13 October 2013

Freemen Evicted From Crown Land Near Grande Prairie; One Man Arrested

We had posted an article which connected one of the participants to Bill Noble, once a member of the Aryan Guard/Blood & Honour as well as a proponent of a similar Freeman ideology espoused by the group near Grande Prairie.

A few days ago one of the Freemen were arrested and at least one group appear to have been evicted:

Freeman-on-the-land complaint in northern Alberta leads to arrest

Grande Prairie, Alta., trappers alarmed by squatters

CBC News Posted: Oct 09, 2013 12:28 PM MT Last Updated: Oct 09, 2013 1:03 PM MT

The RCMP have made an arrest after complaints by trappers that cabins were being occupied by squatters identifying themselves as Freeman-on-the-Land.

A 40-year-old man formerly of Manitoba was taken into custody around 4 p.m. Tuesday afternoon by several officers in the bush southeast of Grande Prairie, about 460 kilometres northwest of Edmonton.

"We recovered two firearms as well as ammunition," said Cpl. Roy Kennedy. "Fish and Wildlife officials were there also on hand to remove the structures and improvements on the land. 

"As a result of our investigation he was charged with uttering threats, using a firearm in the commission of an offence and possession of a firearm while prohibited."

Albert Steinwand, with the Grande Cache Trappers Association hopes the arrest will send a message to other so-called Freeman thought to be in the area.

"Finally the police are stepping into the situation," he said. "Any others that are out there with the same intentions might take note that they just can't literally walk over people.

"Maybe they'll back off a bit now."

A bail hearing for the man is scheduled for today.

Alberta Environment says in May it tried to evict people living in tents on Crown land in the area and that it had received reports that the people had moved into at least one trappers cabin.

Last month, police in Calgary arrested a man on outstanding warrants who had claimed a duplex as his embassy, changed the locks and refused to leave.

The FBI considers the Freeman movement a domestic terror threat in the United States, but followers in Canada have said they do not support violence.

We aren't sure if Shaunda, Noble's former partner, was a member of the Freemen group who was evicted or if she was even in the area when it happened. She may very well have been back in Manitoba as she had suggested on her Facebook profile that she would be back in the province for a medical appointment (hmmmm, part of a group the rejects taxes yet using a service paid for by taxes....). Her Facebook profile is presently offline now, however we were able to take a few screen shots when we were first informed about her involvement:

In addition to these, we also managed to recover the following video concerning the Freeman camp.


Based on the photos and the video, it seems pretty clear they planned on sticking around for a while, but it might also be fortunate for the Freemen who were evicted as it doesn't seem like they were or are actually well prepared for the winter to come:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jesus Christ now Bill Noble is a rogue reporter? LOL..Watch his interview with Shaunda on his Leto profile.