Showing posts with label VNN. Show all posts
Showing posts with label VNN. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Ronny Cameron Meltdown On Full Display

Sometimes it is fun to sit back and watch the show.

When Ronny Cameron cancelled his rally and wrote that he would only be doing "journalism" (such that it is), ARC speculated that his peevishness was a result of both the attacks he was subject to on the event announcement page and how little support he received. While this may or may not be the reason, it was easy to surmise that he was upset.

His petulance was not confined to his Twitter account however:

I happened to stumble upon this thread when I logged into one of my sock puppet accounts. Many of the posters seem hell-bent on outdoing each other in what a horrible excuse for a human being they are:

Remember, most of these people will claim that they aren't racists.

As disgusting as they are, these comments really don't shock me since they could very well have come straight off of Stormfront or VNN. However, the thread would provide a degree of entertainment when Ronny Cameron arrived.

Trust me. He puts on quite the show:

Wednesday, January 03, 2018

"Alt-Right" and Overt Racist Misogynists Focus Attention On Lauren Southern

Something that has become clear during my 10 years of running ARC as well as the decade of work preceding the blog is that most of the racists I've come across hate women as much as they hate any non-white ethnic group, Jew, or Muslim as per the following rather disgusting example:

This shouldn't be a surprise. The racist movement has historically been dominated by men who view women even of the same ethnicity not as their equals but at best as baby factories. Relatively few women seem to enter into this world which further supports the jaded view of these men that "white women" are morally weak and easily led astray by cultural trends. Of those few women who do enter this world, many if not most soon become disillusioned by the hypocrisy, rampant sexual violence, and toxic social environment fostered by the movement. The mindset of many men, frustrated by their inability to find sexual partners, might be understood in the context of the novel KD Rebel written by convicted murderer and terrorist David Lane. The novel is for all intents and purposes an extended rape fantasy in which the heroes kidnap women from urban centers, divide them among themselves, and sexually assault them until they accept their fate as wives and incubators of the new order while their "husbands" engage in a campaign of genocidal terror.

ARC has written about this many times in the past including one article that examined the phenomena from both an historical and contemporary perspective  (we also had a guest author who came at the issue from a sociological point-of-view). A frequent example of the "white nationalist" mind regarding women found on ARC has been VNN mainstay and London, Ontario resident Tomasz Winnicki:

In recent years the racist movement has made an effort to rebrand itself as "alt-right." Those alt-right supporters linked to.... let's say 4Chan are also notoriously misogynistic as well (see Gamergate controversy as an example), however some members of this subgroup of bigots are often more adept at using social media and cultural touchstones. They couch their hatred in appeals to nationalism and tradition. The movement is also notoriously anti-feminist. Still, that anti-feminism has counter-intuitively attracted some women who have become quite prominent figures in the alt-right:

Lauren Southern, formerly of Ezra Levant's "Rebel Media," has been a bit of a darling of the alt-right due to youth and attractiveness, her attacks on feminism, and her support of ultra-conservative traditionalism; she has amassed a considerable following. Her appeal has crossed over into the more overt racists on Stormfront and even the even more racist VNN:

However she and other female alt-right personalities have come to shockingly learn that their male alt-right anti-feminist admirers are misogynistic assholes who thought it was all cute that these women were speaking out in support of their retrogressive values, but now it is time for them to shut up, marry good white men, and start pumping out the babies:

One of those "alt-right" men attacking their female alt-right counterparts is rape advocate Daryush "Roosh V" Valizadeh who's trip to Canada went rather poorly, though Ezra (as it turns out ironically) engaged in a softball interview with him.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

December 2016 Bits and Bites

We begin with a very brief update on Paulie who is so tickled pink (well, more pink than he usually is) about Trump's election that he isn't bothering to try to conceal his views in more "respectable" terms anymore:

We're sure that Paulie will be leading the charge.... so long as others foot the bill so that he can maintain the lifestyle that he has become accustomed to.

And as long as others actually take on any potential risks. That of course goes without saying.

