Native Title Representative Bodies Knowledge Management Project

Project status: 
Source: Cath McLeish
Source: Cath McLeish

The major output of the Native Title Representative Bodies Knowledge Management Project is the Native Title Precedents Database. It is Australia's only national database for Native Title Representative Bodies (NTRBs) and Native Title Service Providers (NTSPs), both referred to here as NTRBs. Its secure environment allows each organisation to share agreements, legal advices, court documents and other resources confidentially.

The information on the database promotes best practice across native title agreement-making, settlement and litigation processes. It reduces the duplication of effort by NTRBs to improve efficiency and address the time-poor situation experienced by many NTRB lawyers. By enabling communication and coordination, it also supports essential knowledge exchange throughout the sector to the benefit of both lawyers and their clients.

A continuing focus of the project is also to produce in-depth analysis and commentary around the information gathered to add value to this unique collection of material.

If you would like to know more about the database, please email or call (02) 6261 4227.

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