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Three prison guards hospitalised as Woodford prison overcrowding increases

Three prison guards have been hospitalised after they were bashed at a south-east Queensland prison as concerns about overcrowding continue to escalate.

The Woodford Correctional Centre guards were rushed to hospital on Tuesday after they were attacked by two prisoners.

They were discharged later that day but two of the three won't return to work until next week, while it looks like being even longer for the third.

Queensland Corrective Services refused to detail the guards' injuries, saying the incident had been referred to police.

Overcrowding has been a problem in the state's prisons for years but has rapidly intensified at Woodford over the past six months.

A source, who asked to remain anonymous, told Fairfax Media the assault started because the prisoners were refusing to "double up" as concerns around bulging occupancy continued to grow.


They said one of the guards broke his arm while the others suffered serious bruising.

Another source from within the prison described the incident as a "brawl".

"Whether they like it or not, they have to share a cell and that's where it's at," the source said.

"It's just a matter of time before a riot breaks out. The reason the prisoners are aggressive is because they're overcrowded.

"People are like animals, if they're crammed in they go berserk."

The source said it was tense within the prison every day.

"They're tense, they're overcrowded, they're on top of each other, they argue everyday," the source said.

"There's two officers to 60 prisoners, it's not enough."

On Thursday, the 1046-bed prison was at 127 per cent capacity, with 210 more prisoners crammed in than in September last year, when it was already above capacity.

A police spokesman said the two men were each charged with three counts of seriously assaulting a corrective services officer, to appear in Caboolture Magistrates Court on May 17.

A QCS spokeswoman said there was zero tolerance toward violence against staff but refused to detail any punishment dealt out to the attackers.

"Most prisoners work productively with our staff every day – their interactions with prisoners are expected to be polite and positive," she said, in a statement

"However, some prisoners may be affected by mental illness, agitated, trying to harm themselves, or involved in an altercation with another prisoner – in these and other instances, corrective services officers respond.

"When prisoners assault staff intentionally, they are dealt with swiftly and face the consequences of those actions."