1Design review v3 n2

The Architectural Centre Inc. is a multi-disciplinary, independent, voluntary organisation of architects, artists, designers and others with an active interest in architecture, the arts, the built environment and Wellington City. It provides a forum for presentation, discussion and debate within the Wellington community. Membership hovers around 200, and a regular newsletter keeps members informed of upcoming events such as lectures, site visits, tours, exhibitions and architectural and/or design competitions.

TO SEE OUR LATEST COMMENTARIES (e.g. My favourite modernist building…) go to our BLOG.

buildings not too miss-sm32


According to its constitution, the Centre has the following objectives:

a. To work for the general improvement of the urban environment;
b. To promote the association of persons engaged or interested in urban planning and design;
c. To promote a true understanding of architecture and design among the community;
d. To collaborate with like-minded organisations in this and other countries;
e. To support the maintenance of an archive of books, pamphlets, periodicals and others documents relating to the above activities and to encourage the publication of such material.

Click here to view the Architectural Centre’s Constitution

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Architectural Centre’s Manifesto

In 1946 when the Architectural Centre was established, members discussed what should be in a Manifesto but this was not agreed on and so nothing was published. For our 60th anniversary, we decided to finish the job: debated the points and published this Manifesto FOR Architecture. Feel free to download it and print it out and stick it on the wall next to your desk at work.

