Guidelines on the Production and Preservation of Digital Audio Objects (web edition)

printed edition | web edition


This is the English language web edition of IASA-TC 04 (Second Edition, 2009), an accepted authority on digital audio preservation in the sound archiving field. It is is also available online in other languages: Catalan Directrius per a la producció i preservació d'objectes d'àudio digital;  in Français: Recommandations pour la production et la conservation des objets audionumériques; in Espanol: Directrices para la producción y preservación de objetos digitales de audio.

Paper and PDF copies may be ordered from the Special Publications page. IASA Members may also download a free PDF version. If you are not a Member, why not join IASA?

Recommended citation style:
IASA Technical Committee, Guidelines on the Production and Preservation of Digital Audio Objects, ed. by Kevin Bradley. Second edition 2009. (= Standards, Recommended Practices and Strategies, IASA-TC 04).


Table of contents