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Kambala principal Debra Kelliher resigns after 'nasty campaign'

The principal of elite Sydney girls' school, Kambala, has resigned and will not return to the school after parents and teachers mounted a campaign to have her removed, just 3½ years after her appointment.

In a letter to parents on the first day of the school holidays, the president of the school council, prominent businesswoman Sally Herman, said Debra Kelliher had resigned and would "conclude her time at Kambala immediately".

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August 2016: Exclusive Sydney Anglican girls school Kambala issues a firmly worded response after some parents complained that the hiring of gay teachers was not "living up to our Christian values".

"Debra has done a wonderful job in her three-and-a-half years at Kambala," the letter, sent on Monday morning, said.

"She leaves a legacy focused on the key areas the council identified on her appointment - the school's academic results have improved significantly, enrolments have increased to their highest ever level, the school is in an excellent financial position."

Monday's letter follows a note to parents sent late on Friday night, which said the school council had "commenced a thorough review of the executive structure" to better support the school's "talented and passionate staff".

The council had implemented immediate actions at the Rose Bay school which would include "regular listening sessions" and additional support for teachers to give them more "time and resources".


Ms Herman's letter said the council would also establish "better lines of communication with the Kambala Parents' Association" and the council would require detailed information on any staff departures and "will be monitoring staff engagement and concerns very closely".

Fairfax Media understands that as many as 80 teachers signed a letter of no confidence in Ms Kelliher's leadership amid claims there had been significant staff turnover in the past three years.

Fairfax Media also understands parents who were unhappy with her performance complained to the council.

However, one parent told Fairfax Media Ms Kelliher had been a victim of an "incredibly nasty campaign".

"It's very surprising to all the parents we know both in the junior school and senior school as they are very pleased with the principal and the changes she has made, as well as massive improvements in HSC results under her leadership," the parent said.

Fairfax Media has attempted to contact Ms Herman and Ms Kelliher. A spokesman for Ms Herman said she would not be commenting further. 

In August last year, two families criticised Kambala for failing to live up to its Christian values by hiring and retaining teachers who are gay.

In a letter to parents at the time, Ms Herman wrote: "At the core of their displeasure is a concern that their daughters may be exposed to messages or values that they do not personally agree with.

"Families and girls from many faiths, ethnicities, sexual orientations and political convictions proudly call Kambala, 'my school'. We exist together as a community that wants to be defined more by how we care for each other than how we might discriminate."