Our CONFLICT OF INTEREST POLICY (August 2014) is available here



Current: 2016: Christine McCarthy (President | Treasurer)
Dennis Chippindale
Daryl Cockburn
Matthew Lander (Secretary)
Chris Watson
Victoria Willocks (Secretary)
2015: Christine McCarthy (President | Treasurer)
Dennis Chippindale
Nick Denton
Duncan Harding
Matthew Lander (Secretary)
Patrick Thompson
Victoria Willocks (Secretary)
2014: Christine McCarthy (President / Treasurer)
Hannah Bridger
Dennis Chippindale
Nick Denton
Duncan Harding
Gus Hodgson
Matthew Lander (Secretary)
Patrick Thompson
Victoria Willocks (Secretary)
Monique van Alphen Fyfe
2013: Christine McCarthy (President | Treasurer)
Tim Asby
Dennis Chippindale
Matthew Lander
Simon Twose
Juli Usmar
Frances Vessey
Victoria Willocks
2012: Christine McCarthy (President / Treasurer)
Guy Marriage (Secretary)
Dennis Chippindale
Matthew Lander
Nick Leckie
Simon Twose
Juli Usmar
Monique van Alphen Fyfe
Frances Vessey
Victoria Willocks
2011: Christine McCarthy (President | Treasurer)
Tomek Piatek (Secretary)
Dennis Chippindale
Michael Dudding
Matthew Lander
Guy Marriage
Kate Walker
Victoria Willocks
2010 Guy Marriage (President)
Charmaine Smit (Secretary)
Nick Ray (Membership)
Christine McCarthy (Treasurer)
Dennis Chippindale
Dale Fincham
Fritha Hobbs
Matthew Lander
Kate Linzey
Kate Walker
Victoria Willocks
2009 Guy Marriage (President)
Kate Linzey (Secretary)
Christine McCarthy (Treasurer)
Dennis Chippindale
Dale Fincham
Fritha Hobbs
Nick Ray
Charmaine Smit
Greta Stoutjesdijk
Victoria Willocks
2008 Guy Marriage (President)
Kate Linzey (Secretary)
Christine McCarthy (Treasurer)
Thanh Nguyen (Website)
Greta Stoutjesdijk (20 under 40)
Victoria Willocks
Byron Kinnaird
Michael Dudding
Nick Ray
Nick Sargeant
2007 Christine McCarthy (President)
Guy Marriage (Secretary; Newsletter Editor)
Kate Linzey (Treasurer)
Thanh Nguyen(Website)
Victoria Willocks
Rhys Williams
Bruce Curtain
Michael Dudding
Sally Ogle
Matt French
2006 Christine McCarthy (President; Architecture Week)
Guy Marriage (Secretary; Newsletter Editor; Architecture Week)
Amelia Minty (Treasurer)
Mike Evans (Newsletter Design)
James Shaw (Website)
Simon McLellan
Eloise Veber
Kate Linzey
Sally Ogle
Victoria Willocks
2005 Christine McCarthy (President; Architecture Week)
Guy Marriage (Secretary; Newsletter Editor; Architecture Week)
Amelia Minty (Treasurer)
Mike Evans (Newsletter Design)
James Shaw (Website)
Simon McLellan
Christine McCarthy (President; Architecture Week)
Michelle Cooper (Secretary: Website)
Amelia Minty (Treasurer)
Mike Evans (Newsletter Design)
Guy Marriage (Newsletter Editor; Architecture Week)
Simon McLellan
Nick Mouat (President; Architecture Week)
Amelia Minty (Treasurer)
Mike Evans (Newsletter Design)
Christine McCarthy (Newsletter Editor; Architecture Week)
Simon McLellan
Simon McLellan (President; Architecture Week)
Christine McCarthy (Newsletter Editor)
Nick Mouat
Amelia Minty
Simon McLellan (President)
Simon Manning (Treasurer)
Guy Cleverley
Andrew Donaldson
Christine McCarthy
Guy Cleverley (President)
Simon Manning (Treasurer)
Andrew Donaldson
Christine McCarthy
Simon McLellan
Paki Maaka
Arindam Tsen
Sebastian Wilberforce
Geoff Pitts
Guy Cleverley (President)
Simon Manning (Treasurer)
Inka Gliesche (Secretary)
Paki Maaka
Lesleigh Salinger
Scott Cracknell
Kyle Gudsell
Simn Hardy
Andrew Leach
Miles Nelligan
Jimmy Yuen
Stuart Niven (co-President)
Julia Gatley (co-President)
Deyana Popova (Secretary)
Simon Manning (Treasurer)
Marguerite Beere
Jeanette Cook
Guy Cleverley (NZIA liasion)
Inka Gliesche
Steven Lloyd
Paki Maaka
Peter Mitchell
Michael Meville
Gregory More (Student liasion)
John Morrison
Julieanna Preston
Lesleigh Salinger
Paul Walker
Marc Woodbury
