The family with three sets of twins who all have the same birthday

The Kosinski family has three sets of twins all born on February 28.
The Kosinski family has three sets of twins all born on February 28. Photo: Kosinski Family

Many of us have a birthday twin - that special person who shares your birthday.

But this family brings a whole new meaning to the phrase, with three sets of twins all born on February 28.

Carrie and Craig Kosinski always wanted a large family, but early on in their marriage discovered they had fertility problems. While they knew they wanted to try IVF, they were pipped at the post when in July 2013, someone they knew contacted them, offering her unborn child to be adopted. That child turned out to be two, and twins Adalynn and Kenna were born on February 28, 2014.

Then in 2015, they were contacted again by the woman who said she could no longer care for her first set of twins - who had been born on February 28, 2013. JJ and CeCe joined the Kosinski family soon afterwards.

Carrie and Craig then conceived another set of twins through IVF. And babies Clarissa and Karraline were born in 2016 - on February 28, of course.

Photo: Kosinski Family

Speaking to People, Carrie says she is often asked if the birthday coincidence was actually deliberate.

"I get that question a lot: 'did you plan it? It was a C-section, it must have been planned'," she recounts. "No. [The twins arrived] at 24 weeks - I did not plan on them being born at 24 weeks."

The couple are now initiating formal adoption proceedings for the eldest two sets of twins. It's an expensive process (US$18,000) that's more cost-efficient if all are done at once. Their GoFundMe campaign recently hit its goal of $13,000, bringing them closer to their long-held dream of adoption.

"We did it backwards. We were going to have our own kids first then adopt but apparently God had other plans for us," says Carrie, who was also adopted.

They hope that the adoptions will be formalised on the childrens' birthdays next year.

One thing is for sure, this is a pretty special family - even without the birthday factor. Six kids, three sets of twins, five girls and one boy? "There is never a dull moment in my house," Carrie confirms.