Showing posts with label Wildrose Alliance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wildrose Alliance. Show all posts

17 July 2016

Wildrose Party Leader Brian Jean Photographed with Aryan Guard/Blood & Honour Associate

Okay, the title of this article could rightfully be accused of being click bait and of being  unfair to Brian Jean, but it is also an accurate title.

Much like the late Rob Ford was photographed a an event with an individual well known to those familiar with the racist movement in Canada, so too was Brian Jean, leader of the Wildrose Party of Alberta who posed for this photo with Jonathan Besler we presume at the Calgary Stampede:

Given Besler's attitude toward the current NDP government in Alberta, perhaps we shouldn't be too surprised that he would gravitate towards the Wildrose Part as an alternative....

20 April 2012

Extremism in Wildrose

Well, what our newest member lacks in total post, he certainly makes up in impact.

Naberius200's article on Link Byfield's association with white supremacist Paul Fromm has resulted in more than 3000 hits since it was published, becoming the third most viewed article on this blog in only a little over 2 weeks. No doubt that is in large part due to the interest in the upcoming provincial election which, for the first time in more than 40 years, is actually a contest. The most recent poll numbers we've read place Wild Rose 7 points higher than the Progressive Conservatives, a dynasty that has ruled the province since 1971. While it appears that Wildrose is poised to form the next government, a significant percentage of the provinces electors are still uncertain.

Recent statements by some Wildrose candidates might give some Albertans cause for some concern.

* Our friend Harry doesn't believe that Link Byfield himself harbours racist views himself (though even if that is true, we think that any association with Paul Fromm should result in electors questioning one's judgment) but an examination of other candidates indicate a worrisome lack of tolerance:

* UPDATE: Not wishing to misquote Harry, we include the full text of his post here now:

I know someone very well who used to work for Mr. Byfield at his magazine, and according to them, racism was not tolerated in that workplace, despite whatever views were held or expressed.

Fromm gets around quite a bit, and has made a career out of misrepresenting himself to others and hitching his wagon to "freedom and right wing patriotic causes" so I would hesitate at tarring Mr. Byfield just because he was seen sharing a podium with Fromm. 

Ron Leech: “I think as a Caucasian I have an advantage... When different community leaders such as a Sikh leader or a Muslim leader speaks, they really speak to their own people in many ways. As a Caucasian, I believe that I can speak to all the community.”

Allan Hunsperger: “You can live the way you were born, and if you die the way you were born, then you will suffer the rest of eternity in the lake of fire, hell, a place of eternal suffering.”

Hunsperger also thinks public eduction is godless because of efforts to protect gay youth from being bullied. Nice guy.

And these are just a few of the candidates we could look at.

One might think that the leader might want to step in and say these views are not representative of the Party.

Unless you're Danielle Smith, in which case these comments are absolutely fine. Given their human rights platform, perhaps we shouldn't be surprised?

4 April 2012

Byfield "Linked" To Extremist

That view [that white people have a disproportionate share of power] is based on the error that all people are equal. Blacks are on the whole less intelligent than whites. - Paul Fromm

Oh hi. First a brief introduction. I was asked by a vampire to make an occasional post while she was on hiatus. I picked the name "Naberius200" because Nos has this weird obsession with names that start with the letter "n" and the number 200. Who knows why? In any case, like the other members of the Collective (and I guess I can count myself in that number now) I'll try to keep the joint alive while Nos is on her well deserved break.

So I tried to think of an appropriate first post, and I realized that since there's an election out in Alberta, I might as well start with that.

I noticed while looking at the list of candidates for the Wildrose Party that a name jumped out at me.

Link Byfield is running in the constituency of Barrhead-Morinville-Westlock. He has been a long-time player in conservative politics in Alberta having been the editor and publisher of Alberta Report for 18 years (the magazine went under 2003). He became a, "senator in waiting" in 2004 and ran unsuccessfully in Whitecourt-Ste. Anne in the 2008 Alberta provincial election. Now in 2012 he's taking another stab at elected office. Here he is with Wildrose Party leader Danielle Smith.

Mr. Byfield, someone who's views are considered by many people to not be very mainstream in and of themselves, has also been associated with people much less photogenic and mainstream as Ms. Smith.