Out in British Columbia, some members of the Soldiers of Odin tried to crash an anti-racism rally in Richmond. Suffice it to say that it didn't go especially well for them:
However, it was marred slightly by the appearance of a small group from the Soldiers of Odin, a citizen-based “street patrol” organization, closely connected to anti-immigration movements in Finland.
On Sunday, although claiming not to be racist, pledging support for everyone, irrespective of race and carrying signs stating “Stand And Fight Against Hate,” — the three men representing the Soldiers of Odin were told their presence wasn’t welcome and, after a few words were exchanged, moved further down No. 3 Road.
Despite repeated attempts to contact the Soldiers of Odin’s B.C. chapter through its Facebook page, the News was not able to reach the group or its local leaders for comment.  
At the event, Soldiers of Odin representative Kris Erickson told the News’ photographer that everyone had got their message wrong and claimed that they were there to express solidarity with the protestors.
SOO, which has chapters across Canada, denies, on its public Facebook page, any accusations of being racist or anti-immigrant and claims to exist to primarily protect women and children by keeping the streets safe.
However, it’s been alleged the group’s private Facebook page is filled with racist and xenophobic comments, mainly directed towards Muslims.
In other interesting news, we found the following rather enigmatic post on Quebec SoO chapter president David Tregget's Facebook page:

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Paulie Denied Access to Parliament

Today was an historic occasion as Prime Minister Trudeau formally apologized in the House to Canadian Sikhs for the Komagata Maru "incident." Former Prime Minister Harper had apologized in 2008, however that apology occurred during an event in Surrey, BC, which was a disappointment to the Sikh community who wanted the apology made on the floor of the House of Commons. We should also note that Trudeau's apology on behalf of the Canadian government was supported by the Conservative Party, NDP, Bloc Quebecois, and Green Party.

Someone who wasn't pleased with the apology?

Of course it was Paulie!

Now Paulie wrote up a long-winded missive that we aren't about to publish in full that he intended to deliver in a speech at the press gallery at Parliament Hill.

We put emphasis on, "intended":

Controversial speaker denied access to Parliament for a second time

Just over an hour before Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was to rise in the House of Commons Wednesday and deliver an apology to Canada’s Sikh population for the 1914 Komagata Maru incident, Paul Fromm — anti-immigration activist previously banned from entering Parliament — was scheduled to hold a press conference opposing it.

Though his press conference was ultimately cancelled and Fromm was denied access to the Parliamentary precinct late Wednesday morning, that only came after some eleventh hour scrambling.
Fromm was previously connected to Holocaust denier Ernst Zundel and has been criticized by human rights groups for his racist views.
The office of the speaker of the house of commons confirmed to iPolitics that, “further to a recommendation from the Deputy Sergeant at Arms, and based on past practice”, Fromm had been denied access to the precinct.

That past practice referred to a motion brought by Conservative MP Jason Kenney in 2007, which ordered Paul Fromm and an individual named Alexan Kulbashian “be denied admittance to the precincts of the House of Commons during the present session to preserve the dignity and integrity of the House.”

In response to Jason Kenney's motion in 2007, Fromm later ran against him in Calgary in 2011 under the umbrella of a western separatist party, which was somewhat curious given Fromm's life-long residence in Ontario. And for his efforts, Fromm was stomped into a mud hole; had he run in an adjacent riding, he also would have lost to Communist Party candidate (and friend of the blog despite this writer's firm champagne socialism) Jason Devine. The subsequent spin on his shellacking was something to behold.

We wonder who Paulie will decide to humiliate himself against this time? We mean, besides this humiliation.

UPDATE 1: We so enjoy reading Paulie speak to himself in the third person.

UPDATE 2: And now, Tommy Winnicki, has offered his $0.02 on Stormfront....

.... and VNN

Cut and paste.

And Winnicki claims the "White Race" is uniquely gifted and creative.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Students For Western Civilization: Trolls, But Still Interesting (Part I)

This past week a number of articles were published in the United States and Canada regarding the emergence of a group calling itself Students For Western Civilization that has been attempting to form a White Students' Union at a number of universities and colleges. The group has been known to have existed since September 2015 when they began placing signs across university campuses, including York, Ryerson, and others, an example of which could be found on the group's Facebook page:

Monday, August 17, 2015

"Cobbsville Redux" or "The Sequel is Usually Worse Than the Original": Part II

When we last looked at Craig Cobb's North Dakota efforts, he had set his sights on a new town. Antler, population 20 (give or take) is just a hop, skip, and jump over the Canadian border and a 50 minute drive from this writer's home town. Unable to resist attention, he publicly announced his intentions on Stormfront which was picked up by local, state, and eventually national media.

Since that announcement, Crusty the Cobb appears to have grown smug assuming that no one will be able to thwart his masterful plans this time. He even started taunting the folks in Leith, the town he first tried to take over and where he was ultimately arrested. Cobb seems to now believe that he will be able to have his conviction thrown out, the inhabitants of Leith arrested for persecuting him, and the sheriff's department stuck with a civil lawsuit for an unconstitutional arrest:


We had thought that "Antler, ND" might be Cobb, though we're now leaning towards it being Deborah Dutton. No matter. The world is Craig Cobb's oyster.


