ACT News


University of Canberra graduates more likely to find work than Australian National University students

New data shows graduates from the University of Canberra are more likely to find a job than their Australian National University counterparts but feel less engaged with their learning while at school.

Fresh employment data and student satisfaction survey results, released on the government's Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching website on Wednesday, showed ACT universities were about on par with the national average on most measures.

More than 89 per cent of University of Canberra undergraduates found employment within four months of graduation, above ANU's 87.4 per cent and the Australian average of 88.6 per cent. 

Students from both universities earned a wage above the national median starting salary of $56,000. University of Canberra students took home $58,000 a year while ANU graduates earned a median wage of $58,800.

More than 85 per cent of postgraduate students at both universities went on to full-time employment and more than 90 per cent were employed at all.

However, the median salary for postgraduates from both institutions was below the national median of $80,000, with ANU alumni recording $75,000 and University of Canberra students earning $71,200.


Seventeen per cent of University of Canberra undergraduates undertook further study once completing their course, well below the ANU's 29.3 per cent and the national average of 21.6 per cent.

Sixty per cent of ANU undergraduates rated their learning experience as positive with University of Canberra trailing on 55.1 per cent. The national average was 64.2 per cent.

Just more than 65 per cent of ANU undergraduates agreed they experienced good teaching practices during their study, below the national average of 68 per cent and the University of Canberra's 70.3 per cent.

As well, 81.7 per cent of ANU students agreed their studies had improved their "generic skills", such as sharpening their analytical skills and improving their written communication. Eighty-four per cent of University of Canberra graduates said the same, about on par with the national average.

University of Canberra acting vice-chancellor Nick Klomp said the university had moved to improve learner engagement about a year ago when the results were first released to the institution. Curriculum redesign, a focus on student placements and collaboration with student societies had Professor Klomp confident the figure would improve next QILT release.

He welcomed most results: "The University of Canberra performs so well on the employment measures, really big on graduate employment rates and really big on graduate starting salaries," he said.

"All our graduates this week at graduation ceremonies will be very pleased to read that."

An ANU spokesman said: "ANU attracts the most outstanding students from around Australian and indeed around the world.

"Our graduates are consistently rated Australia's most employable in the world. They are also the future of Australian research, with some 20 per cent going on to further full time study and eight per cent to further part-time study."

Federal Education Minister Simon Birmingham said releasing the employment satisfaction and student survey results helped students better select a university that suited their needs and ensured universities were held accountable for their results.

"Universities must take responsibility for those students they choose to enrol and ensure they have the capabilities and support to succeed," he said.

"The Turnbull government wants to shine a light on the practices and habits that may be keeping students in the dark to ensure they enter a course that is positively regarded by employers and the institution they are applying to has delivered positive student satisfaction levels."