Independent media needs you. Join the Tyee.

Advertise with The Tyee

Advertise with The Tyee

Advertise With The Tyee

Reach the most loyal, discerning, highly educated, active and web-savvy leaders and influentials in B.C. and beyond with ads, contests, and sponsorship opportunities on The Tyee.

The Tyee receives an average of 800,000 to one million page views per month, and around 300,000 unique visitors per month. More than 60 per cent of our visitors are from within B.C. (and 30+ per cent from the Greater Vancouver area.) We also have more than 33,000 subscribers who receive our headlines by email, 47,000 Twitter followers, 16,000 Facebook fans, and more than 19,000 registered commenters.

How can I advertise with The Tyee?

In addition to traditional IAB standard display ad offerings (with geo-targeting, rich media, eNews ads, and more), we also offer:

  • sponsored weekly reader polls
  • custom partner emails
  • media partnership packages, and
  • highly customized branded contest promotions in our Tyee Presents section, which include social media promotion and lead generation

There's an advertising solution for every budget and engagement strategy -- contact us to discuss how to achieve the most effective results for your campaign.

Find our full ad kit here.

Let's start talking about your marketing, outreach, and engagement goals, and figure out how The Tyee can help:

Jeanette Ageson
Ad Sales and Partnerships Coordinator
Phone: 604-689-7489

For an example of the kind of targeted outreach we offer, check out our eNewsletter, which alerts our subscribers to Tyee contests, articles, and sponsored events.