- published: 18 Sep 2013
- views: 22599
The Hayes command set is a specific command language originally developed by Dennis Hayes for the Hayes Smartmodem 300 baud modem in 1981.
The command set consists of a series of short text strings which can be combined to produce commands for operations such as dialing, hanging up, and changing the parameters of the connection. The vast majority of dial-up modems use the Hayes command set in numerous variations.
The command set covered only those operations supported by the earliest 300 bit/s modems. When new commands were required to control additional functionality in higher speed modems, a variety of one-off standards emerged from each of the major vendors. These continued to share the basic command structure and syntax, but added any number of new commands using some sort of prefix character – &
for Hayes and USR, and \
for Microcom, for instance. Many of these re-standardized on the Hayes extensions after the introduction of the SupraFAXModem 14400 and the subsequent market consolidation that followed.
AT Commands-Tutorial
Scheduling Tasks in Linux - The AT Command
SIM900 AT Commands
Getting started with AT Commands in SIM900A GSM Modem
How to Use Unix AT Command
How To send At commands using HyperTerminal on window 10
A baudy Linux Hack: Hayes Modem modded to Linux Desktop (and modem time machine).
ESP8266 Tutorial AT Commands
Using AT Commands with SIM900 GSM Modem
Linux Commands for Beginners: 29 - Heads or Tails
A tutorial on SIM300gsm module
Scheduling Tasks in Linux - The AT Command and utilizing the at daemon to schedule single instance tasks.
http://www.raviyp.com/embedded/182-sim900-sms-call-commands This screen cast shows how to interact with SIM900 GSM module via AT commands from a PC terminal software. The video explains - Why the mysterious dots appear on the terminal when the SIM900 is powered On - How to make a call, receive a call and disconnect a call - How to send a SMS, receive a SMS, Delete a SMS message - How to set the baud rate, autobaud mode Sorry for the mistakes, its my first narration. :P Send me a mail to ravi@valetron.com Downloads: TMFT - https://www.dropbox.com/s/8bxs3f9i9ouvk7c/tmft_26_customised.rar?dl=0
PS-GSM/GPRS Modem is a multi-functional, ready to use, rugged and versatile modem for easy integration with RS-232 Interface. Options to connect phone handset by externally. It is a perfect solution to use with SMS gateways. The modem is fully type approved and can directly be integrated into projects with any or all the features SMS.. Calrify your Technical Queries in our Pantech forum: https://www.pantechsolutions.net/forum
You can set and define a schedule for your Linux, commanding it what to perform at what time. This can be done through terminal application. Don't forget to check out our site http://howtech.tv/ for more free how-to videos! http://youtube.com/ithowtovids - our feed http://www.facebook.com/howtechtv - join us on facebook https://plus.google.com/103440382717658277879 - our group in Google+ In this tutorial we will show you how to use the unix at command. Through the Unix AT commands, we can run a set of commands at a particular time, which is really helpful in scheduling tasks in a Linux environment. For this tutorial, we will show you how to restart the Unix server by using this command. Step 1 -- Enter command in terminal application First of all, in the terminal application, let's typ...
How to use at commands AT command How To send At commands using HyperTerminal
Vote for us! (Check out Bryan's project too first!) http://www.polljunkie.com/poll/fjospo/you-put-linux-on-that It's the year of the linux desktop! At least as it exists now in this hayes 1200 baud modem. That still kinda functions as a modem. And a time machine. You put linux on THAT?! Linux, on the desktop (hah!). With an ASRock Beebox motherboard in a 1200 baud modem (haha!). With another linux box, the rasperry pi zero, doing modem functions (hahaha!) Hi! Thanks for watching! Bryan Lunduke and Wendell from Level1 had a bit of a friendly challenge to see who could put Linux on the most ridiculous thing ever. Vote for us! Because Bryan is super cool. But our modem is a kind of time machine :D http://www.polljunkie.com/poll/fjospo/you-put-linux-on-that .. if you want to see wh...