1997 Stuart Niven (President)
Bruce Curtain (Secretary)
Lesleigh Salinger (Treasurer)
Marguerite Beere
Gerald Blunt
Guy Cleverley
Julia Gatley
Steven Lloyd
Paki Maaka
Christina MacKay
Gregory More
John Morrison
Deyana Popova
Chris Thorne
Paul Walker
Stuart Niven (President)
Fiona Yong (Secretary)
Lesleigh Salinger (Treasurer)
Gerald Blunt
Marguritte Beere
Bruce Curtain
Julia Gatley
Steve Lloyd
Paki Maaka
Christina McKay
John Morrison
Gregory Moore
Deyana Popova
Chris Thorne
Paul Walker
Christina McKay (co-President)
Paul Walker (co-President/ Arch Centre history)
Hillary Albrook (Secretary)
Lesleigh Salinger (Treasurer/Arch Centre history)
Jane Black (20U40)
Greg Bowron (Trouble-shooter)
Mark Burry (Newspaper articles)
Justine Clark (Lectures)
Bruce Curtain (Newsletter)
Ken Davis (Arch Centre history & exhibition)
Nick Moyes (Student Liaison)
Miles Nellingan (Student Liasion)
Stuart Niven (20U40)
Daniell Watt (Programme)
Jonathan Wrary (Refreshments)
Amanada Yates (Programme)
Christina McKay (President)
Mark Burry (Secretary)
Lesleigh Salinger (Treasurer)
Existing members from 1993 (except EN, DH, GP, JH-S, GB & BW)
Paul Walker
Ken Davis
Jane Black
Tim Nees
Deyana Popova
Jonathan W.
Russell Cannons
Stuart Niven
Hilary Allbrook
Christina Mackay (President)
Lesleigh Salinger (Treasurer)
Mark Burry (Secretary)
Hilary Allbrook
Jane Black
Russell Cannons
Ken Davis
Sue Driver
Tim Nees
Stuart Niven
Deyana Popova
James Valentine
Paul Walker
Jonathan Waddy
Ken Davis (President)
Jane Black
Mark Burry
Paul Kerr Hislop
Tim Nees
Stuart Niven
Gerald Parsonson
Chris W
Peter Beaumont
Jane Black
Mark Burry
Jenny Christie
Deb Cranko
Ken Davis
Nigel Dong
Paul Kerr Hislop
Tim Nees
Stuart Niven
Gerald Parsonson
Antanos Procuta
Paul Walker
Chris Watson
Chris Wilson
Richard Wright
1989 Tim Nees (President; co-editor Broadsheet)
Chris Watson (Secretary)
Jenny Christie (Treasurer)
Ken Davis (co-Editor Broadsheet)
Peter Beaumont
Veronica Beech
Deb Cranko
Stuart Niven
Paul Walker
Jane Black
Ken Davis
Gerald Parsonson
Marguerite [Marc] Scaife
Richard Wright
Deb Cranko (President)
Chris G Watson (Secretary)
Jenny Christie (Treasurer)
Tim Nees (co-editor newsletter)
Ken Davis (co-editor newsletter)
Peter Beaumont
Chris Moller
Stuart Niven
Gerald Parsonson
Marguerite Scaife
Richard Wright
Deb J. Cranko (President)
Chris Moller (Secretary)
Chris Watson (Treasurer)
Simon Dodd (Editor newsletter)
Emma Alcock
Rob Ansell
Helmuth Einhorn
Russell Glass
Jeremy Goodson
Anna Kemble-Welch
Chris McDonald
Stephen McDougall
Stuart Niven
Gerald Parsonson
Antanas Procuta
Marguerite Scaife
Judith Taylor
Bryce Upson
Sandy Beath (President)
Judith Taylor (Secretary)
Russell Glass (Treasurer)
Emma Alcock
Rob Ansell
Jim Beard
Deb Cranko
Paul Cummack
Helmut Einhorn
Marcia Glass
Allan Huntingdon
Chris McDonald
Graham Miller
Alan Minty
Stuart Niven
Sandy Beath (President)
Judith Taylor (Secretary)
Russell Glass (Treasurer)
Emma Alcock
Rob Ansell
Jim Beard
Dean Bussell
Nancy Couling
Deb Cranko
Paul Cummack
Helmut Einhorn
Stuart Gardyne
Martin Hanley
John Harper
Allan Huntington
Marcia Jones
Anna Kemble-Welch
Graham Miller
Alan Minty
Stuart Niven
Colin Orchiston
Ian Stantiall
Stuart Niven (President)
Sandy Beath (Treasurer)
Mike Donn (Treasurer)
Rob Ansell
Jim Beard
Sandy Beath
Jenny Christie
Deb Cranko
Paul Cummack
Helmut Einhorn
Stuart Gardyne
Russell Glass
John Harper
Allan Huntington
Chris MacDonald
Graeme Miller
Stuart Niven
Rob Ansell (President)
Sandy Beath (Secretary)
Mike Donn (Treasurer)
Rob Ansell
Jim Beard
Tony Burge
Jenny Christie
Pat Clifford
Deb Cranko
Mike Donn
Helmut Einhorn
Ron Pynenburg
1982 Malcolm Gardiner (President)
Sandy Beath (Secretary)
Bruce McCausland (Treasurer)
Rob Ansell
Jim Beard
