

New pipelines could increase Australia's gas supply: Queensland government

The Queensland government wants its federal counterpart to guarantee funding for any option, including new pipelines, that will boost domestic gas supply and help prevent a crippling shortage on the east coast.

Natural Resources and Mines Minister Anthony Lynham has put forward a package to federal Resources Minister Matt Canavan and wants a meeting to seek guaranteed funding for "any viable options" to improve gas supply in the Australian market.

"I'm talking about gas pipelines into the Bowen and to the Galilee, to open up these vast new reserves for Australian domestic supply," Dr Lynham said in Brisbane on Sunday.

Dr Lynham said the funding guarantee could be drawn from the North Australia Infrastructure Facility (NAIF).

He is also pushing for a jointly funded study into infrastructure options.

The "proactive" move has been welcomed by the Queensland Resources Council, which said NAIF funding could help release "stranded gas".

"It's common knowledge the eastern seaboard of Australia is facing a gas shortage and instead of putting their head in the sand the government is looking at how to fix the problem," chief executive Ian Macfarlane said.