Learn to use your ESP8266 to connect to the internet and retrieve information from the web. In this tutorial I will teach you how to use the AT commands of your module, how to connect to a router, and then how to retrieve weather data from a website API. Equipment Used: RealTerm Serial/TCP Terminal: http://sourceforge.net/projects/realterm/files/latest/download 5V and 3.3V Power Supply: https://www.sparkfun.com/products/10804 Wall Adapter Power Supply – 9VDC https://www.sparkfun.com/products/298 FTDI to USB 3.3V Cable: http://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/FTDI/TTL-232R-RPI/?qs=3tuk1l7PSbNqj0mOeA5IPw%3D%3D ESP8266 Wifi Module: http://www.ebay.com/itm/ESP8266-ESP-01-Serial-WIFI-Upgradeable-FreeShipping-Arrive-1-10-Biz-Day-/271647775639?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash;=item3f3f781b97 S...
Welcome to my Linux Commands for Beginners tutorial series, where I'll show you how to use the Linux Command shell (specifically Bash) one command at a time. This series aims to take you from a beginner to an advanced user, one video at a time. In this video, I go over both the head and tail commands. Be sure to check out "Escape to Planet 55" available in print and on Kindle! http://www.amazon.com/Escape-to-Planet-55-ebook/dp/B00EV62AI4/
A tutorial on SIM300gsm module
Scheduling Tasks in Linux - The AT Command and utilizing the at daemon to schedule single instance tasks.
http://www.raviyp.com/embedded/182-sim900-sms-call-commands This screen cast shows how to interact with SIM900 GSM module via AT commands from a PC terminal software. The video explains - Why the mysterious dots appear on the terminal when the SIM900 is powered On - How to make a call, receive a call and disconnect a call - How to send a SMS, receive a SMS, Delete a SMS message - How to set the baud rate, autobaud mode Sorry for the mistakes, its my first narration. :P Send me a mail to ravi@valetron.com Downloads: TMFT - https://www.dropbox.com/s/8bxs3f9i9ouvk7c/tmft_26_customised.rar?dl=0
PS-GSM/GPRS Modem is a multi-functional, ready to use, rugged and versatile modem for easy integration with RS-232 Interface. Options to connect phone handset by externally. It is a perfect solution to use with SMS gateways. The modem is fully type approved and can directly be integrated into projects with any or all the features SMS.. Calrify your Technical Queries in our Pantech forum: https://www.pantechsolutions.net/forum
You can set and define a schedule for your Linux, commanding it what to perform at what time. This can be done through terminal application. Don't forget to check out our site http://howtech.tv/ for more free how-to videos! http://youtube.com/ithowtovids - our feed http://www.facebook.com/howtechtv - join us on facebook https://plus.google.com/103440382717658277879 - our group in Google+ In this tutorial we will show you how to use the unix at command. Through the Unix AT commands, we can run a set of commands at a particular time, which is really helpful in scheduling tasks in a Linux environment. For this tutorial, we will show you how to restart the Unix server by using this command. Step 1 -- Enter command in terminal application First of all, in the terminal application, let's typ...
How to use at commands AT command How To send At commands using HyperTerminal
Vote for us! (Check out Bryan's project too first!) http://www.polljunkie.com/poll/fjospo/you-put-linux-on-that It's the year of the linux desktop! At least as it exists now in this hayes 1200 baud modem. That still kinda functions as a modem. And a time machine. You put linux on THAT?! Linux, on the desktop (hah!). With an ASRock Beebox motherboard in a 1200 baud modem (haha!). With another linux box, the rasperry pi zero, doing modem functions (hahaha!) Hi! Thanks for watching! Bryan Lunduke and Wendell from Level1 had a bit of a friendly challenge to see who could put Linux on the most ridiculous thing ever. Vote for us! Because Bryan is super cool. But our modem is a kind of time machine :D http://www.polljunkie.com/poll/fjospo/you-put-linux-on-that .. if you want to see wh...
