
Shooter of unarmed anti-racist walks free; authorities silent

An update on the shooter of the Seattle Anti Fascist.

The Black Bloc Papers

The Black Bloc Papers- An Anthology of Primary Texts From The North American Anarchist Black Bloc
1988-2005 The Battle of Seattle Through The Anti-War Movement
Edited and compiled by David Van Deusen and Xaviar Massot
of The Green Mountain Anarchist Collective

Occupy Everything: Anarchists in the Occupy Movement 2009-2011

Since the first day that Zuccotti Park was occupied there has been a shadowy figure haunting Occupy Wall Street. The anarchist. Who is this anarchist? What role has she played in the Occupy Movement? What would Occupy be without him?

Electoral folly: no matter how good the candidate, business as usual rules elected office - Michael Reagan

An article by Michael Reagan that looks at the Kshama Sawant's time as a Seattle city councilperson and the compromises she's made.

A letter from Seattle to Hong Kong Protestors/ 从西雅图给香港战友写信

Pepper Spray in HK and Seattle

A letter to Hong Kong protestors from friends and ardent supporters across the Pacific. Add oil! 中文版正在翻译中。

Seattle Solidarity Network wins first multi-worker strike

Seattle Solidarity Network are happy to announce that the two workers from La Lot restaurant they were supporting who went on strike against tip-theft last month have won their demands.

Workers strike at La Lot Vietnamese restaurant

Small strike begins at a Seattle restaurant.

Sterling Manor tenants win massive repairs from landlords

Direct action by Seattle residents gets the goods - forcing landlords to spend over $50,000 on fixing mould and decay problems at an apartment block in north Seattle.

Kshama Sawant and Capitalism's Shock Absorbers

Seattle skyline at night

An analysis from Black Orchid Collective on the recent election of Socialist Alternative candidate Kshama Sawant to Seattle City Council, and this election's relationship to the broader social movement forces and conditions of the city.

Quick win in poverty-wages fight at White Center grocery store

SeaSol quickly wins $6,710 at a South Seattle grocery store.