Yeah, you knew the wheels were going to fall off soon:

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Fromm and McKee: Interesting Fallout From "National Post" Article

We had expected that the Stewart Bell article which focused on a young, autistic, Jewish man who had embraced white supremacy would result in radio silence from most of the usual suspects mainly because Paulie was portrayed in a particularly negative light. We did expect there might be a few who would comment; Tommy Winnicki here and on VNN for example:

FYI, Tommy isn't very original. He appears to routinely save messages, repeatedly posting the exact same ones in the desperate hope that we will publish at least one of them.

One might suggest he find a more productive hobby, but then there are those who would say that's a matter of the pot calling the kettle black.

I digress.

We did find a single thread on Stormfront that commented on the revelation that Paulie appears to be using an autistic gentleman to smuggle hate literature and for money, and the source was not at all expected:

I suppose it isn't a surprise that McKee decided focus on this article. At first it seems he is is critical of Max Hynes' Southern Ontario Skinheads out of London, an understandable position given the two groups.... such as they are.... hate each other (and McKee has already gone out of his way to criticize Hynes and the SOS on Stormfront). The tenor of the posts initially seemed be progressing in that direction:

But then we see that the criticism isn't so much directed at the SOS (though to be sure that perspective exists) but towards Paulie himself:

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Canadian Bonehead Response to Charleston Church Murders

When the "National Post" published the article focusing on Paulie's involvement with the Council of Conservative Citizens (CoCC), the hate group that inspired the murder of 9 men and women at Mother Emanel, his friend and fellow CoCC supporter Jared Taylor noted that the story wasn't so bad:

This led to one of the more "out there" exchanges on Facebook that we've experienced in a while:

While it is pretty funny to witness just how disconnected with reality that boneheads can be, the murders in Charleston really did bring out the worst in a lot of those who we cover here on the blog.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

"Cobbsville Redux" or "The Sequel is Usually Worse Than the Original"

Insanity: 1. the condition of being insane; a derangement of the mind. Synonyms: dementia, lunacy, madness, craziness, mania, aberration.

2. (Law) such unsoundness of mind as frees one from legal responsibility, as for committing a crime, or as signals one's lack of legal capacity, as for entering into a contractual agreement.

3. extreme foolishness; a foolish or senseless action, policy, statement, etc.; folly; senselessness; foolhardiness.

4. doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

5. (Noun) Craig Cobb.

Our readers will no doubt vividly recall Craig Cobb's efforts to take over a small, North Dakota hamlet in order to turn it into a White Nationalist enclave. Our readers will further remember the giddy excitement from some boneheads (such as our own Tomasz Winnicki) and the ridicule of the effort by other boneheads. Finally, our readers will remember the absolute disaster of Cobb's attempt to take over the town which ultimately culminated in his arrest and later guilty plea to keep himself out of prison.

When the debacle had passed and he had been released from jail, Cobb suggested that he was done and was going to retire from the movement, at least as a public activist. Considering his desperate need for attention, we never believed him for a moment.

Guess what Craig Cobb is planning to do again?

Monday, April 20, 2015

Winnicki Donates to Free Dominion's Warman Appeal

Looks like London's biggest hater (his own words, by the way) has warm and fuzzy feelings for Free Dominion. Or more likely vitriolic and caustic feelings towards the people Free Dominion isn't fond of. With him it's more likely the former than the latter.

Not long ago, the folks at Free Dominion opened up for business again on a more limited basis, however they soon launched a fundraising effort to appeal the Warman defamation suit that went to horribly against them.

Now, to be fair, the content of Free Dominion hasn't been as bat-fucking-insane as it had been in the past (relatively speaking of course) perhaps due to certain former regulars no longer posting on the forum. <coughchoughedkennedycough>

And, much to our surprise, we at ARC even found ourselves agreeing with their position on Bill C-51.

We figured that maybe, at least in the short to mid term, they had learned the value of moderation.

And then one of our readers tipped us off to this:

Uhm, who donated $200 to Free Dominion's appeal?

Oh dear.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Observing Patterns and Drawing Correct Conclusions

Sometimes when we're bored we like to write about the people who have amused us for some reason or other. Over the years we've published articles on the blog we've had one individual who, as a frequent reader, has often tried to rhetorically cross swords with us:

This wide-eyed waif is a young Tomasz Winnicki pictured at a time when he was innocent, hopeful, and had a full head of hair. Eventually Tommy would turn into this:

The years have not been very kind to Tom. Like the boy he was in the first photograph, this nearly 40 year old man-child also still live with his mother and still has difficulty cleaning his bedroom.

Does the term "arrested development" have any meaning, Tommy?