Tony Burge
Jenny Christie
Pat Clifford
Deb Cranko
Bain Cross
Mike Donn
Helmut Einhorn
Campbell Pope
Terry Broad (President)
John Harper (Secretary)
John Rowe (Tresurer)
Terry Broad (President)
Pete Vause (Secretary)
John Rowe (Treasurer)
Sandy Beath
Doug Coates
Deb Cranko
Bain Cross
Helmut Einhorn
Malcolm Gardiner
Rob Kofoed
Wendy Light
Campbell Pope
Stephen Ruth
Dave Walker
1979 Terry Broad (Treasurer)
1978 Burwell Hunt (President)
John Harper (Secretary)
Terry Broad (Treasurer; Friday meetings)
Geoff Fletcher (editor Broadsheet) (co-opted)
Helmut Einhorn (Off-Centre)
John Rowe (Friday meetings)
Mark Armstrong
Colin Bennett
Ross Brown
John Daish
Wendy Light
Alan Minty
Gordon Moller
Allan Perry
Peter Vause
Roger Walker
1977 Burwell Hunt (President)
Harry Street (Secretary)
Terry Broad (Treasurer)
Alan Minty (editor Broadsheet)
Tony Bartley
Colin Bennet
Ross Brown
John Daish
Helmut Einhorn
Wendy Light
Gordon Moller
Peter Sheppard
Roger Walker
1976 Nigal Cook (President)
Alan Minty (editor Broadsheet)
Nigel Cook (President)
Burwell Hunt (Treasurer)
Alan Minty (editor Broadsheet)
Tony Bartley
John Bowes
Ross Brown
Celia Campbell
Frances Haughey
Duncan Joiner
Des Kelly
Paul Leuchke
Gordon Moller
Bill Porteous
Brian R. Hope (President)
Duncan Joiner (Secretary)
Burwell Hunt (Treasurer)
Don Baldwinson
Bob Burton
John Daish
Des Kelly
Alan Minty (editor Broadsheet)
Gordon Moller
1973 Ken Bryant
John Daish (Newsletter Editor)
Shibu Dulta
Brian Hope
Keith Huntington
Duncan Joiner
Des Kelly
Alan Minty
Gordon Moller
Bob Mulligan
1972 Gordon Moller (President)
R. Mulligan (Hon. Secretary)
Alan Minty (Hon. Treasurer)
William [Bill] Alington
Graham Anderson
Tony Bartley
R [Bob] Burton
Nigel Cook
John Daish
Brian Hope
1971 Bill Alington (President)
Russell Watt (Hon. Secretary)
Maurice Barton (Hon. Treasurer)
Grahame Anderson
Chris Brooke-White
John Daish
Ian Jack
Gordon Moller
Roger Walker
Keith Wilson
1970 Bill Alington (President)
J. Russell Watt (Hon. Secretary)
Maurice Barton (Hon. Treasurer)
Grahame Anderson
John Bowes
Chris Brooke-White
Ian Jones
Dennis Quinn
Roger Walker
Keith Wilson
Ted Woods
1969 Maurice Tebbs (President)
Don Baird (Hon. Secretary)
Ian Jones (Hon. Treasurer)
Bill Alington
Graham Anderson
Jock Beere
John Bowes
Chris Brooke-White
Roger Walker
Keith Wilson
1968 Maurice Tebbs
Don Baird (Secretary)
Ian Jones (Hon. Treasurer)
Roger Walker
Ian Athfield
Jock Beere
Keith Wilson
Roger Hay
J. Hollings
Graham Anderson
1967 Douglas Jocelyn [Jock] Beere (President)
Pat Patterson (Secretary)
Ian Jones (Honorary Treasurer)
Graham Anderson
Ian Athfield (discussion evenings and social functions)
Don Baird
John Blair
Kevin Clark
Brian Halstead
Roger Hay (Newsletter Editor)
John Hollings
Keith Wilson
1966 Douglas Jocelyn [Jock] Beere (President)
Brian Halstead (Secretary; Newsletter Editor)
Charles Fearnley (Council Minute Secretary)
Pat Patterson (Secretary after July)
Neil Pryor (Treasurer)
Graham Anderson
John Churchill
John Hollings
Ian Johns (Organiser, Discussion Evenings)
Arthur Williment
1965 Helmut Einhorn (President)
Brian Halstead (Correspondence Secretary)
Neil Pryor (Treasurer)
Gary Couchman (Newsletter Editor)
Charles J. Fearnley
Douglas Jocelyn [Jock] Beere (Organiser, Discussion Evenings)
John Churchill
M. Fowler
Trevor R. Svendsen
Arthur Williment
1964 Helmut Einhorn (President)
Charles J. Fearnley (Minute Secretary)
G. Naish (Nominal Secretary responsible for Correspondence)
Neil W. Pryor (Treasurer)
John Churchill
Trevor Svendsen
Douglas Jocelyn Beere (co-opted)
M. Fowler (co-opted)
I. Hulse (Newsletter Editor; co-opted)
Derek Wilson (Past President; co-opted)
1963 Derek J. Wilson (President)
G. D. Anderson (Secretary)
Valerie Morris (Treasurer)
