Showing posts with label Manning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Manning. Show all posts

7 March 2009

Aryan Guard Supporter Advocates Genocide

The membership of the Aryan Guard seems to change depending upon who you ask. Depending on the circumstances the Aryan Guard claims a membership of only 3 members, though on other occasions they've claimed as many as 15 active core members. We've narrowed the active membership down to the following individuals, in part as a result of a search of their Facebook group exclusively created for Aryan Guard member as well as additional research:

Kyle McKee  
John Marleau
Bill Noble
Jessie Lajoie

Tyler Lupkoski


“Jason Sturm”

“R.j. Mathews” (Justice)


*Robert Reitmeir

*Tyler Sturrup
(likely to have moved out of Calgary)
*Brent Goldring

Dustyn Johnson (seems to have left the group)

With the exception of member "R.N." those individuals in quotation marks are under 18 years of age and/or are using pseudonyms. "R.N." is currently 18, however as he is currently on trial for attacking a female Japanese immigrant in August of the past year which occurred when he was then 17, we will not publish his name. The remaining three Reitmeier, Sturrup, and Goldring are considered to be close associates (Reitmeier and Goldring appear to be very close friends while Reitmeier and Sturrup are members of what is likely a tiny offshoot of the Aryan Guard known as the White European Brotherhood, or W.E.B.).

4 March 2009

Richard Martin's Friends Aren't Happy

While Mr. Martin seems tickled pink to be included on this blog, it seems that some of his friends are somewhat less pleased. We received the following message from K.H. (pictured between Andrew Benson on the left and Richard Martin on the right) who appears to have returned to Toronto after an extended stay in New Brunswick:

honestly you fucking morons have no fucking lifes. you want to ruin other people's lifes and careers just because they have diffeent views. we don't have sites to targetyou and your little buddies because its childish and RIDICULES!!!!!!!! your lifes is us! you have nothing better and more important for you low lifes to do so you go outthere targeting people who are looking out for their race. most of you idiots are white its not like we're out to get your race. you're fucking scum, if I had the bullets and chance I would shot each and everyone of you scum bags. stop all the bullshit. if you want some sence knocked into your thick heads then fucking message me. I have facebook. fucking pieces of shit. you know shit al about any of us! FUCK ALL OF YOU AND YOUR GAY Mr. CHE!!!!!! FUCK COMMUNISM!!!!! -K.H.

Well then. There's a great deal to address here. Why don't we take this semi-literate response apart sentence by sentence.

2 March 2009

Richard Martin Update

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

We had been kicking ourselves for jumping the gun on our big scoop. It will happen, but we shouldn't have said anything until we were sure when. Hey, we were excited. Live and learn.

So we decided that while we waited for the go ahead to publish the story, we'd add some filler. We wrote a brief profile on Toronto area bonehead Richard Martin. Little did we know what dividends would result.

Not long after we published Martin's profile did we receive the following pictures from a reader:

We then asked if any of our readers could inform us where this took place. We couldn't be more pleased with the response. We received a message with a link to a story covering this and two other attacks on the same store:
Russian store targeted by punks