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Giving water to coal mine a bitter betrayal

What right does the Queensland government have to sell out Australian resources and water for 60 years? ("Giant coal mine handed unlimited water access", April 5) This is intergenerational theft of unprecedented proportions. Not only does it jeopardise the future of our children and grandchildren and their land, fresh water and clean air, this mine risks destroying the Great Barrier Reef.

And we, the Australian public, will all pay this suspect Indian company for the privilege of doing so. There is no clearer demonstration of how our governments are selling us out to business interests and multinational companies at the expense of our future.

Judy Cashmore Glebe

I'm sorry, Queensland, but your government has just cancelled my intended holiday to your fair state. I wanted to support your tourism industry by booking a holiday later in the year after you've had a chance to get back up on your feet from the cyclone. Unfortunately, your government puts greed, environmental degradation and politics above your best interests. The news that the Adani company will have unfettered access to groundwater has just been the last straw.

I urge all Australians to shout out loud to the Queensland government and tell them that they can't have it both ways. Jobs in tourism and their trickle-down effect for the state are much more beneficial than those exploiting the country for offshore financial gain.

Lee-Ann Groblicka Turramurra


As of last month, more than 87 per cent of Queensland was officially in drought yet the Queensland state government is going to allow the Adani company unlimited access to groundwater. Unlike other coal mines, it will not be governed by the new Water Referral Panel which was set up to provide specialist advice "on the sustainable management of water in Queensland". With its complete disregard for farmers and its trashing of the environment, this state government appears determined to outdo Joh Bjelke-Petersen.

Peter Nash Fairlight

It beggars belief that at the height of Cyclone Debbie, the Queensland government handed over a licence for Adani to take an unlimited amount of water until 2077. The land of droughts and flooding rains has been laid to waste by politicians for coal.

Holly Creenaune Dulwich Hill

The federal government has now lost any vestige of credibility it might have earned over climate change and the environment. To join with the state of Queensland in permitting unlimited and unsupervised water access to a large, unnecessary, polluting coal mine is obscene. For heaven's sake, Australia is a dry continent! Our water sources should be sacrosanct, not just something to be traded cheaply away to a dubious foreign firm in return for a few jobs that may or may not eventuate.

Nola Tucker Kiama

The Adani mega-coal mine makes absolutely no sense. It's a public health and environmental disaster, all indications are that financially it will be a stranded asset and it will create only 1500 jobs. Yet the federal government wants to risk $1 billion of taxpayer's money on it and now, the Queensland government is handing it unlimited water access. Judging by the sold-out Stop Adani roadshows around the country last week, I'm not the only one wondering.

Kate Charlesworth Mosman

It is obvious that we don't have enough people from the land in our Parliaments, or the stupidity of supporting Adani would be immediately obvious. The water contained in the Great Artesian Basin is a finite amount and no one knows how long it will last. It is not going to last forever. We need it for crops and livestock. Some common sense, please.

Jo McGahey Belrose

The federal and Queensland governments assure us that conditions of approval for the Adani coal mine will ensure it does no environmental damage. Yet we know that once in operation, a slap on the wrist and a laughable fine is the worst the owner will ever face. We are facing serious climate change effects and we are proposing to fund one of the biggest coal mines in the world. We need to think again.

James Buckman Enmore

Cash economy a virus that needs to be addressed

The virus of cash payments is spreading on a scale that bureaucrats or the government cannot imagine ("Budget set for $15b blitz on cash economy", April 5). Last month, the roofer asked me for some part of his $23,000 payment in cash. I declined, then watched as the foreman paid the casual workers in cash. Next, the plumber cleared the drains and pocketed $150. I am still waiting for my receipt.

Some trees in the driveway and the rear were lopped for $1100 in cash and both lopper and trees were gone before you could say Scott Morrison. And without wishing to press the point further, yesterday the ironing service asked for $29. 60 without a receipt. Some little, legal tax minimisation is fine but this is wholesale evasion.

In my business and in my work, there is always an invoice and a receipt. For most Australians, there is a pay packet with tax deducted. The heavy lifting in this nation is not shared. It is time that most (maybe all) transactions were recorded electronically so that some citizens start to pay their way.

James Athanasou Maroubra

The Federal government announces a reduction in company tax, expected to cost $24 billion over 10 years. At the same time it also announces a crackdown on the black economy. The beneficiaries of the company tax cuts are also the main perpetrators in the cash economy. Now that's what I call balancing the budget.

Greg Thomas Annandale

How to deal with NAPLAN: opt out

Dr Don Carter provided yet another qualified opinion on the shortcomings of NAPLAN testing (" 'Scared of' NAPLAN says it all", April 5). What he could have added is that participation in this test is not compulsory in any school in Australia. While schools have no choice but to facilitate testing, parents can withdraw their children from testing and there will be no penalty or disruption at all to their child or their learning. NAPLAN was invented by politicians, not educators, and while we're assured otherwise, it serves a purely political purpose.