William H. Alington
J. Hulse
M. Fowler
Trevor R. Svendsen
Maurice H. Tebbs (took over as Treasurer from V. Morris)
Neil W. Pryor (took over as Treasurer from M. Tebbs)
1962 James A. Beard (President)
B. J. Russell (Secretary)
M. H. Tebbs (Treasurer)
Neville J. Burren (granted leave of absence early in 1962)
Anthony L. Treadwell
Derek J. Wilson
Allan A. Wild
Valerie Morris (co-opted)
1961 Neville J. Burren (President)
Roger D. Hay (Secretary)
Valerie J. Morris (Treasurer)
Derek J. Wilson
Lewis E. Martin
Maurice H. Tebbs
J. M. Harcourt
M. Morris
S. Haiselden
1960 S. William Toomath (President)
William H. Alington (Honorary Secretary)
Valerie Morris (Honorary Treasurer)
Lewis E. Martin
A. L. Gabites
Allan A. Wild
J. P. Hollings
1959 David George Porter (President)
Denis Bastings (Honorary Treasurer)
Valerie Morris (Honorary Secretary)
James A. Beard
Neville Burren
S. William Toomath
Allan A. Wild
1958 David George Porter (President)
Denis Bastings (Honorary Treasurer)
Jocelyn Henrici (Honorary Secretary)
James A. Beard
Lewis E. Martin
S. William Toomath
Allan A. Wild
1957 Allan A Wild (President)
C. J. Hay (Honorary Secretary)
Denis Bastings (Honorary Treasurer)
W. A. Keen
Helmut Einhorn
Anthony L. Treadwell
1956 Allan A Wild (President)
C. J. Hay (Honorary Secretary)
Denis Bastings (Honorary Treasurer)
Dr. Sutch
Mr. Cockcroft
David George Porter
Anthony L. Treadwell
1955 Lewis E. Martin (President)
Miss Leslie Reeves (Honorary Secretary)
Douglas Jocelyn Beere (Honorary Treasurer)
R. M. Abel
Denis Bastings
Frederick Hugh Newman
David George Porter
1954 Ian Brampton Reynolds (President)
Denis Bastings (Honorary Secretary)
Douglas Jocelyn Beere (Honorary Treasurer)
R. M. Abel
A. J. McDonald
David George Porter
L. C. Staffan
1953 Ian Brampton Reynolds (President)
Lilian M. Gracey (Honorary Secretary)
W. M. Bradshaw (Honorary Treasurer)
Cedric Firth
F. H. Newman
David George Porter
Anthony L. Treadwell
H. J. B. Coe (exhibition Group)
O. Jensen (Music Group)
G. Gabites (Editor Design Review)
1952 David George Porter (President)
P. M. Hill (Honorary Secretary)
W. M. Bradshaw (Honorary Treasurer)
H. J. B. Coe
Fred N. Newman
Anthony L. Treadwell
W. W. Wilson
1951 David George Porter (President)
Arthur J. Williment (Honorary Secretary)
Abraham Graham Kofoed (Honorary Treasurer)
H. J. B. Coe
Graham Ford Dawson
A. L. Gabites
A. L. Sears
Student Committee:
Miss Oderkerk
D. J. Campbell
J. Gee
Trevor R. Svendsen
C. J. Hay
A. Wittern-Hannah
1950 [check Graham Dawson (pres?)]
James A. Beard (Honorary Secretary)
S. William Toomath (Honorary Treasurer)
Mrs N. Parker
John Watson Cox
I. M. Clarkson
A. L. Gabites
Student Committee:
Miss Oderkerk
Mr. Turner
Mr. Driver
Mr. Robinson
Mr. Welch
Arthur J. Williment
1949 Graham Ford Dawson (President)
David George Porter (Honorary Secretary)
Maurice Balfour Patience (Honorary Treasurer)
Marjorie Napier
Betty Trevena
Colin Aitken
Ken Turner
Student Committee:
John Arthur Gates
T. McArthur
A. J. McDonald
1948 John Watson Cox (President)
David George Porter (Honorary Secretary)
R. E. Barraclough (Honorary Treasurer)
Graham Dawson
Geoffrey Nees
Gordon F. Wilson
Abraham Graham Kofoed
Student Committee:
Miss Hart
D. B. Brown
W. A. Keen
J. A. McArthur
Ronald L. Taylor
Mr Olsen
Mr. Staffan
1947 John Watson Cox (President)
David George Porter (Honorary Secretary)
R. E. Barraclough (Honorary Treasurer)
Corporate Members:
Ian Brampton Reynolds
Abraham Graham Kofoed
Graham Ford Dawson
Student Members:
R. Hull
Robert [Bob] Fantl
Geoff Nees
1947 Student Committee Ewen Christie
C. Muir
J. Kemp
R. Hull
Robert Fantl
1946 David George Porter (Chairman)
[Abraham] Graham Kofoed (Secretary)
Charles J. N. Fearnley
Student representatives:
R. Hull
Geoff Nees