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Jennifer Hawkins defended Donald Trump because he'll always be her boss

He's the possible ruler of the universe - and the former ruler of Miss Universe. So what could Jennifer Hawkins, Australia's former Miss Universe, possibly say when asked to comment on the badly behaved Donald Trump?

When video emerged this week of presidential hopeful Donald Trump monstering Hawkins at a function in Sydney five years ago, she defended him.

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Surfaced video shows Trump grabbing, kissing Jennifer Hawkins

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump tries to humiliate Australian super model Jennifer Hawkins and leans in for what appears to be a non-consensual kiss on stage at a corporate event in Sydney 2011. Vision courtesy Huffington Post.

The video shows him leaning in for the kiss, mocking Hawkins' intelligence, trying to humiliate her, behaving in what we now know is the Trumpean way.

"Sure, I've seen what's been going on in the news, but really what is there for me to say other than that he respected me during that time in my life and I have a lot of respect for him because of that ... that's really all I have to say about it," she said during Derby Day.

It's not the first time Hawkins has defended the "pussy-grabber".

Earlier this year, Hawkins described Trump as a wonderful family man. "I don't think a lot of people know or see that but he just loves his kids," she told Fairfax Media reporter Jenna Clarke.


Hawkins might look like she has it all. She is an entrepreneur, with a successful beauty brand, swimwear line and real estate portfolio. She has a hot and loyal bloke. From over here, it looks like she has all the power.

But here's the problem. Speaking truth to power has always been tough - and it's even tougher when the power is your boss.

Trump is not Hawkins' boss in the usual sense. He's not her CEO or chairman of her board. But they operate in the same sphere.

In the past, she's appeared on The Apprentice, not just once but a number of times.

He's praised her charm and her looks and then leveraged them to the advantage of his television show. She trafficks in appearance in the same way - but not at the same level - he does. If he is not her boss today, then perhaps her boss tomorrow. Always potentially her boss.

He was always a rich bastard with plenty of money and clout but now, after a year on the US presidential campaign trail, he has much more social and cultural capital than she does in precisely the same field in which Hawkins works, entertainment.

All those women who were silent for all those years when he never once looked like he could hold real power? Imagine what it must feel like to be a woman who relies on Trump, if not the man himself, then the world in which he operates.

It's always hard to say no to those who have power over us. Hard in public, harder in private. Hawkins had to smile, smile, smile while Trump behaved like a turd. And that's what she did. Let's not forget that even young female lawyers would rather leave their jobs than complain about what their male bosses do to them.

Carly Findlay, disability activist and writer, says she remembers a shocking experience with an editor, who continually commented on Findlay's appearance. She has ichthyosis, a skin condition.

"One editor, who, along with her team, gave me such a great opportunity, made a few comments about my skin. 'I wanted to slap you on the bum but I didn't know if it would hurt you,' they said as they greeted me. I laughed it off, air kissing her back."

They all chatted and laughed (because how hard it is to dress down the person who gave you opportunities in the first place?) and when the time came to leave, the editor farewelled Findlay: "Don't leave your skin in the shower."

As Findlay said: "It was such a personal, odd thing to say. My editor hadn't commented on anyone else's personal attributes as they had mine, not that my writer friends had any obvious disabilities that I knew of."

Perhaps this was the editor's way of cracking jokes, maybe her way of trying to be familiar and friendly.

"But here's the thing. They were in power of me - at the time I had a writing contract with that publication. It was good money and I didn't want to jeopardise the contract or my reputation with my editor and their team," Findlay said.

And maybe that's how it was for Hawkins too.

She told Fairfax Media earlier this year that Trump was about just jumping in. "Throw yourself into it and work really hard. He has a good work ethic."

And what that means for those in his sphere, for all of us in the sphere of men who exploit and dominate, that we feel we must bite our tongues to get ahead. Or at least to stay ahead.

Consume. Be silent. And, maybe, lie.

These are all understandable options considering he has pledged to sue those who have accused him of a range of sexual assaults.

Power to the women who told on Trump. And may there be more power so all women feel free to speak out.


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