Managing Information in Native Title

Project status: 

Vast amounts of information about people, country and culture are collected during the native title claim process, and post-determination management of native title. As a result many native title groups and their representatives share the same problem: how do you best manage this mountain of information?

The information assets created by native title claims are large, complex and of historical, cultural and economic value to current and future members of native title groups, as well as to the nation more broadly.

The Managing Information in Native Title project explores the use of the material collected through this process, including appropriate management, storage and return of information created in the context of native title and heritage.

This project will examine the current practices among Native Title Representative Bodies (NTRBs) and Prescribed Bodies Corporate (PBCs). It will begin to develop a set of guidelines for the return of materials to PBCs and explore what the materials can be used for in the future.

Presentations and Workshops

McGrath, P, Dinkler, L & Andriolo, A, �Managing Information in Native Title Workshop’ at the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, Canberra., 16-17 March 2015

Dinkler, L �Outcomes from a workshop on managing information in native title’, presentation at Native Title Conference 2015: Leadership, Legacy and Opportunity, 16 June 2015.


McGrath, P, Dinkler, L & Andriolo, A 2015, Managing Information in Native Title: survey and workshop report, Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, Canberra.

Further reading and resources