Dr Lisa Strelein

Photo of Dr Lisa Strelein
Director of Research Strategy. Adjunct Professor, National Centre for Indigenous Studies, College of Law, Australian National University.

Lisa’s research and publications have focused on the relationship between Indigenous peoples and the state, and the role of the courts in defining Indigenous peoples’ rights.

Lisa has made a significant contribution to academic debate on native title in Australia, including her book: Compromised Jurisprudence: Native Title Cases since Mabo. Now in its second edition, the book has been heralded by members of the judiciary and Indigenous community alike.

Lisa maintains strong networks within the native title system, conducting research projects in partnership with, or in response to, the needs of native title representative bodies and claimants as well as government departments. Lisa has an interest in taxation and corporate design and planning elements of native title organisations.

She is also on the Executive Board of AIATSIS and takes a strong interest in the internal governance of the institute. Lisa is the convenor of the annual National Native Title Conference, which remains the leading annual Indigenous policy conference in Australia.

She has degrees in Commerce and Law and was awarded a PhD, for her thesis examining Indigenous sovereignty and the common law, from the Australian National University (ANU) Research School of Social Sciences in 1998. Lisa is an Adjunct Professor with the College of Law and National Centre for Indigenous Studies at the ANU.

Current research focus

Lisa's current research projects are focused on the core research projects of the NTRU and include:

  • Prescribed Bodies Corporate and building the capacity of native title communities.
  • Taxation trusts and the distribution of benefits from native title agreements.
  • Authorisation and Indigenous decision-making.
  • Assessing connection in native title mediation.
  • Agreements, treaties and negotiated settlements: the Australian Research Council in collaboration with the University of Melbourne colleagues, examines the implementation and sustainability of agreements with Indigenous people.
  • The jurisprudence of native title and current native title policy and practice.
  • The philosophical foundations of Indigenous peoples engagement with the state.
  • Analysis of broader land settlements.


Edited books

Book chapters

  • Strelein, LM (forthcoming 2017) Native title and Aboriginal Rights to land, in John Mugambwa, Eileen Webb and Robyn Honey et al, Real Property in Western Australia (Thompson Reuters)
  • Strelein, LM 2015, Native title in Australia: colonising and decolonising Indigneous governance, in A Mona (ed.), Proceedings of the 2014 International Austronesian Forum: Indigenous Good Governance - Its Applications and Prospects, 1-2 December, Taipei, Taiwan
  • Tran, T, LM Strelein, J Weir & C Stacey 2014, Indigenous governance and climate change adaption: two native title case studies from Australia, in JP Palutkof, SL Boutler, J Barnett & D Rissik (eds.), Applied studies in climate adaptation, Wiley-Blackwell, London
  • Strelein, L 2014 The Right to Resources and the Right to Trade in Sean Brennan, Megan Davis, Brendan Edgeworth and Leon Terrill (eds), Native Title From Mabo to Akiba: A Vehicle for Change and Empowerment?. Federation Press
  • Strelein, L 2013 Native Title Bodies Corporate in the Torres Strait: finding a place in the governance of a region’ in Bauman,T, Strelein LM & Weir JK (eds), Living with native title: the experiences of registered native title corporations. AIATSIS Research Publications, Canberra
  • Bauman,T, Strelein LM & Weir JK 2013 Navigating complexity: living with native title’ in Bauman,T, Strelein LM & Weir JK (eds), Living with native title: the experiences of registered native title corporations. AIATSIS Research Publications, Canberra
  • Strelein, LM 2012. Native title agreements, taxation and economic development in Australia’ in M Langton and J Longbottom, (ed) Community futures, legal architecture : foundations for Indigenous peoples in the global mining boom, Routledge.
  • Strelein, LM and T Bauman 2012. Interview with Lisa Strelein: reflections on the 20th anniversary of Mabo in T Bauman and L Glick (eds) The limits of change: Mabo and native title 20 years on, AIATSIS
  • Strelein, LM 2010. Introduction: The legacy of Mabo's case' in Strelein, LM (ed.) 2010, Dialogue About Land Justice, Aboriginal Studies Press, Canberra
  • Strelein, LM 2010. Symbolism and Function: From native title to Indigenous self-government (reproduced) in Strelein, LM (ed.) 2010, Dialogue About Land Justice, Aboriginal Studies Press, Canberra
  • Strelein, L. and J. Weir. 2009. Conservation and Human Rights in the Context of Native Title in Australia’, book chapter in Campese, J, Sunderland, T, Greiber, T and G Oviedo (eds) Exploring Issues and Opportunities in Rights Based Approaches to Conservation, CIFOR, IUCN and CEESP, Bogor, Indonesia.
  • Strelein L, M Morgan and J Weir. 2006. Authority, knowledge and values: Indigenous Nations engagement in the management of natural resources in the Murray-Darling Basin, in M Langton, O Mazel, L Palmer, K Shain and M Tehan (eds) Settling with Indigenous peoples: Case Studies in agreement making from Australia, Canada and New Zealand. Federation Press.
  • Strelein, L, 2006. (reproduced) Missed Meanings: The language of sovereignty in teh Treaty debate, in P Read, G Meyers and B Reece (eds.). What Good Condition: Reflections on an Australian Aboriginal Treaty 1986-2006, Aboriginal History Monograph13, ANU EPress, Canberra
  • Strelein, L 2005, Culture and Commerce, the use of fishing traditions in proving native title, in Taylor et al (eds.) The Power of Knowledge: The Resonance of Tradition, Aboriginal Studies Press, Canberra
  • Strelein, LM 2004. Australia's Oceans Policy and Native Title (chapter 10). In P. Kauffman (ed.), Water and Fishing: Aboriginal Rights in Australia and Canada. ATSIC, Canberra. 101-133.
  • Strelein, L.M. 2004. Symbolism and Function: From native title to Indigenous self-government (chapter 11). In M. Langton, M. Tehan, L. Palmer and K. Shain (eds), Honour Among Nations: Treaties and Agreements with Indigenous People, Melbourne University Publishing, Melbourne. 189-202.