Teachers already know which children will perform well in testing and which children won't. NAPLAN is only a costly confirmation of what teachers already know. If enough parents withdraw their children from testing, the data collected would become useless for the government's purposes. Perhaps then the $100 million wasted on this test might be used to support teachers in the classroom where it will really make a difference to learning outcomes. And children won't need to be scared any more.

John Black Singleton

Day owes us money

So Bob Day has been found ineligible to sit in the Senate or stand for election ("High Court ruling on former Family First senator Bob Day throws Senate numbers into doubt", SMH online, April 5). If Bob Day had been inappropriately claiming Centrelink benefits for the same period he would have to repay his overpayment to the Commonwealth. Therefore, any payment given to him as a senator during this period of ineligibility should be paid back to the Commonwealth.

Kerry Stratton Wombarra

Aiding the rich

Your story on property affordability reported that Chinese home purchases in Australia "are closely linked to sending children to Australia for education" ("Beijing slaps real estate ownership restrictions on residents", April 5). Not only does Australia's massive government support for private schools distort education outcomes in favour of the wealthy, it is now distorting housing opportunities in favour of the wealthy.

Brenton White Mosman

MPs living dangerously in houses of cards

I must be missing something. Both groups of parliamentarians argue that we must avoid at all costs a collapse in the housing market. ("Self-interest makes housing unaffordable", April 5). But isn't that exactly what is required if millions of young people are ever going to able able to afford a house?

Peter Paige Woolwich

A chorus of letters sings the politically correct mantra about negative gearing while refusing to admit the non-politically correct view that a migrant intake of 200,000 plus per year might have some effect on housing affordability. Many of those terrible "investors" are really first-home buyers using negative gearing as one of the few tools available to get them into their first home, meanwhile providing essential rental accommodation. Negative gearing only works for income-earning properties, not for those left empty.

William Lloyd Denistone

President Quentin?

The amazing conduct shown by Quentin Bryce highlight the benefits of having an Australian as our head of state ("Dear Quentin: Letters between a Governor-General and her people", smh online, April 4). Here is someone who cares and is in touch with the everyday people of this nation, instead of in a palace on the other side of the world. President Quentin anyone?

Joshua Carmont Botany

Council counsel

A word of warning to those Bondi residents objecting to the Pavilion renovation ("Planning in stages: Bondi Pavilion revamp 'illogical'," Letters, April 4). Things won't get much better if the proposed Waverley-Woollahra-Randwick merger proceeds. Planning decisions will be made by a panel who may not be sympathetic to local concerns, you will no longer have any councillors to consult, and you will only be able to approach the panel members at hearings.

In my new council area, Georges River, there were 276 objections to a subdivision but they were all dismissed. Now we're facing the reality of high-rise units being built on public parkland.

James Deli Oatley

It's a flight elephant

The presumption in your editorial that Western Sydney Airport is "â€Ĥa good thing for the city and the state" defies all logic ("Build an airport. If only it were that simple", April 5). Presently over half of Mascot's landings and take-offs occur over the ocean. At Badgerys Creek the airport will operate day and night with no curfew and all flight movements will either be over the residents of western Sydney or Blue Mountains and Warragamba Dam.

At a time when Montreal's second airport is being bulldozed, South Madrid has fallen over, Berlin's unfinished white elephant has ballooned way over budget, and Melbourne's Avalon ekes out survival on taxpayer subsidy, it is small wonder that the Sydney Airport Corporation has baulked at taking up a dud option.

Bob Treasure Warrimoo

Words are cheap

Although I am glad to see the Prime Minister visiting the area devastated by Cyclone Debbie, I was surprised at his lack of financial assistance. Nor has a general appeal gone out to the rest of the country for contributions. Has it reached the point where the government has no money, or was it an oversight?

Elfy Suchet St Ives

Keep left, and follow the 'conga lines'

John Frith, we do need lines on some footpaths ("Zombie walk", Letters, April 5). I live in a suburb where large contingents of residents occasionally walk shoulder to shoulder, forcing me to stop in my tracks and wait for a gap. I won't mention the almost continuous "conga line" at pedestrian crossings.

Jean Byrne Eastwood

Far better than painting a line down the middle of the footpath would be the use of psychology to encourage pedestrians to keep left by placing pavers at a slightly skewed angle. If councils laid pavers not parallel with the streets but very slightly rotated anticlockwise, then walkers with their heads bent to their phones would veer left.

Matthew Stevens Thornleigh

Pitched battle

A less bloody option to decide the fate of Gibraltar would be home and away soccer games between Spain and England ("Talk of war with Spain rejected by Downing St", April 5).

Mustafa Erem Terrigal

Research redefined

Amazing news that the Sex Discrimination Commissioner has redefined research as "data collected by the survey" ("Uni assault project will see results", April 5). What does this mean for the social researchers who have had to get their qualitative research with vulnerable populations approved by ethics committees?

Deborah Corrigall Cammeray