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Juvenile justice system needs discretion to judge Apex and other Sudanese teenagers differently

As I was nodding off to sleep under the leopard skin duvet at Chateau Naked City the lady on the other side of the king-sized waterbed asked, "Have you locked the back gate?"

I asserted boldly, "Yes, " then whispered "to the civil burden of proof," (balance of probabilities). This was deemed unacceptable and so I ventured, "Yes, according to the Briginshaw Test," (comfortable satisfaction). A purple velour pillow in the ear indicated this was also unacceptable.

Apparently the criminal standard of beyond reasonable doubt was the only true answer.

What was the big deal? I wondered aloud over the Dean Martin mood music warbling from the cassette player nestled in the corner next to a life-sized cut-out of Cyril Rioli.

The issue, I was sternly informed as she turned off the disco-ball rotating above, related to home invasions rife in Melbourne suburbs.

Had I a weapon handy? Could I protect the home? Could Maggie, the family Australian Terrier be relied upon to become a furry vampire bat and fly at their throats?


I explained I would confront the intruders with a fusillade of adverbs, adjectives and pronouns that would leave them confused and inadequate. I would then follow with a rapid-fire combination of crime anecdotes, sage advice and bad puns until they saw the error of their ways.

This, not for the first time, left her deeply unsatisfied.

Versions of this conversation are held in Melbourne every night as many average citizens have become frightened in their own homes.

The most notorious of those committing these crimes are young men of Sudanese descent – linked to the Apex gang. These intruders do not commit the majority of the invasions but receive the majority of public attention.

This creates a philosophical divide with some claiming such labels are racist while others say police underplay the ethnic angle due to political correctness.

Perhaps neither point is right. Perhaps the group is overplayed because they are so identifiable.

When you see leather-clad bikies on Harley-Davidsons (including recreational riders) you think "Hells Angels" and when you see groups of young black men in hoodies (no matter how innocent) you may jump to the conclusion they are Apex.

This is despite senior police last week telling a parliamentary inquiry they have smashed Apex, describing it as "pretty much a non-entity as a gang".

What is undeniable is there is a sense the justice system's response has been inadequate. The consensus is young, violent offenders are bailed too easily, punished too lightly and the courts are out of step with the community.

Traditional thinking has been that it is best to keep young offenders out of jail as long-term detention only turns them into long-term criminals. But the number of hardened young crooks who riot in juvenile detention, immediately reoffend on bail, or embark on crime sprees on release has reinforced the desire for tough guy solutions.

Opposition Leader Matthew Guy last week promised that if elected he will introduce mandatory minimum jail terms for 11 violent crimes – reflecting the community's desire for longer sentences while addressing the view judges have too much discretion to be weak.

The question is whether the popular answer is the right one and can justice be one size fits all.

Which brings us to the case of two black teenagers who committed two violent attacks that on the surface require a stern judicial response.

On July 7 last year Maker Mayoum and Akon Mawien, then both 18, burst into a Russell Street watch repair shop, smashed glass display cases with hammers and grabbed stock before running out. The theft and and damage was estimated at $70,500.

About 90 minutes later the gang (there were others) hit a Coburg jewellery shop and grabbed more than $200,000 in stock. This time several citizens heard the commotion and grabbed the two as they tried to escape then held them until police arrived.

The fact they were knuckleheads with the sophistication of jam doughnuts does not diminish the victims' trauma. The owner of the first store still suffers nightmares and headaches, worries for her daughter and relives the incident when there are reports of similar crimes.
The victim from the second shop has flashbacks, nightmares and panic attacks. A war refugee he says, "I came to Australia to escape the violence that plagued the streets of Aleppo and to give my family a safer life, but now I am constantly on edge as the attack has triggered memories of the traumatic distress I experienced in Syria."


Both Mayoum and Mawien arrived in Australia from Sudan as children, lived in the Sunshine area, went to school together and played sport on the same teams. But they are very different people with, it would seem, very different futures.

Mayoum was born in Khartoum and in 2005 emigrated to Australia aged seven with a family friend who became his father figure. He was raised in Melbourne as one of 10 children.

He was a troubled kid at school but for a time found an outlet through sport, particularly with the Sunshine Heights Cricket Club, and his behaviour improved.

Then he spiralled out of control. He started using cannabis and by 2015 became a street fighter. As is the modern way onlookers didn't try to break up these brawls, preferring to film them on their phones.

Just as AFL recruiters review footage to assess potential recruits local Apex gang leaders saw the videos and made him an offer to join. While he refused he volunteered to act as back-up muscle if required. If he was trying to keep a foot in either camp he failed because he was soon on the cycle of arrest, bail and arrest again. He disengaged from his law-abiding adoptive family who became so concerned they threatened to send him back to Sudan.

In October he was charged with robbery, which followed in quick succession with a further five arrests for thefts, robberies, handling stolen goods and car thefts. There was also ice abuse and fights inside juvenile justice.

A Youth Justice report made grim reading; "Mr Mayoum did not display any motivation to address his offending behaviour during this time and the lack of motivation continued with his supervision in the community."

When released in June last year he had a raging ice habit and a $20,000 drug debt. Within weeks he was arrested for the two smash and grab robberies.

While in one way Mayoum's journey was sadly predictable Mawien's arrest shocked those who knew him for he had become a refugee poster boy.

Born in Sudan he was only two when he arrived with his aunt at a giant, violent and corrupt Kenyan refugee camp. He would spend four years living in a cardboard shack.

Like Mayoum he moved to Australia in 2005 without his natural parents and settled in Sunshine. He was one of the lucky ones as a primary school teacher, Matthew Shawcross, became a powerful influence on his life.

Shawcross introduced him to the Sunshine Heights Cricket Club where he grew from a shy, talented kid to a captain and leader.

From the age of 16 he played A Grade and trialled for the Victorian under-17 side, winning the Brimbank Athlete of the Year. He played basketball, had a part-time job, umpired cricket and taught his local Sudanese language, Dinka, at primary school.

And then he lost his way. His cricket stalled due to a back stress fracture and a broken wrist stopped his basketball. Without his sport and with his dream of becoming a professional cricketer fading he drifted to the wrong side.

On the day of the robbery he smoked ice (the court was told only for the second time) with Mayoum and was offered $2000 to pull one robbery. He accepted but after the first job was told he would only be paid if he pulled a second robbery. Stupidly, he did.

None of this really helps the victims left traumatised by the attacks or the broader public that is crying out for serious punishment.

Certainly when a magistrate varied Mawien's bail curfew to allow him to make cricket training there was a level of media incredulity – even though the application was not opposed by police. In newspapers he was described as a thug, Apex linked and a brute. And so when County Court Judge Liz Gaynor deferred his sentence for 12 months, meaning he will walk if he behaves, it was portrayed as weak and naive.

What was not reported was the truckload of references and reports that show his actions were out of character, he is now employed full time, has been spotless since his arrest (several reports describe his progress as "exceptional"), mortified by what he did and determined not to reoffend.

On the facts presented to court Mayoum is a bad young man while Mawien may well be a young man who did something bad. On Wednesday Judge Gaynor sentenced Mayoum to four years' jail with a non-parole period of two years.

Courts need to punish to deter but there is also a need to offer hope. While it is true the punishment should fit the crime is it not also true that the punishment should fit the offender?