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Energy company Origin hit with heavy fine by regulator

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One of the country's major energy companies, Origin Energy, has been slapped with a heavy fine by the industry regulator for  failing to accurately report data – relating to hot water systems.

The Australian Energy Regulator said it has levied a $20,000 fine on the energy utility for failing to submit correct data, which was finally resubmitted four months late. A spokesman for the company said the error related to the reporting of bulk hot water systems, which was picked up in the December quarter, last year.

The energy regulator said it had issued the notice because the company had breached the National Energy Retail Law by failing to submit accurate market performance data by the required date. Origin subsequently resubmitted the correct data, four months after it was due, it said.

"A key part of our role as the energy regulator is to monitor and report on energy markets and ensure retailers are meeting their obligations," regulator chairman Paula Conboy said. "The accurate and timely submission of performance data by retailers helps paint a clearer picture of what is going on in the homes of Australian energy customers.

"When we understand the disconnection rates or the number of customers on payment plans, we are in a position to inform policymakers and other key decision makers and work towards better energy outcomes."

The data is also used by the regulator and others to shape policy decisions, for market analysis as well as for other regulatory functions, Ms Conboy said.

"As soon as this error was identified, we provided the correct information to AER and we have made improvements to our processes to help ensure similar errors do not occur again," an Origin Energy spokesman said.

The incorrect data was one data point out of about 500 submitted  to the AER quarterly, the spokesman said.