Small Business


Status anxiety: At work as much as in life

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In his bestselling book released more than a decade ago, Status Anxiety, philosopher Alain de Botton wrote that "those without status are all but invisible: they are treated brusquely by others, their complexities trampled upon". In contrast, those with status are respected and revered, listened to and consulted. It's no wonder, then, that "our sense of identity is held captive by the judgments of those we live among".

And those we work among.

You can see evidence of workplace status in myriad ways. It's there, at the most fundamental level, in the pyramidal organisational chart. It's there when you look at who gets the window desk or the biggest office or the fancy job title. And in much the same way that wealthy folk are cushioned by resources that enable them to keep getting wealthier, the same principle applies with status at work. Research has proven those with status earn more, get promoted more, are praised more, and love their job more.

With a dollop of incidental irony, a new study due to be published soon in the Journal of Applied Psychology, investigates the concept further. (The irony stems from the fact that to even be published in one of the world's most esteemed academic publications means the status of the seven scholars who authored the study has just ramped up in their workplace quite significantly.)

Their work has distilled workplace status into three components. The first is respect, which is really about the position someone holds in the hierarchy. The second is prominence, which is the visibility of that individual. The third is prestige, which could be anything from intelligence to leadership, or a number of other admired and longed-for personal attributes.

In some cases, status is "ascribed", which means it's automatically conferred on an individual because of superficial factors such as their gender, age or colour of their skin. Just as commonly, status is "achieved". This can be due to one's experience, motivation or competence. Whatever the method through which it's acquired, here's the key: there has to be social consensus. In other words, status isn't something you bestow upon yourself. It's something others bestow upon you.


This was comically evident in an old episode of Absolutely Fabulous during which Edina and Patsy board Concorde. As they embark, they prepare to flaunt their status by veering to the left – towards the first-class cabins – only to be told by the flight attendant that it's a single-class aircraft. Edina, mortified, says words to the effect of: "But I pay money to be seen turning left, darling. I pay extra for that curtain." There was no point being in first class if there wasn't also the satisfaction of knowing others are missing out. In the absence of social consensus, status doesn't exist.

The research in the Journal of Applied Psychology comprised a number of comprehensive studies, some of which were based on hundreds of employees who rated each other on their perceived level of status at work. The findings reveal those classified by their colleagues as high in status were also significantly more likely to be rated by their supervisors as being top performers.  

And that's just the nib of the hierarchical advantages: "In short, those with higher status tended to wield more interpersonal influence, perform their jobs better, be treated more fairly by supervisors, and be happier with their jobs than those with lower levels of status."

Those outcomes illustrate the truth in de Botton's assertion that "the travails of being an employee include … the humiliation of many working practices and dynamics". Hence the prevailing status anxiety, not only in life but also at work.

James Adonis is the author of How To Be Great. Follow MySmallBusiness on TwitterFacebook and LinkedIn.