation. Probably means zero tolerance for those allowing themselves to be caught out.

Marie Nash, Balwyn

The Latham enigma

Annabel Crabb (Metro, 2/9) may be interested in a phenomenon in physics where a deep vacuum containing no matter cannot exist. Instead, sub-atomic particles will appear in the void, as if from the universe's sheer determination to exist. These particles last for very short periods then are annihilated, usually by colliding with themselves.

This describes closely the phenomenon of Mark Latham. During a deep vacuum in ALP leadership, and egged on by Crabb's colleagues in the media who desired an opposition leader to create news, an ALP "messiah" was created out of sheer collective willpower.

He proceeded to punch out a few journalistic lights then, like sub-atomic particles, evaporated in a cloud of star dust, leaving behind a faint echo of the energy of his being. Some are born great; some have greatness thrust upon them. Mark Latham was somewhere in between.

Rex Niven, Eltham

American guilt

If the US government wants to express outrage over children killed in wars, it should start by reflecting upon the long line of innocent children killed by the US military from 1945 to the present day, starting with Hiroshima, Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Bosnia, Serbia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, Iraq and Yemen.

Tim Hartnett, Margaret River, WA

Religious reversals

It's a bit rich for religious conservatives to be denouncing gay activists for urging boycotts of companies that don't support marriage equality. They do the exact thing in reverse. The religious right and other anti-LGBTI groups held an international conference in South Africa last December, largely to oppose the international spread of marriage equality.

All delegates, including Lyle Shelton from the Australian Christian Lobby and David van Gend from Australian Marriage Forum, signed a pledge to what is now called the Cape Town Declaration. Apart from pledging to oppose same-sex marriage, the Declaration commits its signatories, where possible, "to refuse to deal with corporations" that deny their "religious truths".

Brian Greig, Bayswater, WA

Cruelties repeated

The cruelties meted out to homosexuals in John Calvin's Geneva, as cited by Angus McLeay ("Time for an apology to the gay community", 2/9), are being repeated with governmental and African Anglican Church approval in such nations as Nigeria and Uganda, part of the more than 80million influential sub-Saharan Christian following.

A combination of homophobic colonial era laws – reflecting 19th-century British missionary attitudes – and modern proseltysing by visiting evangelical US Christians provides an example of the danger faced by many LGBTIQ people. An apology by Christians for impeding the progress of, say, same-sex marriage in Western nations, must extend to meaningful pressure on the UN to tackle the scourge of homophobia in the Global South.

Jon McMillan, Mount Eliza

A grand mess

Two weeks after the grand prix the sports ground are in a mess, the infrastructure is slowly being dismantled and South Melbourne's Clarendon Street shopping strip is clogged with thousands of semi trailer trips over too many weeks.

We await the sad story of exactly how many millions of dollars the 2017 event cost us. Don't expect that news within six months. It will most probably be slipped out on a busy news day.

And don't expect a media release from the Premier announcing the loss. If he isn't ashamed that the event now costs the state economy about $60 million a year he should be. And don't ever expect Jeff Kennett to say he was wrong when he promised the event would not cost Victorians a cent. It has cost more than $1 billion when the hidden state subsidies are included.

Peter Logan, South Melbourne

No pay, no work

I strongly disagree with Rodney Leembruggen (Letters, 2/4), who would blame people for refusing to volunteer if major events had to be cancelled. In the case of the grand prix, millions go out of public coffers to support the owners of the Formula 1 brand, and to caterers, contractors and their employees from ticket sales. It's hardly fair or reasonable to expect people to work without pay.

Len Millar, Newstead

Bizarre misuse of taxes

How bizarre that the state government is using taxpayer dollars to try to prevent the ombudsman from investigating the misuse of taxpayer dollars.

Joe Garra, Werribee South

Hope for ducks

If "every cloud has a silver lining", the floodwaters in NSW and Queensland may be that for Victorian waterbirds. Their Victorian wetland homes are not safe until June 12, when the duck shooting season ends. They may find refuge in the floodwaters of our compassionate, forward-thinking neighbouring states, which banned this senseless practice years ago.

Kim Stacey, Black Rock

Not so starry-eyed

On Thursday night at the stargazing live event at Fed Square, Ilearned the sun will expire in about five billion years. Just before the airport rail link project starts.

Raymond Kenyon, Camberwell

Message mash-up

What conflicting messages about women. At the front of Sunday Life (2/9) was an article about young girls headed: "Strong is the new pretty". It celebrated girls being physically and mentally strong. Three pages later the fashion section was dedicated to "athleisure wear where heels are non-negotiable". To state the obvious, the wearing of heels may look "fashion fierce" but they preclude you from physical activities that truly make these younger women strong.

Enisa Birdahic, Reservoir

Reuse bags, please

Recently I bought some appliances at our local Sunbeam factory outlet. A notice at the cash register stated plastic shopping bags were not supplied. When I complimented the sales assistant on the policy she was taken aback. She said most people complained about it. It seems the people of Kenya, Rwanda and Ethiopia care more about the planet than we do (Letters, 2/4). Come on, Victorians, taking reusable bags is not difficult – just try it, for everyone's sake.

Joy Hayman, Blackburn North