Call for Papers


Volume 9 issue 2: Social movement thinking beyond the core (open)

Volume 9 issue 1: Open call (closed; to be published May 2017)


Volume 8 issue 2: Social movement auto/biographies (published November 2016)

Volume 8 issue 1: Open call (published May 2016)


Volume 7 issue 2: Movements in post/socialisms (published November 2015)

Volume 7 issue 1: Movement practice(s) (published May 2015)


Volume 6 issue 2: Movement internationalism(s) (published November 2014)

Volume 6 issue 1: The pedagogical practices of social movements (published May 2014)
Volumen 6 numero 1: Las prácticas pedagógicas de los movimientos sociales
Volume 6 número 1: As Práticas Pedagógicas dos Movimentos Sociais


Volume 5 issue 2: Open call (closed: publication November 2013)

Volume 5 issue 1: Struggles, strategies and analysis of anticolonial and postcolonial social movements (closed: publication May 2013)


Volume 4 issue 2: For the global emancipation of labour: new movements and struggles around work, workers and precarity (closed: publication November 2012)

Volume 4 issue 1: The season of revolutions: the Arab Spring , with special section on the new wave of European mobilizations (closed: publication May 2012)


Volume 3 Issue 2: Extended deadline for special section: Feminist strategies for change (closed: publication November 2011)

Volume 3 Issue 2: Feminism, Women’s Movements and Women in Movement (closed: publication November 2011)

Volume 3 Issue 1: Repression and Social Movements (closed: publication May 2011)


Volume 2 Issue 2: Voices of Dissent (closed: publication November 2010)

Volume 2 Issue 1: Crises, Social Movements and Revolutionary Transformations (published May 2010)


Volume 1 Issue 2: Civil society vs Social movements (published November 2009)

Volume 1 Issue 1: Movement Knowledge (published May 2009)

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