Refereed articles

  • Strelein L 2014 Reforming the requirements of proof: The Australian Law Reform Commission's Native Title Inquiry 8(10) Indigenous Law Bulletin 6-10
  • Strelein L &Tran T 2013 Building Indigenous Governance from Native Title: Moving away from Fitting in to Creating a Decolonised Space 18(1) Review of Constitutional Studies
  • Lauder, G & Strelein, L 2013 Native title and commercial fisheries: The Torres Strait sea claim 118 Precedent 13.
  • Strelein, L. 2009. A Captive of Statute 93 Reform (Native Title), pp. 48–52.
  • Strelein L, 2006. (reproduced) Missed Meanings: The language of sovereignty in the Treaty debate, in P Read, G Meyers and B Reece (eds). What Good Condition: Reflections on an Australian Aboriginal Treaty 1986-2006, Aboriginal History Monograph 13, ANU EPress, Canberra.
  • Strelein, L.M. 2005. From Mabo to Yorta Yorta: Native Title Law in Australia, Washington University Journal of Law and Policy vol. 19, special edition entitled International and Comparative Perspectives on Indigenous Rights’.
  • Strelein, L, 2005, Native title-holding groups and native title societies: Sampi v State of Western Australia [2005] in Land, Rights, Laws: Issues of Native Title, Vol. 3, No. 4, Native Title Research Unit, Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, Canberra.
  • Strelein, L. 2005, Authorisation and replacement of applicants: Bolton v WA, Land Rights Laws, vol. 3(1)
  • Strelein, LM 2004. A Comfortable Existance: The Commercial Use of Marine Resources under Native Title. 5 Balayi: Culture Law and Colonialism 94-123
  • Strelein, LM 2003. Missed Meanings: The Language of Sovereignty in the Treaty Debate. ARENA Journal No. 20, 2002/2003, 83-96
  • Strelein, LM 2001. Understanding non-discrimination: International criticisms of Australia's compliance with human rights standards, with Michael Dodson and Jessica Weir, 2 Balayi Culture, Law and Colonialism 133-148
  • Strelein, L.M. 2001. Conceptualising Native Title,23 University of Sydney Law Review 95-124.
  • Strelein, LM 2001. Australia's nation-building: Renegotating the relationship between Indigenous peoples and the state, with Michael Dodson, 24(3) University of New South Wales Law Journal, Centenary of Federation Special Issue. 826-39
  • Strelein, L.M. 2000. The Courts of the Conqueror’: The Utility of the Courts for the Assertion of Indigenous Self-determination Claims, 5(3) Australian Indigenous Law Reporter 1-23.
  • Strelein, LM 2000. Dealing with Unfinished Business: A Treaty for Australia, 11(4) Public Law Review, 259-64

Refereed multi-media publications

  • Bauman T et al (forthcoming 2016) Core Cultural Learning: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australia, Foundation course for commonwealth employees (Captivate on-line learning program)
  • Strelein, L.M., J. Andersen, A. Terrill, J. Weir. 2002. Native Title Business: A national traveling exhibition , text for display, catalogue and educational material on native title and Indigenous art, curated by Joan Winter and the Gurang Land Council.
  • Strelein, L.M. 2001. Native Title’ Stream , in Mabo – The Judicial Revolution 2 CD Rom package and Internet site (www.MaboNativeTitle.com), directed by Trevor Graham, Tantamount Productions, Film Australia (BAFTA and multiple award winner).

Discussion papers, commentaries and other articles