Kanata LRT should happen before extending rail farther east: Coun.Hubley

The city should start laying LRT tracks towards Kanata before extending rail past Place d’Orléans, according to a councillor who represents part of the western suburb.

LRT station to host 2017 attraction with 'ghost train'

The LRT station under construction at Lyon Street will be temporarily turned into an underground attraction featuring images, sounds and even a “ghost train” hurtling down the tracks as part of Ottawa’s 2017 festivities.

Extra station possible under realigned eastern LRT route

The city says an additional east-end LRT station is still possible under a realigned second phase of the transit project, but accessing the train stop would present a new challenge.Plugging a station near Gloucester High School into the Stage 2 LRT blueprint is only conceptual, since no money has been earmarked.

City tweaks Stage 2 LRT alignment in west and east

The city is changing the alignment of the LRT line in three places during the second phase of the project. One tweak means the the LRT tunnel won’t have cut through the Unitarian campus on Cleary Avenue. The city proposes to swing the tunnel south sooner, going from east to west, cutting through the property of a current strip plaza at 747 Richmond

Federal transit funding could speed city’s LRT plans

A pledge from the federal government to fund as much as 50 per cent of transit improvements over the next three years has dangled a tantalizing prospect in front of Ottawa City Hall.

Bridge collapse report expected

A city report is expected Tuesday on what caused the Bayview Bridge to partially collapse Friday morning.

Smooth sailing as OC Transpo reroutes Lebreton Flats buses

It was smooth sailing for OC Transpo commuters on the first Monday morning as the bus service rolled out its new schedule in centretown to accommodate LRT construction.

CITY HALL MONITOR: 5 things to watch in 2016

The Sun looks ahead to the biggest challenges facing City Hall in 2016.

Workers reach final stretch in LRT tunnel

Humberto Ferrer and his team can almost see the light at the end of a 2.5-kilometre tunnel in downtown Ottawa.

Transitway bridge closure hits dozens of OC Transpo routes

OC Transpo riders might spend more time than usual commuting this holiday season as another section of the Transitway closes and holiday schedules come into effect.

Consultants offer city tips on $3B Stage 2 LRT

An outside review of the Confederation Line LRT planning has tips for the city as it plots out the $3-billion Stage 2 extensions.

Mayor to help choose washroom designs for LRT stations

Council, under a time crunch, is leaving it up the mayor to pick a decent toilet to be installed at two LRT stations.

Pay-and-go potty plan considered for LRT

Another pay-as-you-go service could be part of the city's LRT system.

Two more potties proposed for LRT

The city wants to take $2 million out of its LRT contingency fund to build two extra washrooms on the Confederation Line.

City rakes in $34M from Ontario gas tax

Ottawa’s transportation projects are getting a $34.3 million boost from the province’s share of gasoline taxes.

Local Ottawa Tories snub debate organized by Mayor Watson

Local Tories aren’t sending a single candidate to a federal election debate next week that Watson is hosting at City Hall.

Coun. Wilkinson's call for Kanata commuter rail 'reckless' : Hubley

Coun. Marianne Wilkinson’s theory of using existing train tracks for a Kanata commuter line has a suburban colleague calling the idea “reckless.”

City trying to kill downtown retail?

I think the City of Ottawa should finish the job and hire Michael Bolton.

Rideau St. closure adds to downtown traffic woes

For the second time this week, downtown Ottawa drivers are finding more major road closures due to construction.

Transit is the big local ask for federal election candidates

Anyone working on the LRT file at City Hall was waiting on -- or crossing their fingers for -- two major announcements in 2009 and 2010.

$2B from upper-tiers won't cut it for Ottawa airport rail

Building an airport rail link won't be easy if the most the city can secure is $3 billion for its transit expansion.