Small Business


The Australian businesses taking design to the world

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When Sebastian Langton lost his beloved cat Rango, "possibly the coolest cat on the face of the planet", he decided no one else should go through the same heartache. Within a year he had successfully crowdfunded and launched the Pod Tracker, a device and service that tracks a pet's movements.

Design to impress

The idea of a GPS enabled pet tracker wasn't unique at the time with a number already on the market and design has been one of the elements where Pod stood out against its competitors. 

"The design wins you over every time," Langton says.

Pod sold 5000 of the trackers in its first run and is aiming to sell 100,000 trackers this year. At $189 a tracker, hitting this target would boost turnover from $1 million to over $18 million. 

As Apple has shown, design can deliver the competitive advantage. In the late 1990s the iMac reinvigorated Apple's personal computer line and a decade later the company upended the mobile phone market with the iPhone.

Langton handled the Pod's industrial design himself. "I've invented several solutions prior to this and am relatively competent in engineering to the point where I can instruct designers," he says. He made "many, many trips" to the US in his search for manufacturers. For businesses lacking that experience or confidence engaging a professional early can be critical to a product's success.


Suit the market

"Products should be designed to suit the market, it's not a hunch," Murray Hunter of Design+Industry says. "You start with what the market wants and you go backwards. You don't get dressed and say 'where are we going', you find out where you're going and then get dressed."

Hunter, who founded his company 30 years ago and now employs 50 designers and engineers in his Sydney and Melbourne offices, believes business owners should consult an industrial designer early in the product development process but not until after they've done their homework.

"The intelligent and qualified entrepreneur will have a lot of the problems solved, they'll have done research, they'll have knowledge of the market, they'll know the segments it's aimed at and quite often they'll have route to market realised."

A design mindset

Mark Bergin, the founder of industry group DRIVENxDESIGN, which boasts over 75,000 members and runs award competitions around the world, agrees with Hunter that good design is an important foundation. He does caution good design is only one part of getting a successful product to market although business founders shouldn't underestimate the cultural value of having a design mindset.

"Good designers are only part of the story," Bergin says. "Around 40 per cent of design projects stumble at the hand of the business that commissions the project. The organisations we see not choking projects have a great design culture – their management are driven by design, focused on the empathy and intangible values of the project. After all the largest component of most companies market cap is intangible value, so working to grow that brings the highest return to the organisation."

Real-world experience

Katherine Pace, chief executive and co-founder of Sydney start-up Elanation, had the advantage of being an industrial designer – including a stint of managing a design studio in Denmark – before returning to Australia two years ago. This proved invaluable when developing the company's ETURBO Smart Watch for kids.

Products should be designed to suit the market, it's not a hunch.

Murray Hunter

"As an industrial designer I have been trained for years to understand and quantify consumer problems, communicate them effectively to different audiences, assess proposed solutions through an objective lens and then apply foundations in form and function to mock up solutions. But real-world experience is key," she says. "I have worked in established companies with engineers and designers ever since I started university – it trains you to appreciate the business dimension of a successful design."

Like Pod's Langton, Pace worked hard to find the right suppliers. "I got on a plane and visited 15 different manufacturing houses. I took an Australian expert with me and we quickly vetted who was a reliable partner by visiting various offices, manufacturing plants and machinery."

Advice for entrepreneurs

For those without a design background, Pace has some straightforward advice in finding professional advice, "just put an ad out".

"There are so many amazing industrial designers in Australia and they end up in random marketing or graphic design roles because businesses aren't aware of how to leverage their skills. I remember at university, when I transferred from mechanical engineering to industrial design people used to think I built factories – actually kind of funny now in retrospect."

Langton also warns entrepreneurs can't afford to be too hands off. "Be ready to spend time ensuring all elements of design, development and manufacturing are done to your spec," he says. "It's your name going out on the product and you want it to match your vision."

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