Learn to use your ESP8266 to connect to the internet and retrieve information from the web. In this tutorial I will teach you how to use the AT commands of your module, how to connect to a router, and then how to retrieve weather data from a website API. Equipment Used: RealTerm Serial/TCP Terminal: http://sourceforge.net/projects/realterm/files/latest/download 5V and 3.3V Power Supply: https://www.sparkfun.com/products/10804 Wall Adapter Power Supply – 9VDC https://www.sparkfun.com/products/298 FTDI to USB 3.3V Cable: http://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/FTDI/TTL-232R-RPI/?qs=3tuk1l7PSbNqj0mOeA5IPw%3D%3D ESP8266 Wifi Module: http://www.ebay.com/itm/ESP8266-ESP-01-Serial-WIFI-Upgradeable-FreeShipping-Arrive-1-10-Biz-Day-/271647775639?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash;=item3f3f781b97 S...
Welcome to my Linux Commands for Beginners tutorial series, where I'll show you how to use the Linux Command shell (specifically Bash) one command at a time. This series aims to take you from a beginner to an advanced user, one video at a time. In this video, I go over both the head and tail commands. Be sure to check out "Escape to Planet 55" available in print and on Kindle! http://www.amazon.com/Escape-to-Planet-55-ebook/dp/B00EV62AI4/
Hay guys it's me , Jeff/ or priest depending on how we know each other , I really hope u all enjoy the gaming videos I post and the live streaming on twitch we all do here in the reaper squad , our main game's are ( rainbow six siege , the division , and one of my favorites need for speed ) soooo hay what have u got to lose my gameing friends , hit that like give it a subscribe and tune in weekly for the newest video's If interested in watching our live stream's on Twitch look up unholypriest91 and sit back and enjoy ,
Lead Developer Ben Hayes comes on the show to talk about the hottest set this year, Commander 2016! We hear about the development challenges that led to the wonderful features we love about the set. On Twitter: @benbhayes The Developer blog: http://wizardsdeveloper.tumblr.com/ See the episode on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/CommanderinMTGPodcastChannel Our deck review group is here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/commanderindeckreviews Our deck lists are on http://deckstats.net/decks/35612/?lng=en Our web site is: http://www.commanderinmtg.com/ Commanderin’ is also on Podbay: http://podbay.fm/show/998836325 And you can find us on MTGCast: http://mtgcast.com/?s=commanderin We’re on YouTube! https://www.youtube.com/c/CommanderinMTGPodcastChannel You can find us on Twitter: T...
Are you hard of hearing/hearing impaired and/or deaf? Want to use your tty with your modern cell phone? If so, thats may provide you with the solution. I bought one of those retro telephone handsets for my Iphone 3gs that works well with my Ameriphone Dialogue IIP tty. I also did an unboxing of the "Coco Phone" handset and show you how to set it up with your tty! I also show you how to hook a Ultratec Intelemodem IT2 to a computer that does not have a RS232C serial port. Using a Keyspan 4 port serial to USB adaptort. I can use either Zterm or Minicom. I can connect to TTY callers and they can connect with me! the IT2 translates from ASCII to Baudout and also translates incoming Baudout to ASCII. This simple HAYES (AT Command set) modem can be used with any computer that can do 300bps. I...
In this week's episode of Minecraft map-making I will be showing you all how to make your own custom parkour mechanics in your own Minecraft adventure map. Commands will be found below. Anyways, make sure to like this video if you approve of it and of course... Enjoy! ^_^ Thank you to: Sliced Lime: https://www.youtube.com/user/slicedlime Block 137: https://www.youtube.com/user/CommandBlock137 For coming up with some of these contraptions. -=Commands=- "The Scoreboard Trinity": /scoreboard objectives add NAME dummy /scoreboard objectives setdisplay sidebar NAME /scoreboard objectives remove NAME Hay Bale Fall Damage Resistance: /scoreboard players set @a Hay 0 {OnGround:1b} /execute @a ~ ~ ~ detect ~ ~-3 ~ minecraft:hay_block -1 execute @p ~ ~ ~ detect ~ ~-2 ~ minecraft:air -1 scoreboard...