Socialism 2017 | Chicago | July 6-9
Martin Luther King delivers his "Beyond Vietnam" speech at Riverside Church in New York City

When King broke the silence on Vietnam

Fifty years ago, the most prominent Black person in U.S. history defied all warnings and challenged capitalism, nationalism and the Vietnam War.

Trump takes over the terror

The Trump administration is dramatically escalating air strikes in Iraq and Syria--but it is following a strategy initiated by Obama.

A compass for France's storm?

Polls show far-right candidate Marine Le Pen in a dead heat for first place in the first round of France's presidential election.

A life of power and privilege

David Rockefeller's life shows how the rich shape everything from who gets elected to office to what art is allowed to be produced.

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Series: The Russian Revolution

In 2007, Socialist Worker marked the 90th anniversary of the Russian Revolution of 1917 with a yearlong series outlining its course and consequences. Get started with the first article in the series here.

Trump's attack on schoolkids

The Trump administration's claims about after-school programs not helping students aren't just cruel, but demonstrably false.

An enemy of choice revealed

Neil Gorsuch was careful about what he said in his Supreme Court confirmation hearings, but his sympathy with conservatives is clear.

Is the economy great again?

The stock market has been on a tear since the election, but that doesn't mean the economy is poised for takeoff, with plenty of jobs, as Trump promised.

Why is this cop in uniform?

After he was assaulted, Earl Malanado found out his attacker was the same police officer who murdered Alan Blueford in 2012.

In defense of protesting racists

Students at Middlebury College stand up against racism during a lecture by Charles Murray

A backlash is in full swing after the Vermont demonstration against Charles Murray, but those leading the charge forget that protest is free speech, too.

Murray should be challenged

It is a grave disservice to the Columbia University community to invite Charles Murray to speak in this uncontested format.

CPE1's principal has to go

Parents have banded together with teachers at a public elementary school in New York City to demand a change in leadership.

The UAW takes aim at Nissan

A United Auto Workers organizing drive in Mississippi has showed a militant spirit, but will it succeed where others fell short?

No celebration of occupation

Activists made it clear that as long as there is celebration of Israeli apartheid at the University of Texas, students will protest it.

The tradition we stand in

Among the different ways of understanding socialism and Marxism, the ISO stands in a tradition summarized by Hal Draper as "socialism from below."

The NGO road to revolution?

Ford Foundation headquarters in India

Even organizations that do good work and attempt to be accountable face a limitation: They are only addressing the symptoms, not the cause.

Hope in the revolution

A historian considers what four American eyewitnesses to the Russian Revolution have to say to us about the event today.

Joining together for peace

An appeal issued 100 years ago by the moderate socialists leading the Petrograd Soviet calls for unity in the cause of peace.

When the scientists march

Activism by scientists is often greeted with amazement, but they have quite a history of protest, especially during times of upheaval.

Series: The Russian Revolution

Read SW's series on the Russian Revolution, which began 100 years ago today.

Lenin prepares the Bolsheviks

By late April 1917, the Bolsheviks stood out as the one major political party committed to workers' self-emancipation.

Organizing workers' power

The workers' council system created in Russia in 1917 provided the platform for full democracy and liberation.

Find a list of articles from the full Socialist Worker series on Russia 1917.

Standing up for the organizers

Some 200 people rallied outside a Boston immigration court to support three Vermont farmworker activists detained by ICE.

ICE opens fire in Chicago

Family members and activists speak out against the shooting of Felix Torres Sr.

The ICE raid that ended in a shooting at a Chicago home is the latest escalation of Trump's reign of terror against immigrants.

Nothing less than full equality

Immigrants and their supporters have a chance with the coming May 1 protests to not only oppose Trump's crackdown, but declare what we're for.

Freeing a Portland Dreamer

After 24 hours of protest, immigrants rights supporters celebrated the release of a detained Dreamer in Portland, Oregon.

Standing for three organizers

The arrest of three immigrant activists who have led the fight for Vermont dairy farmworkers should be taken up as an attack on all workers.

May Day is a day for solidarity

Immigrant rights organizations are joining with labor and other forces to build May Day into a show of strength against the whole Trump agenda.

Tom Cat does the dirty work

A Queens bakery is facing protests after threatening immigrant workers with firing if they can't prove their legal status.

Omar's message of hope

After Israeli authorities kept him silenced for 12 days, the co-founder of the BDS struggle wrote a letter thanking his supporters.

Dissent breaks into the open

Thousands gathered in Moscow and other Russian cities to protest corruption and inequality

Russia saw its biggest anti-government mobilizations in five years as a mostly young crowd answered a call to protest corruption.

The Podemos balance sheet

Podemos' second congress reaffirmed Pablo Iglesias's power, but there were openings for a more democratic and left-wing party.

The hypocrites pass judgment

Sinn Fein and Irish Republican Army leader Martin McGuinness had far greater cause for taking up arms than those judging him today.

What direction out the Brexit?

Britain's government will start the process of leaving the EU, but masses of people are protesting Brexit's biggest fan in the U.S.

An effort to silence Barghouti

Israeli investigators arrested Omar Barghouti on suspicion of tax evasion as part of a campaign to intimidate the BDS movement.

One undemocratic state

Israeli politicians who call for a "one-state solution" in Palestine have a radically different idea in mind compared to the left.

No scabs on women's hockey

The U.S. women's ice hockey team is on strike--and management's attempt to find "replacement players" is backfiring badly.

When will it be time to fight?

I feel that we are in a unique moment where the anger at neoliberalism and Trump has gained a mass expression in our unions.

SJP chapters can say no

A Students for Justice in Palestine chapter didn't violate the principle of free speech by rescinding an invitation to a guest speaker.

How capitalism views disability

To liberate students with disabilities, the students need to become aware that they are not responsible for their social disability.

Una guerra contra 11 millones

El Departamento de Seguridad Nacional ha publicado sus planes para cumplir las amenazas de Donald Trump contra 11 millones de personas.

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