26 December 2009

Winnipeg White Pride Warriors: More Toothless Tigers

Another "group" that is trying to fill what they perceive as the void left but the implosion of the Aryan Guard is going by the name, "Winnipeg White Pride Warriors." As the name suggests, it's based in Winnipeg although the founder (who claims the group has 20 to 30 members and has been active for a few months) doesn't appear to currently live in the city:

Now, "honoryourlife" or Ryan here had made the following White Power cliche claims that no one buys anymore, if they ever did:

1. "We aren't about hatred, we're about being proud of our race."
2. "We aren't White supremacists."

You've been following this blog long enough now to know what's coming next, courtesy of Stormfront, right?

So, who is this terrifying scourge of ethnic Winnipegers?

Meet Ryan Brady, currently of Brandon Manitoba. Standing at an intimidating 5'3", Ryan also has class 1 diabetes, which means those ovens he suggest being fired up might have been used on him had he been subject to the Nazi eugenics programme.

20 February 2008

Wildrose Alliance Candidate "Linked" To Paul Fromm

Photograph falls under Fair Use.

Link Byfield shaking hands with Paul Fromm in November 1999. Byfield was being honoured at dinner held by Fromm.

Link Byfield is currently a candidate for the Wildrose Alliance Party in the constituency of Whitecourt-St. Anne (see Byfield campaign website). In 2004, he was chosen as one of Alberta's four senators in waiting, though the Federal government is not obliged to appoint him to the Senate.

12 February 2008

Aryan Guard and Wildrose Alliance Party Update.

In the interest of fairness we contacted the Wildrose Party of Alberta regarding the claims of the Aryan Guard. To their credit they did reply:

Thank you for your email today. Regarding your question about who we enlist to help with the party campaigns I can answer the following: No we do not actively recruit help from the Aryan [Guard]. This was the first I have heard of such a thing. Further to this, whomever was saying we do not support Human rights commissions is obviously speaking out of turn as there is no such policy and certainly no such prevailing sentiment in the party. I looked on the web and saw the RPO box for Kensington. The candidate for the Kennsington area (calgary mountainview) has not been in town since December 26th so I doubt it was him. He is returning to campaign in the near future. The riding to the south of Kensington (Calgary Buffalo) does not have a candidate as of yet. The area to the north (north hill) has a female candidate so that would rule her out. We take these accusations very seriously and will question all of our Calgary candidates first thing in the morning. Should you wish to discuss this, please call me directly at 403 *** **** which is my cell phone. If you have any other info that would help us in our investigation I would be glad to have it. Kind regards;

John A. Murdoch
Campaign Chair
Wildrose Alliance Party

While most of those who participate in this blog are left of center and would not vote for the Wildrose Alliance Party, we don't wish to see any group unfairly associated with groups such as the Aryan Guard. As such we will take Mr. Murdoch at his word when he says that the Wildrose Alliance does not seek or welcome participation in the party by the extreme right. However, there are still numerous questions and the claims by Kyle McKee and Jason Harley can't be taken lightly.

11 February 2008

Aryan Guard March and a provincial election

A member of the Aryan Guard (Jason Harley) posting as "harley1488" the following (spelling, punctution, and gramatical errors left as posted):

On the 21st of March, The Aryan Guard will be participating in a march and Rally in the streets of Downtown Calgary. White Pride World Wide (AKA "Harmony Day") day is a day to show the pride that you have for our white race. there will be NO Swastikas, SS, or any Nazi symbols present. only the Celtic Cross flag will be flown. We are encouraging ANYONE who is proud to be white and wants to show it to attend. And of course... this would not be a racial pride rally without the presence of the ARA, and Antifa ("Harmony day" believers). there will be no confrontation started on our part, but we cannot speak for them. this is to be a peacefull rally of support and pride. (if the gays can do it, we sure as hell are going to as well) for more info please PM myself or Pitbull A.G.And without the presence of our close friend and comerade Bill Noble, we are also going to show our support for Bill and others in his situation being imprisoned and persecuted for voicing thier beliefs and concern for our race.Please join us and contact(PM) Pitbull A.G., wpcalgary, or myself harley1488 for more info or ideas.Thank You. A.G.