Our long time readers are by this point aware of Tommy and his unjustifiably inflated ego. In short, Winnicki believes himself to be a particularly brilliant chap and that that his ideological foes cower in the face of an obvious intellectual giant. Tommy certainly isn't shy about sharing with others how clever he believes he is:

The above post is based on Winnicki's perception of a discussion found here on the "London Free Press." In the echo chamber that is VNN, there are those who will likely believe that he is "schooling" the folks he describes as anti-racists. Then again, he also thought this was a legitimate argument concerning the recent national elections in Sweden:

We often like to poke Winnicki because.... well.... it's lots of fun. We also know that challenging his intelligence will result in a temper tantrum and Tommy did not fail to disappoint us:

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Southern Ontario Skins: A Cast of Stooges Part VII

It would appear that McKee's Blood & Honour and Hynes' Southern Ontario "Skinheads" have decided to continue their little spat on our blog. Truth be told, we are more than pleased to facilitate their intellectual jousting, though referring to the bluff and bluster as "intellectual" might be to stretch the meaning of the word:

Ah, Max's "crew." On that note, it seems that our previous article in the "stooges" series featuring one of the latest recruits to Max's "crew" has turned out to be quite popular. And one of those who has taken notice is our superfan Tomasz "Still Lives in Mommy's Basement" Winnicki.

Winnicki and Hynes in fact know each other. Both were in attendance at a Pauli anti-immigrant protest back in 2010....

....and Winnicki attended the ill-fated White Pride march organized by Hynes back in 2012. So one might think that because of their ideological views and the fact they both live in the same city that perhaps Hynes and Winnicki support each other.

Well, that may not be the case.

Sunday, July 06, 2014

July 2014 Bits and Bites: FAN MAIL!!!!.... and other stuff

We frequently receive fan mail here at the blog from our adoring bonehead audience. Some of it comes from longtime readers while others are the result of boneheads finding us for the first time. Let's begin with the latter example first.

A few weeks ago we updated, "A History of Violence" adding a number of new entries, most of which were related to the Southern Ontario "Skinheads." However we did include aligned with McKee's Blood & Honour movement but who, prior to his association with McKee, was the leader of another tiny group which may have never been more than the fevered imaginations of the founder:

Calgary, AB -  Neil Kehler sentenced  in armed robbery

Neil Robert Kehler, the ringleader of group of men who robbed a Domino's Pizza and other business at gunpoint, was sentenced to 5 years in prison:

...ringleader Neil Robert Kehler pointed a single barrel shotgun at the clerk.

The group escaped into a nearby van which had its licence plate covered.
Neil Robert Kehler, 2013 photo

Two nights later they robbed a Shawville Rd. S.W. Super 8 and returned to the same motel on Sept. 6, only to leave after finding no one at the front desk.

A security guard watching video in a monitoring room saw the Kehler and the youth on surveillance cameras, but only later realized he wasn't watching footage of the earlier heist.

The pair were arrested following a Pizza Hut robbery on Sept. 9, while their accomplices were later nabbed by police.

Kehler had been the leader of a very small white supremacist group he called the White Knights prior to his arrest and imprisonment, though it doesn't appear to have been much more than an Internet-based group. Kehler has written that he planned to attend the next "White Pride" march organized by the Aryan Guard, however his arrest precluded his involvement. Upon his release, he became more closely associated with Kyle McKee and his Blood & Honour.

Normally we don't hear from the boneheads we include on the list, though there are some notable exception. However, not long after updating the timeline, Mr. Kehler decided to get in touch:

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Frazier Glenn Miller: Two Coinicidences

Well, one coincidence and one, perhaps, not so coincidence.

Boneheads are big on numerical symbolism and dates. The number "88" stands for "Heil Hitler." If you see a bonehead post the number, "14" he is likely referring to the "14 Words" coined by David Lane, a member of the terrorist group The Order. Tomorrow some boneheads will be celebrating 4/20 in a very different way than other people will be celebrating the day as Western rite Christians will be celebrating Easter.... oh, and of course marijuana aficionados have been been commemorating the day since 1971.

As a result we also pay attention to numbers and dates as they relate to boneheads. In most cases they mean nothing, but there are a few times where our interest is piqued. Here are two cases in point.

We already mentioned The Order above, and some of our readers will know that Frazier Glenn Miller (or Cross apparently) was associated with the terrorist group. In fact, Miller agreed to testify against members of The Order as well as other White Supremacists in a 1987 sedition trial as part of a plea agreement; he was facing 15 years for weapons violations as well as ordering a hit on some prominent civil rights activists but as a result of his plea he served only 3 years in a federal prison.

What some of our readers might not know is that Heritage Front founder Wolfgang Droege was also associated with The Order:

So what?